
  • 网络Income distribution policy
  1. 产权制度改革同收入分配政策的关系;

    Property right system reform and income distribution policy ;

  2. 使得收入分配政策能够更好地为实现社会目标服务。

    Promote the income distribution policy to better serve to achieve social goals .

  3. 论收入分配政策的价值基础:公正

    On the Value Foundations of the Distribution Policy : Justice

  4. 最终导致希思先生下台的正是他的收入分配政策。

    It was Mr heath 's incomes policy which finally led to his downfall .

  5. 收入分配政策的实施结果已严重偏离了既定的政策目标。

    The effect of the implementation has seriously deviated from the established policy objectives .

  6. 调整收入分配政策;

    Adjust the policy of income distribution ;

  7. 调整收入分配政策,平衡收入差距;

    Second , adjust the policy of income allocation and narrow the gap of income ;

  8. 构建实施公平的收入分配政策已经迫在眉睫。

    It is an urgent need to build the implementation of equitable income distribution policy .

  9. 考察这些因素对制定我国的收入分配政策是非常必要的。

    Exploring those factors is necessary for us to constitute the income allocation system in China .

  10. 第二章,重点研究、探索了现阶段我国个人收入分配政策的实践或者说双重作用。

    Chapter 2 mainly researches dual role of present personal income distribution policy in the country .

  11. 它是在包容性理念倡导的公平、平等视角下,对收入分配政策进行的调整。

    It is the Fairness inclusive concept advocated by the adjustment of the income distribution policy .

  12. 欧洲推行“混合经济”模式和均等化的收入分配政策。

    European practice pushes for the mixed economic models and the policy of equal income allotment .

  13. 一国收入分配政策的制定是政府行为,它与政府关于收入分配的价值取向不无相关。

    Income distribution is a governmental behavior , which is linked to the value orientation of the government .

  14. 文章首先讨论了包容性增长理念和收入分配政策价值取向的内在相关性。

    Firstly , discuss the correlation of inclusive growth concept and the value of the income distribution policy orientation .

  15. 为了缩小财富的差距,需要对收入分配政策的重点进行调整。

    In order to reduce the wealth gap , the emphasis on income distribution policy needs to be adjusted .

  16. 当前启动经济关键在于调整收入分配政策

    The key to the question of switching on the national economy lies in adjusting the distribution of income policy

  17. 从公正性的经济学与社会学视角,分析了从平均到先富等收入分配政策的社会公正性。

    This paper attempts an analysis on the equalitarianism and being leading wealthy from the perspective of economic and social justice .

  18. 三是通过收入分配政策的调整,努力增加城镇中低收入居民的收入。

    Third , income distribution policy has been readjusted in an effort to increase the income of medium - and low-income urban residents .

  19. 首先对我国收入分配政策的发展历程及客观必然性进行梳理和分析。

    First , to do a simple sort and analyze on the evolution process and the objective necessity of Chinese income distribution policy .

  20. 中国通过实行正确的收入分配政策和消费政策,更多地依靠国内消费需求拉动经济增长。

    By implementing correct income distribution and consumption policies , China is relying more on domestic demand and consumption to promote its economic development .

  21. 边际生产率理论、社会比较理论、组织政治学理论及分配偏好理论也证实了组织收入分配政策中的公平因素的重要性,联合产权更是从产权角度奠定企业内公平收入的产权基础。

    Marginal productivity theory , social comparative theory , institutional politics theory and bias distribution theory also prove the import of fairness in institutional distribution .

  22. 要继续减少贫困,就不能仅仅只依靠经济增长,收入分配政策的调整至关重要。

    To continue to reduce poverty , it should not only rely on economic growth , adjustment of the income distribution policy were very essential .

  23. 农民负担过重的根本原因是城市偏向的国民收入分配政策以及城乡二元税制。

    The basic reasons of farmers ' overload are the town-favored allocation policy of the national income and the dual-tax system between town and country .

  24. 应改革税收制度,完善收入分配政策,强化政府的再分配能力;

    The taxation system must be reformed , the policy of income and distribution must be perfected , the ability of governmental redistribution must be strengthened ;

  25. 这些研究不仅完善了相关的理论体系,而且对我国贸易政策和收入分配政策的调整提供了较好的指导作用。

    These studies not only improve the theoretical system , but also provide a very good guidance for the adjustments of our trade policy and income distribution policy .

  26. 稳健财政政策的实施,将为我国政府深化收入分配政策的结构性改革提供宽松的经济与社会环境,有利于中央财政加大对经济欠发达地区的支出力度;

    The practice of the steady fiscal policy will provide loose economic and social condition that is in favor of central finance 's increasing payout power to needy area .

  27. 经济的稳定增长以及着眼于改善居民生活水平的收入分配政策的调整,使城乡居民生活质量明显提高。

    Stable economic growth and the adjustments in the income distribution policy designed to improve residents ' lives notably improved the quality of the lives of urban and rural people .

  28. 摘要改革开放以来,我国收入分配政策的调整是围绕着对公平与效率关系的处理而展开的。

    Since china 's reform and opening up , the adjustment of the income distribution policies in China is around how to deal with the relationship between fairness and efficiency .

  29. 当代资本主义显现出发展的不平衡性:美国恪守单一私人占有制的传统模式和向富人倾斜的收入分配政策;

    The development of contemporary capitalism has manifested unbalance : America scrupulously abides by traditional models of a unitary private ownership system and the policy of income allotment which is inclined to the rich ;

  30. 为山西省政府制定城镇居民收入分配政策、缩小收入差距、解决城镇居民的贫困问题提供科学依据。

    It gives a scientific foundation for the provincial government of Shanxi on how to make the policy of residents ' income and distribution , how to decrease the income range and solve the problem of poverty .