
tuán duì hé zuò
  • Teamwork;team work;Team player;Collaboration
  1. 实践证明,企业高管层的倾力支持、因地制宜的系统研发、紧密的团队合作和明确的局部与币体目标等是ERP系统成功实施的关键因素。

    Practice verifies that key factors for successful implementation of ERP system are effective support from the high - level leaders in enterprises , system research and development based on enterprises condition , team work , and explicit objectives both of part and whole .

  2. 具有较好的学习能力和团队合作精神;

    Possessing good study ability and strong sense of team work ;

  3. 团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。

    Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme .

  4. 她强调了团队合作的重要性。

    She stressed the importance of good teamwork .

  5. 团队合作有三个基本原则。

    There are three fundamental principles of teamwork .

  6. 提高团队合作能力需要时间。

    Teamwork improves with time .

  7. 但是,德勤最新发布的一项名为¨全球人力资本趋势”的研究报告表明,团队合作的热潮已经达到新的高度。这项研究调查了来自130多个国家的7000多名管理者。

    But a new report by Deloitte , " Global Human Capital Trends " , based on a survey of more than 7,000 executives in over 130 countries , suggests that the fashion for teamwork has reached a new high .

  8. 他们开始把前一天看到的那种玩耍和团队合作融入进了比赛。

    They had begun integrate the kinds of play and teamwork they had seen the day before into their game .

  9. 在所有的项目中,受训者要学习领导力的重要性,并且参与到更宏大任务当中去,这时团队合作就很重要了。

    With all the programs , teamwork is key as trainees learn the importance of leadership and being part of a bigger task .

  10. 他们通过与IBM业务开发团队合作为客户提供专业技能。

    They provide expertise to customers by working with IBM 's business-development group .

  11. 对于团队合作开发项目来说,IBMLotusQuickPlace是一个很好的方法。

    IBM Lotus QuickPlace is a great way for teams to collaborate on a project .

  12. IBM框架以前被称作为ITCL框架,由质量软件工程(QualitySoftwareEngineering)和IBM中有经验的自动化团队合作开发而成的。

    The IBM framework , formerly known as the ITCL framework , was developed by the Quality Software Engineering team in collaboration with experienced automation teams throughout IBM .

  13. 另外,我们富有献身精神的金属加工小组与工业原始设备制造商(OEM)团队合作,以确保我们的产品被完全认可。

    In addition , our dedicated metals teams work with industry OEMs to ensure that our products are fully endorsed .

  14. 他们在团队合作中积累的教训和方法,任何Scrum团队都能从中受益。

    Along the way , they have learned lessons and ways of working together that any Scrum team can benefit from .

  15. TRADOS是一款计算机译辅助软件,其一般应用于团队合作翻译中。

    TRADOS is CAT ( Computer-aided Translation ) software mostly applied in EST translation for translation team .

  16. 随着Web2.0应用的流行,Internet的使用方式出现了一种新趋势:针对内容管理、信息共享、通信、团队合作等创建一种更加以用户为中心的方法。Web设计中互动和体验变得尤为重要。

    With the popularity of Web 2.0 applications , there is a new trend occuring in the Internet : creating a more user-centered approach for content management , information sharing , communication , teamwork and etc. Particularly , interaction and experience in web design become increasingly important .

  17. 通过英国西蒙·鲍威尔、FITCH等工业设计的著名公司设计观念变革与设计实践成果的阐述,引深思考现代设计中的观念变革、团队合作精神、产品的感性化设计的作用。

    This paper states the innovation of the design concepts and the achievement of the design practices in the famous industrial design companies such as Seymour Powell Ltd and FITCH etc.

  18. 当时梁伯韬还表示,张兰将继续担任俏江南董事长,并与CVC团队合作,继续在设定俏江南的战略方向上发挥重要作用。

    At the time , Mr Leung also said that Ms Zhang would stay on as chairwoman and continue to play an important role in setting the strategic direction of South Beauty in partnership with the CVC team .

  19. 然而,许多公司仍然致力于帮助拥有不同背景和技能的员工更好地协同工作,BigSpeak演讲公司的约翰逊说。但这类问题现在集中在了精通技术,但缺乏团队合作技能的员工身上。

    However , companies are still focused on helping employees with different backgrounds and skills work well together , says BigSpeak 's Johnson . But such issues now center on tech-savvy employees who lack the skills to function well in teams , Johnson says .

  20. 教师队伍缺乏团队合作精神。

    As a team , the teachers have not the unity .

  21. 具有团队合作精神,责任心强。

    Good spirit of team work , Strong sense of responsibility .

  22. 积极主动、承担责任、自我激励、团队合作能力强;

    Initiative , commitment , motivation and strong sense of teamwork .

  23. 团队合作永远都是伟大的篮球比赛的基础。

    And teamwork has always been the cornerstone of great basketball .

  24. 您可以给我举一个公司中团队合作的实例吗?

    Can you give me examples of collaboration within the company ?

  25. 较强的沟通能力,较好的团队合作意识,较好的自我学习能力。

    Good communication skills , team spirit and strong self-learning capability .

  26. 团队合作的剩余分配激励研究

    A Study on Incentive Using Residual Assignment in Team Cooperation

  27. 基于协同效应的团队合作激励因素研究

    A Study on Incentive Factors of Team Cooperation based on Synergy Effect

  28. 踢足球时团队合作甚至比个人技术还要重要得多。

    Teamwork is even more important than personal skills when playing football .

  29. 良好的沟通能力,具有高度的团队合作精神,诚实、可靠,为人正直。

    Good communication sill , high team spirit , honest and trusty .

  30. 心理学团队合作教学模式的实践探索

    On team cooperation teaching pattern of public elective psychology in normal colleges