
  • 网络Eurodollar Bond;Euro-dollar Bond
  1. 这一趋势始于上世纪60年代,当时美国税收改革促使离岸欧洲美元债券市场创建。

    The trend began in the 1960s , when US tax reform inspired the creation of the offshore eurodollar bond market .

  2. 在纽约发行的美元外国债券比在伦敦欧洲美元债券市场要低。

    A foreign bond issue in dollars in New York is considerably cheaper than one made in the London Euro-dollar bond market .

  3. 欧洲美元债券:欧洲美元债券是一种发行人以在发行所在国以外的其他货币进行标价的债券。

    Eurobond : A Eurobond is a bond denominated in a currency other than that of the country in which it is issued .

  4. 新的直接以欧洲美元发行的债券额

    New straight Eurodollar bond offerings