
  • 网络team communication
  1. 要推动团队沟通、协作和合作,IBMRational还提供额外的解决方案

    To facilitate team communication , collaboration , and cooperation , IBM Rational offers additional solutions

  2. 信息化领导团队沟通对共识的影响机制研究

    The Effect Mechanisms of ISS Leadership Team Communication on Shared Understanding

  3. 另外,IBMRational已经将产品集成到该解决方案中,以将工作流、团队沟通、信息复用、生命周期跟踪及信息共享自动化。

    Additionally , IBM Rational has integrated the products within this solution to automate workflow , team communications , information reuse , lifecycle traceability , and information sharing .

  4. 熟练使用MAX及PS等软件,造型功底扎实,手绘贴图能力强,且有很强的创新能力和团队沟通意识,游戏角色工作1-2年以上。

    Be proficient in MAX and PS etc , with good sculpt ability and hand Painting , creative and teamwork consciousness , 1-2 years of relevant working experience .

  5. 科技型创业企业成长中的团队沟通问题研究

    Research on Team Communication in the Growth of High-tech Venture Enterprise

  6. 团队沟通公开性越强,团队中任务冲突越多;关系冲突越少。

    Greater openness leads to more task conflicts and less relationship conflicts .

  7. 你对公司此次年会期间的团队沟通游戏项目是否满意?

    Are you satisfied with the Team Building on Communication during the meeting ?

  8. 团队沟通公开性、目标相似性对冲突管理方式的选择会产生影响。

    Openness and mutuality of goals influence the selection of conflict management instruments .

  9. 还发现团队沟通与团队效能也有显著的积极关系。

    Also found that team communication and team effectiveness also has a significant positive relationship .

  10. 回顾还能改善团队沟通。

    Retrospectives also improve team communication .

  11. 该需求解决方案可以促进团队沟通、增强协作并减小项目风险。

    This requirements solution promotes better team communication , enhances collaboration , and reduces project risk .

  12. 有较强的客户服务意识、团队沟通能力、项目管理经验者优先;

    Strong sense of customer service & team communication skills , project management experience is preferred ;

  13. 另一方面,有效的团队沟通可以促进人际交流,促进人际关系的改善。

    On the other hand , effective team communication can promote interpersonal communication and improve personal relations .

  14. 最后,分析了虚拟软件团队沟通的特点以及提高团队沟通有效性的途径。

    Finally , analyzes the characteristics of communication and the effectiveness of communication channels in virtual software teams .

  15. 团队沟通公开性越强,目标相似性越高,团队越倾向合作性冲突管理方式。团队情绪氛围也对冲突管理方式的选择产生影响。

    Higher openness and mutuality of goals lead to cooperative conflict management . The same selection results from better team emotion .

  16. 因此,从管理的层面去研究互联网公司中的团队沟通,就具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is of great practical significance to study the team communication of the internet companies from management aspect .

  17. 团队沟通对创业决策具有显著的正向影响,但团队冲突对创业决策没有显著影响。

    Team communication has significant positive effect on entrepreneurial decision-making , however team conflict has no significant effect on entrepreneurial decision-making .

  18. 主动进取、团队沟通与合作、逻辑推理与分析和成就导向成为高新技术企业人力资本的基本职能要求。

    Initiative , team cooperation and communication , logical reasoning and analysis achievement drive are the fundament requirement of high-tech enterprise management .

  19. 在周末和晚上重构代码,而且尽量不跟离岸团队沟通。

    Keep refactoring the code during the weekends and in the evenings with very little communication about it with the offshore team .

  20. 互联网公司的团队沟通,是在信息时代和管理方式变革的大背景下进行的,必然在团队建设上发生不同以往的一些变化。

    The team communication of the interne industries is carried out in the big background of information age and the management change .

  21. 对项目管理沟通技巧;项目团队沟通策略及如何提升项目沟通管理水平进行了分析与研究。

    To Analysis the communication project management for the team ; the project performance evaluation and communication skills and the project team communication strategy and research .

  22. 对团队沟通记录的内容分析表明,技术熟悉度是影响沟通技术效力的重要因素。

    The analysis of communication records shows that the degree to which team members familiar with technologies is an important factor that influences the effectiveness of communication technologies .

  23. 团队沟通在创业团队异质性与创业决策之间具有一定的中介作用。(4)构建了基于创业团队异质性的创业决策过程模型。

    Team communication has mediating effect between entrepreneurial team heterogeneity and entrepreneurial decision-making . ( 4 ) Constructed the entrepreneurial decision-making process model based on the entrepreneurial team heterogeneity .

  24. 负面人物角色被用来和利益关系人以及产品团队沟通,他们不是产品所服务的任何具体的用户。

    Negative personas are used to communicate to stakeholders and product team members that there are specific types of users that the product is not being built to serve .

  25. 当前,我国很多企业没有对团队沟通形成足够的重视,仍停留在沟通不善的传统的经验管理模式的局面。

    At present , many enterprises have not formed enough attention to the team communication and still remain a situation that is traditional management mode with poor communication in China .

  26. 有效的团队沟通,可以调动成员的积极性、主动性和创造性,提高企业效益,为人的发展提供一个有益的环境,对人的全面发展起到积极的作用。

    The effective team communication can improve the enthusiasm , initiative and creativity of the members , and increase the enterprise efficiency , and provide a advantageous environment and play an active role in the human overall development .

  27. 如果能先把产品设想和团队沟通清楚,或许我还能做些改进,给公司带来更乐观的业绩。

    If a more clear vision of the future of the product had been communicated to the team , I think I could have made many improvements to it , and impacted the company in a more positive way .

  28. 在虚拟团队沟通管理方面,首先分析了虚拟团队沟通的影响因素,然后对不同类型的沟通方式进行介绍,最后提出了虚拟团队沟通的要点;

    In the management of communication , the author first analyzes the factors that can influence the communication of virtual team , and then introduces various types of communication means , and finally presents the main points for the communication of virtual team .

  29. 基于AHP的虚拟团队信息沟通技术适用性研究

    A Study on Applicability of Information and Communication Technology for Virtual Teams Based on AHP

  30. 开发人员应该就Web服务设计中使用什么建模技术和优化方案的问题与业务分析人员团队进行沟通。

    The developers should communicate with a team of business analysts on the issues of what modeling techniques and optimization schemes to use in designing web services .