
shè huì lì yì
  • social interest;public interest;public good
  1. 社会利益论为产权交易市场监管的必要性提供了理论基础。

    The Public Interest Theory is the basic theory of the regulation to the property right market .

  2. 其原因理论经历了从传统的客观原因论向现代的主观原因论的发展过程,体现了对社会利益加强保护的趋势。

    The theory of cause has experienced the development from the classical objective cause theory to the contemporary subjective cause theory , and it illustrates the tendency of strengthening the protection of public interest .

  3. 新时期社会利益结构的转型

    The Change of Social Interests Structure in the New Era

  4. 也可以缓冲社会利益矛盾;

    Also it can relax the social benefits contradiction ;

  5. 利益观上,表现出对社会利益、集体利益的淡漠和忽视;

    Disregarding or neglecting social benefit and collective interests ;

  6. 法律是社会利益的调整器。

    The law is the social benefit adjuster .

  7. 宗教问题是社会利益以宗教的方式在社会中的真实反映。

    The problem of religions reflects the social interests realistically in a religionary way .

  8. 社会利益格局的变化与社会稳定&九十年代桂林市的个案研究

    Changing in Social Interest Pattern and Social Stability & Guilin City 's Case Study in 1990s

  9. 生产力是研究社会利益关系的逻辑起点,也是最终归宿。

    Productive forces is a logical starting point and final destination for researching social interests relationship ;

  10. 从社会利益视角考察,义务教育补偿是否值得?

    From the social profit visual angle , whether the compensation for the compulsory education is worth ?

  11. 论社会利益形态

    On social interest morphology

  12. 当代社会利益分化引发的利益竞争是导致卫生资源配置不平衡的一个根本原因。

    Striving for interests caused by stratified interests is a main cause of unbalanced deployment of health resource .

  13. 由于宠物带来的友谊和社会利益,老年人可能收益最多。

    Due to the companionship and social benefits that a pet provides , the elderly may benefit most .

  14. 赋予犯罪嫌疑人隐瞒犯罪事实的权利,侵犯了社会利益,与我国立法思想基础相矛盾。

    It is to infringe social interests for the suspects to be entitled to hide the criminal facts .

  15. 时代的发展已经迫切地要求我们加强对社会主义初级阶段社会利益关系的研究。

    The time development already urgently requested us to strengthen to the socialism initial stage society interests relations research .

  16. 如何协调社会利益,整合社会资源,维护社会稳定,是当前政府面临的重大问题。

    How to coordinate the interests of society , the integration of social resources , and preserve social stability .

  17. 本文的第一部分旨在阐明我国当前社会利益的分化。

    In the first part of this thesis , I illustrate the differentiation of social interest in china today .

  18. 社会利益关系的重新调整,导致人们利益需求、生活方式、价值观念、行为模式的多样性。

    Social benefit relations readjust , leading people to interest demand , lifestyle , values , and behavioral diversity .

  19. 其次,分析了我国现阶段社会利益分化的现状及原因。

    Next , it has analyzed the present situation and the reasons of the social benefit differentiation in China contemporarily .

  20. 这些问题和矛盾的存在,归根到底是与社会利益分配的不公正和利益关系的不协调有关。

    The existence of these problems and contradictions is due to the injustice and disharmony of social distribution of interests .

  21. 自进入21世纪以来,经济全球化、信息化的发展导致了社会利益结构也由单一走向了分化,一元走向了多元。

    Since the 21st century , the development of the economic globalization and informatization made the structure of social interests change .

  22. 第三,妥善处理社会利益矛盾,建立有效的利益关系协调机制;

    The third way is to handle correctly social interests contradictions among the people and set up effective interests coordinating mechanism ;

  23. 权利是一定社会利益关系的体现,反映的是人与人之间的关系状态。

    Right is the reflection of certain social relations , it reflects the state of the relation between person and person .

  24. 模型亦可考察政府在生产的社会利益和社会代价之间的权衡行为。

    Our model can also be used in analyzing the government choice behavior in trade-off of social benefits and social costs of production .

  25. 因而,无论是从经济发展的角度还是从社会利益的角度,药学产业的发展都有举足轻重的地位。

    From every point of view , pharmaceutical industry plays an fairly important role , both in economic growth and in social benefit .

  26. 本文通过对利益内涵的界定和结构的探析,提出了公共政策视野下的社会利益范畴以及社会利益与公共利益的关系。

    This article proposes the scope of social interests and the relationship between social interests and public interests in the public policy vision .

  27. 改革前的美国成年人监护法,侧重保护交易安全,维护社会利益。

    Adult guardianship in American law before its reform tries to protect the security of transaction in order to safeguard the interests of society .

  28. 但是,国家权力对社会利益的保护不具有即时性,多数情况下是滞后的,是国家报复而非国家保护。

    But state power is not instantaneous and mostly is lagged to protect social benefit , and it is state revenge but not state protecting .

  29. 文章提出三农问题的实质是现代化过程中农民与其他社会利益主体之间的利益关系。

    The essence of " Three F issue " is the beneficial relationship between farmers and other social beneficial subjects in the process of modernization .

  30. 利益相关者理论、社会利益理论和我国自古以来的利义关系理论为公司承担社会责任提供了理论基础。

    The theory of stakeholders and society interest and debate between interest and morality since acient China are the justifications for strengthening corporate social responsibility .