
tuán tǐ yā lì
  • group pressure
  1. 独立人格是相对于依附人格而言的,表现为喜欢与众不同,喜欢标新立异,积极探索未知世界,爱用疑问的眼光来审视事物,敢于提出异议,不怕团体压力。

    Independent personality , compared to dependent personality , typically exhibits signs of enjoying being different from others , having fancy ideas , exploring unknown world actively , surveying matters with curious perspective , daring to put forward distinct opinions against group pressure .

  2. 这些公司感受到来自动物权利团体的压力,不得不赞助科学家们去做关于动物的情感和精神状态的研究。

    Pressured by animal rights groups , these companies felt they had to fund scientists researching the emotional and mental states of animals .

  3. 在国内利益团体的压力下,各国政府甚至可能在自己设定的最后期限(下个月月底)前下调承诺的目标。

    Under pressure from domestic interests , governments might even seek to reduce their pledges by their self-imposed deadline of the end of next month .

  4. 自残的导火索有可能是学校暴力、悲伤、工作压力、家暴、经济问题、融入团体的压力、情感关系问题。

    Triggers for self-harm can include bullying , bereavement , pressure at work , abuse , financial problems , pressure to fit in and relationship problems .

  5. 即使资深高管愿意,也会常常发现自己无法担任董事职位,因为公司(通常是迫于投资者团体的压力)限制了首席执行官和董事长出任其它公司董事的数量。

    Even if they are willing , top managers often find themselves unable to serve because their companies have , sometimes under pressure from investor groups , restricted the number of boards on which the CEO and chairman can sit .

  6. 分析人士表示,中国官员正在争取得到对国内销售电脑和手机的加密和安全的更大控制权,尽管去年在国外贸易团体的压力下,北京在一些要求外国公司提供其在中国销售设备的加密密钥的提案上做出了让步。

    Analysts said Chinese officials were pushing for greater control over the encryption and security of computers and phones sold in the country , though Beijing last year backed off on some proposals that would have required foreign companies to provide encryption keys for devices sold in the country after facing pressure from foreign trade groups .

  7. 建筑设备集团卡特彼勒(caterpillar)宣布将采取措施,断绝与伊朗的贸易联系,从而成为最新一家屈服于有影响力的游说团体点名羞辱压力的美国公司。

    Caterpillar , the construction equipment group , has become the latest US company to bow to a " name and shame " campaign by influential lobbyists by announcing steps to sever trading links with Iran .

  8. 这一禁令是在一场公共宣传运动之后出台的,是民间团体施加的压力影响中国立法的罕见事例。

    The move follows a public campaign , in a rare example of civil society pressure shaping legislation in China .

  9. 当时工会成立不久、宗教团体又施加压力要求礼拜天作瞻礼,一周五天工作制、每周四十小时的工作量签署成为法律,写入了1938年颁布的《公平劳动标准法》中。

    In the face of newly-formed labor unions and pressure from religious groups to keep Sundays holy , the five-day , 40-hour work week was signed into law with the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 .

  10. 在世界的舞台上,尽管关注团体施加的压力日增,而中美两国之间仍然存在一些分歧,贵国仍奋勇跨步向前,为两国的策略性伙伴开系奠下基石。

    On the world stage , despite mounting interest group pressures and the on-going differences between China and the us , you have courageously stepped forward to lay the foundation for a strategic partnership between the two countries .