
  • 网络Team work;teamwork
  1. 与金字塔式的组织结构相比,扁平化的团队工作方式更加强调员工的主动性和自发性。

    Compared to the pyramid-like organizational structure , the flat team work style emphasis on employees ' spontaneous and initiative .

  2. 本文在对扁平化组织进行理论研究的基础上,提出了扁平化组织应推行远景管理、实施顾客关系管理、建立学习型组织、推行团队工作方式等实际运作的探索。

    This article is based on the theory of the flatten structure and puts forward to some new thought in the practical use , such as implement the distant view management , carry out CRM , establish the organization of studying and use the team work style , etc.

  3. 第一批的FogCreek插件让你可以修改项目的工作流,使其与团队的工作方式相匹配,以及增加自定义项目域等等。

    The first batch of Fog Creek Plugins lets you modify your case workflow to match your team 's working style , add custom case fields and more .

  4. Gensler工作场所设计专家吉姆•威廉森(JimWilliamson)表示:在公司办公室里,金融团队的工作方式与创造性团队截然不同。

    The finance group works very differently from the way the creative group does in a corporate office , says Jim Williamson , a workplace design expert at Gensler .

  5. 新功能与团队已有工作方式的契合程度(1-5)。

    How well does the new feature align to the existing way the team work ( 1-5 ) .

  6. 正如各种敏捷专家建议,博弈论与敏捷团队的工作方式有着密切的关联。

    As various Agilists suggested , game theory has a strong connection to the way Agile teams work .

  7. 为了更好地适应环境的不确定性和任务的复杂性,团队的工作方式应运而生。

    To better adapt to the volatility of environment and complexity of tasks , the working mode of team arises .

  8. 这有助于他们理解自组织团队的工作方式以及该如何对这样的团队提供支持。

    This will help them understand how self-organizing teams are meant to function and what is expected of them in supporting such teams .

  9. 随即我开始阅读大量关于软件团队和工作方式的书籍。

    In fact , I 'm reading a number of books right now on software teams and ways that seem to help form good teams .

  10. 这种参考价值有三个方面,即以顾客需求为导向的工作方向,以流程为导向的工作方法和项目团队的工作方式。

    The reference value came from three aspects which were the business direction of satisfying customers needs , the method of process oriented implementation and the organizational mode of project team .

  11. 没有哪个传统合同能真正适应敏捷开发团队的工作方式&除了在过程上不匹配之外,更重要的是,价值观念上也不符。

    None of the traditional contract modes actually fit well with the way Agile development teams work-there is a mismatch in process , and more importantly , a mismatch in values .

  12. 研发团队的工作方式为高新技术企业的产品研发提供了一种高绩效、低成本的技术生产方式。

    Its work form has provided a kind of production method with high achievements and the low-cost technology for the high technology and new technology enterprises ' product research and development .

  13. 企业大量采取团队的工作方式后,一个不可避免的问题就是构建科学的团队绩效管理体系,本文即是针对这一问题进行研究的。

    After a large number of enterprises have taken the teamwork , an unavoidable question is to construct the scientific team performance management system . This text does researches on this problem .

  14. 进入知识经济时代,越来越多的企业为了适应日益激烈的竞争,采用团队这一工作方式。

    In the Knowledge-base Economy era , more and more enterprises have adopted the way of working in groups .

  15. 团队工作的最佳方式是什么-软件开发团队的社会期望、组织标准、报酬、自组织、决策制定和愿景?

    What 's the optimal way of working together-Social aspects of software dev teams , organizational alignment , compensation , self-organization , decision making , vision .

  16. 从管理者设计激励工作的方式到他们于雇主团队共同工作的方式再到他们开放沟通的方式,我们都可以看到行为方法的要素在起作用。

    From the way managers design motivating jobs to the way they work with employee teams to the way they use open communication , we can see elements of the behavioral approach .

  17. 自上世纪80年代起,团队管理的工作方式在增强环境适应力、提高管理效率、共享信息与知识、提高凝聚力等方面发挥了重要的作用,因而在企业中迅速地普及开来。

    Since the 1980s , the work way of using team management had played an important role in enhancing environmental adaptability , improving management efficiency , sharing information and knowledge and boosting cohesion , thus it had became popular in many companies .

  18. 过程模板定义团队项目影响团队工作方式的一些主要方面。

    Process templates define key aspects of a team project that affect how a team works .

  19. 如今的实践是指那些标准的、团队开展工作的最佳方式。

    Today 's practices are the standard , the best way the team currently knows how to do the work .

  20. 当团队采用新的工作方式时,他们会问问题:我们如何知道我们有多敏捷?

    As teams adopt new ways of working , they ask questions : How do we know how agile we are ?

  21. 该职位适合于喜欢以小团队为单位的工作方式并能胜任实验室各项技术工作的人

    The position will suit someone who enjoys operating in a small team and copes well with a wide variety of technical tasks

  22. 有效的团队薪酬体系设计是团队工作方式存在和顺利运行的重要保障。

    The useful design of team compensation system is the important guarantee for working and operating of team .

  23. 相对于传统组织结构,新型组织结构的显著特点是扁平化结构以及自我管理团队和跨职能团队的工作方式,但其设计核心是为了提高组织的实时决策能力。

    Comparing with traditional organization structure , the outstanding characters of new-type organization structure are their horizontal structure and self-managed team multi-functional team , but its core is enhancing the ability of real-time decision-making .

  24. 了解这些差异,并确保所有的团队成员也都了解它们,这样您就可以适应并啮合团队之间的工作方式。

    Understand these differences and ensure all team members understand them as well , so you can adapt and mesh working styles between teams .

  25. 浙江企业要想走出困境,亟需改善经营绩效,而采用团队的方式是创建高绩效工作系统的最常用方法之一,即高绩效的团队工作方式能够促进组织工作系统的高效率运作。

    Using the way of team works is one of the most commonly used method to create high performance work systems .

  26. 即使你不在一个敏捷团队中,你还是可以在各个发布阶段,各个里程碑,或者通过固定的时间间隔来进行回顾,改进团队的工作方式。

    Even if you aren 't on an Agile team , you can hold retrospectives at releases , milestones , or at regular intervals to improve the way the team is working .

  27. 团队和传统的专业化部门并存在企业中,团队建设的引入并不意味着组织整体的根本变革,团队和团队的工作方式并不是万能的。

    The team and traditional specialized department coexist in the enterprise , the introduction of the team construction did not mean the whole organization 's radical transformation , the team and team 's working is not multi-purpose .