
shè tuán fǎ rén
  • Association legal person;corporation aggregate;legal body of mass organization;juridical person of an association
  1. 事业机构、学校或社团法人等团体附设者

    Those supplementarily established by business institutions , schools , or legal entities as social organizations .

  2. 开发形式大多是以社团法人形式为主。

    The development form mostly is by the juridical association form primarily .

  3. 进一步向市场和社会下放权力,扩大运动项目协会的自主权,使协会成为独立的社团法人;

    Expand the autonomy of item association and made them be juridical association ;

  4. 其他的商标属于他们的分别的社团法人。

    Other trademarks belong to their respective corporations .

  5. 试析工会的社团法人地位

    Trial analysing the commonalty status in Trade Unions

  6. 近代早期英国皇家学会社团法人的兴起(1660-1669)

    The Rise of the Royal Society as a Corporation in Early Modern England ( 1660-1669 );

  7. 农民专业合作社是介于企业法人与社团法人之间的特殊形态的法人。

    The farmers ' specialized cooperative is a special corporation between enterprise corporation and association corporation .

  8. 就其性质而言,律师协会作为一种社团法人,它所行使的权力应当属于社团自治权。

    And it belongs to the civil and self-governing rights as the social entity in its nature .

  9. 中国足协同时具有社团法人、社会中介组织、民事主体和公共行政主体等多重身份。

    China Football Association possesses multiple status such as corporation , civil subject , and public administrative subject .

  10. 但是,现代一人公司实践早已突破了传统公司法社团法人的理论,并且在社会经济中大量存在。

    However , current one-man company practice breaks traditional theory on associated corporation , and it has been existing extensively in social economy .

  11. 从具体的法规条例的规定可知,注册登记即准入程序的复杂严苛是国际非政府组织无法顺利取得社团法人资格的主要原因。

    From the specific laws and regulations , we knew that the main reason which they can not get the qualification is the complexity of entry procedures .

  12. 国际奥委会在瑞士国内法上是一种私法性社团法人,其在瑞士国内享有一定的特权和豁免。

    International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) is one of the public juridical associations in Swiss law , and it enjoys some privilege and immunity in Switzerland .

  13. 公司是一种高级企业组织形式,是依照法律规定,由股东出资设立的以营利为目的的社团法人。

    Corporation is higher organization form of enterprise . A corporation is a nonhuman entity which is established by the shareholders according to the laws to make profit .

  14. 本文认为,构建农村法人应以我国民法之社团法人为基础,仿照公司法人治理结构进行。

    The thesis demonstrates that formulating rural legal person should take the juridical association in civil law in our country as its basis imitating the managing structure of corporation legal person .

  15. 第一点创新是将台湾与信息产业相关的众多非营利组织依据性质,分为财团法人与社团法人两类,并分别对两类组织在促进产业和经济发展方面的不同作用进行了研究和比较。

    The first innovation is that to divide many Taiwan non-profit organizations related to information industry into two categories , which are foundation and corporation , and to research them respectively .

  16. 按照公司法理论的通说,公司是以营利为目的,复数投资者共同出资设立的社团法人。

    According to the general viewpoint of the Company Law theory , the company is an aggregate corporation for profit purposes which is set up by more than one joint venture investor .

  17. 作者认为,我国未来民法典应当采纳公法人与私法人、社团法人与财团法人的法人分类方法,公益法人包括公益社团法人和财团法人。

    When we compile the Civil Code , we should introduce new ways to classify legal persons , such as public legal person and private legal person , financial legal person and social legal person .

  18. 慈善组织主要是一种财富分配的主体与机制,而非一种权力博弈的主体,因为它是典型的财团法人而非社团法人。

    Charity organization is mainly a kind of body and mechanism to distribute the fortune rather than to pursuit power , because it is a typical legal person of financial group rather than social group .

  19. 教育体制的变革、法律制度的粗疏、社团法人的局限等制度性原因,导致民办教育机构信用缺失。

    The institutional reasons , such as the changes of the educational system , incompletion of law and regulations , and limitation of community legal representatives lead to the loss and deficiency in honesty and credibility .

  20. 行业协会是指一些为达到共同目标而自愿组织起来的同行企业、与之相关行业之企业或从事同类行业或相关行业的自然人的社团法人组织。

    Trade associations refer to the legal body of mass organizations which are organized willingly by a number of corporations or natural persons engaging in the same or resembled trade or occupations sharing the common goals .

  21. 同时,对我国民法典立法和民法理论有关社团法人与财团法人分类的取舍之分歧予以简单概括,并指出基金会和法人型民办非企业单位是我国现实存在具有实质意义的财团法人。

    Meanwhile , this chapter sums up the divergence on whether to accept or reject this classification in Chinese civil law theories and the debates about codification , and argues that the foundations and non-state nonprofit corporations are incorporated foundations in essential sense .

  22. 非法体育社团或称非法人体育社团作为推动大众体育的重要承载平台,对于推动大众体育的发展起着重要的作用。

    Unincorporated sports community as an important bearing platform to promote the development of mass sports play an important role .

  23. 高校学生专业社团实施创新教育的探索农民专业合作社是介于企业法人与社团法人之间的特殊形态的法人。

    Investigation on the Implementation of Innovative Education among Professional Societies of College Students The farmers ' specialized cooperative is a special corporation between enterprise corporation and association corporation .