
  • 网络transparency of public finance;Sunny Finance Policy
  1. 作为阳光财政的要求,政府财政资金逐步开始实行了绩效评价工作的试点,G市科技攻关计划也着手进行绩效评价工作的尝试,并取得了一定的成效。

    As the requirements of the Sunny Finance , the government funds gradually began to adopt a performance evaluation . G City has attempted to evaluate the performance of Key Science and Technology Program and made some progress .

  2. 我国地方预算改革中,较具代表性的有制度规范和阳光财政两大主流模式。

    In the reform of China 's local budgets , the typical models are system model and sunny finance .

  3. 社会公众要求政府部门打造阳光财政、公开财政信息的呼声也是一浪高过一浪,这是摆在我国各级政府面前紧迫而现实的任务。

    The public to government departments to create the sun finance , public financial information is also a voice of wave after wave , and this is before all levels of government in our urgent and realistic task .

  4. 法师的阳光论阳光财政视野中的公共预算绩效管理

    Wizard 's Sunlight On Management of Performance of Public Budget in Fiscal Transparency