
  1. 通过对欧盟财政政策协调和以邻为壑的比较分析,通过对欧盟财政政策协调中Stackelberg博弈模型的研究,指出欧盟需要进一步财政政策协调。

    Through coordinating the comparative analysis with " using neighbour 's field as a drain " to EU fiscal policy , through Stackelberg game model in coordinating to EU fiscal policy , pointing out that EU needs further fiscal policy coordination .

  2. 欧盟财政政策协调及制度创新研究

    A Study on the EU Fiscal Policy Coordination and System Innovation

  3. 第四章是欧盟财政政策协调制度创新研究。

    Chapter four studies European Union the institutional innovation of the fiscal policy coordination .

  4. 欧洲货币的统一之后,欧盟财政政策协调的重要性更加明显。

    After the unity of the Euro-currency , there is more obvious importance in European Union 's fiscal policy coordination .

  5. 欧盟财政政策协调一直是国际经济学界关注的一个焦点问题,也产生了一系列的科研成果。

    It is one of the focus questions that the international economic educational circles have paid close attention to , have also produced a series of scientific findings .

  6. 第三部分概括分析欧洲货币联盟的体制特点,包括由欧洲中央银行操控的统一的货币政策,成员国分散的财政政策;剖析欧盟财政政策和货币政策协调上存在的体制的悖论。

    The third part summarizes the characteristics of the European Monetary Union , including the monetary policy manipulated by the European Central Bank , and the fiscal policy decentralized by the member states , and the paradox of the EU fiscal policy and monetary policy .

  7. 欧元与欧盟的财政政策协调

    Euro and the Fiscal Policy Co-operation of the EU

  8. 欧盟农业财政政策及其对中国的借鉴意义

    European Financial Agricultural Policy and Its Illumination to China

  9. 最后指出了欧盟在财政政策协调上的最新趋势。

    Finally , pointing out the newest trend on in the fiscal policy coordination of EU .

  10. 总结已有的经验,我们可以对欧盟未来财政政策协调制度变迁框架做出合理的预测。

    Summarizing existing experience , we can make rational prediction to European Union 's future fiscal policy coordination system changes frame .

  11. 第二章是欧盟现有的财政政策协调框架及其面临的论争。

    Chapter two is European Union 's existing fiscal policy coordinating frame and the faced reform dispute .

  12. 析欧盟货币政策与财政政策博弈

    The Play Between European Union 's Monetary and Financial Policies

  13. 这样一个财政部未必需要很高的预算,但它将对欧盟各国的“财政政策和竞争力政策”实施监督,并有权否决各成员国的具体支出决定。

    Such a ministry would not necessarily have a large budget . But it would exert surveillance of " both fiscal policies and competitiveness policies " , and have a veto right over specific spending decisions .