
  • 网络Global capitalism
  1. 我们谈谈全球资本主义的未来吧。

    Let 's discuss the future of global capitalism .

  2. 力拓一位主要股东说:“这是出于政治利益的全球资本主义。”

    One leading Rio shareholder said " this is global capitalism for political gain . "

  3. 有些人认为,这些传统的继续存在是反抗全球资本主义的一种形式。

    Some see in the persistence of these traditions a form of resistance against global capitalism .

  4. 国际战略政策方面主张全球资本主义化,推行华盛顿共识。

    Advocating capitalized and Washington Consensus .

  5. 波动的股票指数表明,中国已经融入更加不稳定的全球资本主义世界。

    Tumbling stock indices suggested that it had been sucked into the much more volatile world of global capitalism .

  6. 走出这一危机产生的一个新的活跃和全球资本主义的起源在英国和美国。

    Out of this crisis arose a new and invigorated global capitalism which originated in Britain and the US .

  7. 对网络时代和风险社会的反思与批判在现代性反思与批判和全球资本主义反思与批判两个向度上展开。

    Critically pondering over modernity and world capitalism is the two dimensions in studying Internet epoch and risk society critically .

  8. 在批判全球资本主义的过程中,齐泽克与其他左翼知识分子之间存在着分攻。

    Despite their common endeavor to criticize global capitalism , there is a discrepancy between Zizek and other left-wing intellectuals .

  9. 这座城市在本质上是东方文化、全球资本主义和西方法律的融合体。

    Hong Kong is , at its essence , a fusion of Eastern culture , global capitalism and Western law .

  10. 当时,业内人士提出,投资银行对于全球资本主义的顺利运行是必不可少的。

    What happened then was the industry argued that the investment banks were essential to oiling the wheels of global capitalism .

  11. 前四届达沃斯论坛笼罩着一股全球资本主义穷途末路之感。

    The last four Davos forums have been gloomy affairs , dominated by a sense that global capitalism is in crisis .

  12. 跨越社会主义和全球资本主义:中国教育治理和社会政策范式的变革(上)

    Riding over Socialism and Global Capitalism : Changes of Education Governance and Social Policy Paradigms in Post-Mao China ( Part I )

  13. 比方说,挽救全球资本主义的举措,就改变了许多表面上的国内事务,例如银行资本充足程度或财政政策。

    Moves to save global capitalism , for instance , change nominally domestic matters , like bank capital adequacy or fiscal policy .

  14. 这一事件重新勾起人们的疑虑:作为全球资本主义的“发动机房”,对证券市场的监管方法能否重新赢得投资者的信任呢?

    The incident revived doubts about whether stock markets-the engine rooms of global capitalism-can be governed in a way that wins back investors'faith .

  15. 帝国是全球资本主义的新阶段吗?评哈特和奈格里的《帝国全球化的政治秩序》

    Is Empire a New Stage of Global Capitalism ? & Comment on Hardt and Negri s 〈 Empire-the Political Order of Globalization 〉;

  16. 索罗斯具有业内人士的优势,了解全球资本主义的运行,因此他的批评会受到特别关注。

    Soros has the advantage of an insider 's knowledge of the workings of global capitalism , so his criticism is particularly pointed .

  17. 这种策略试图使解构寄生于马克思主义从而引导出一种适应于全球资本主义时代的抵抗话语。

    The strategy tries to make deconstruction parasitize Marxism and hence brings out a resistance discourse which is fitted to the age of global capitalism .

  18. 关于事实及话语的理论和政治的关系,与关于全球资本主义或者女性压迫的理论和政治的关系是不相同的。

    A theory of truth and discourse does not have the same relationship to politics as a theory of global capitalism or women 's oppression .

  19. 不过他们有一个共同需求:某些人、某些事必须做出改变,以纠正现存的全球资本主义的一些问题。

    But they do share a common demand : someone , somewhere , should do something to right the problems of global capitalism as currently constituted .

  20. 二三十年代的上海是一个与全球资本主义同步的商业社会,是近代乃至当代中国商业经济发展的楷模。

    In modern history , Shanghai was a business community together with global capitalism , and was the model of the modern and even contemporary Chinese commercial economic development .

  21. 如果说世界上还有旁观者的话,那数量也是微乎其微。所谓旁观者,即世界上发生任何大事,无论是战争、恐怖主义活动、全球资本主义,还是技术的变革,都不会受到影响的人。

    If there are any bystanders left in the world-people on the sidelines , unaffected by major events of war , terrorism , global capitalism and technological change-they are very few .

  22. 在实践中与此相伴随的是六七十年代的革命风暴及其消散,社会主义阵营的崩溃和全球资本主义的成熟。

    What accompany this in practice are the revolutionary storms in the 60s and 70s and their dissipation , the collapse of the socialist camp and the maturity of global capital-ism .

  23. 这正是许多私人股本集团领袖的希望所在。他们发现,曾使其迅速跃上全球资本主义顶峰的环境正迅速瓦解。

    That is indeed the hope of many private equity leaders as they survey the rapid unravelling of the conditions that ensured their recent meteoric rise to the top of global capitalism .

  24. 在过去200年里,全球资本主义遭遇过类似的危机,而且迄今为止也总是能够复苏,并实现更高水平的物质繁荣。

    Over the past two centuries , global capitalism has experienced similar crises and , up until now , has always recovered and proceeded to achieve ever higher levels of material prosperity .

  25. 近代上海是一个与全球资本主义化同步的工商社会,在这样的社会中,上海市民的社会意识形态又是什么样的呢?

    Shanghai in modern times was . an industrial and commercial society in step with global capitalization . In what shape was the ideology of the citizens in a society like this ?

  26. 即便拥有数十亿资产//即便已成为亿万富翁,盖茨越来越意识到冷战结束以来盛行的意识形态即/&“全球资本主义是万灵药”是欠缺的/不完善的/一定有不当之处。

    He shares a growing realization , even in the multibillionaire set , that something is amiss with the ideology ( that has prevailed since the end of the cold war : global-capitalism-as-panacea . )

  27. 除此之外,中国似乎对参与有关监管全球资本主义的讨论有些迟疑。在金融体系方面,中国尚未与发达经济体完全整合。

    Beyond that , China , whose financial system is not yet fully integrated with that of advanced economies , has appeared somewhat diffident about participating in the discussion over how global capitalism should be regulated .

  28. 尽管瓦根霍夫所鄙视的全球资本主义确实误入歧途,尽管他肯定期待这一局面,但这并不意味着他明白全球资本主义为何误入歧途。

    Although the global capitalism Mr Wagenhofer despises went wrong , and although he certainly expected it to go wrong , that is not the same as saying he had any idea why it would go wrong .

  29. 新自由主义思潮的基本观点是:崇尚个人自由;推崇私有制,反对公有制;主张市场化,反对国家过多干预;倡导全球资本主义化,否定社会主义。

    The new liberalism of the basic point is : Advocate personal freedom ; Praise highly private ownership and opposes public ownership ; Claims to the market , state intervention against too much ; Advocate global capitalization , and the negative socialist .

  30. 格林斯潘在书名中提到的“动荡”有两层含义:全球资本主义能量推动的激烈变革,以及处于全球资本主义核心位置的市场机制定期遭受的功能失调。

    The turbulence to which Mr Greenspan refers in the title has two meanings : the wrenching change driven by the dynamic force of global capitalism and the bouts of dysfunction that periodically afflict the market mechanism that lies at its heart .