
  • 网络Development product;Product development
  1. 这项名为“数字新闻计划”(DigitalNewsInitiative)的合作方案,将包括联合开发产品、帮助新闻编辑室提供数字培训,以及在未来三年提供1.5亿欧元支持数字项目。

    Known as the Digital News Initiative , it will include joint work on product development , assistance with digital training for newsrooms and 150m in grants to back digital projects over the next three years .

  2. 这项名为数字新闻计划(DigitalNewsInitiative)的合作方案,将包括联合开发产品、帮助新闻编辑室提供数字培训,以及在未来三年提供1.5亿欧元支持数字项目。

    Known as the Digital News Initiative , it will include joint work on product development , assistance with digital training for newsrooms and € 150m in grants to back digital projects over the next three years .

  3. IBMDataStudio或其他Optim开发产品中集成的查询编辑器和例程编辑器

    The integrated query editor and routine editor within IBM Data Studio or other Optim development offerings

  4. 在当前环境下,更多的是使IBM在我开发产品的方法中更加显著。

    And in the current context , it 's more of making IBM a little more transparent in the way we develop our products .

  5. 介绍了开发产品设计手册电子查询系统的程序设计技术及在Delphi应用程序中运用OLE自动化技术控制AutoCAD绘图的方法。

    The paper discusses the development of inquiry system for product design handbook . The method of controlling AutoCAD drawings in Delphi application by OLE Automation is also presented .

  6. 开发产品族作为实现大批量定制(masscustomization,MC)的一种有效方式已被学术界和工业界广泛认同,并成为一个重要的研究方向。

    The development of product family being regarded as a kind of effective way of realizing mass customization has already been broadly admitted in the academic and industrial circles and has become an important direction of study .

  7. 公司开发产品可以使用哪些策略?

    What strategies can a company use to develop products ?

  8. 您要测试变更,就要在开发产品之前测试对同步化规则的更改。

    Always test changes to synchronization rules prior to deployment in production .

  9. 突出攀西特色生物资源开发产品与市场导向的结构定位和市场定位;以及逐步推进和长期发展的时间定位。

    The strategies of market orientation and long term development .

  10. 以科学的态度开发产品,树立正确的产品研发方向;

    ( 3 ) Choosing right orientation for the R & D ;

  11. 减少在网上联合开发产品中的复杂性&通信过程的系统设置致使项目取得成功

    Reducing the Complexity in the Netting Development of Products

  12. 开发产品、品质至上、优质服务客户是焕升企业不变的宗旨。

    Our unconverted tenet is R & D , Quality First , Excellent Service .

  13. 为了使基于数据的软测量建模方法得以进一步推广,有必要开发产品化的软测量建模软件原型。

    To popularize the soft measurement modeling based the data , a software prototype is needed .

  14. 这可能对管理人员的思维方式、以及设计和开发产品的思路产生重大影响。

    That can have significant impact on how managers think as well as conceive and develop products .

  15. 这些改进帮助确保您所用技术能跟得上软件开发产品的快速发展。

    These updates help ensure that your technology stays current amidst the rapidly changing landscape of software development products .

  16. 利用这类情报开发产品、服务和设计广告语,或许会更好地引起客户的共鸣。

    This information may be used to develop products , services and advertising messages that better resonate with your customers .

  17. 这些目标用于指导并验证被开发产品的稳定性、可靠性,及准确性。

    These targets are used to guide and validate the stability , reliability , and accuracy of the product under development .

  18. 他不是让他们开发产品然后交给一个独立的团队,而是让他们也为销售负责。

    Instead of developing products then handing over to a separate team , he has made them responsible for selling too .

  19. 她表示,医生们两手空空,因为一个由利润驱动的行业不会为付不起钱的市场投资开发产品。

    Doctors were empty-handed , she said , because a profit-driven industry does not invest in products for markets that cannot pay .

  20. 工业设计师似乎什么都懂那么一点,什么都不精,但知识的广博正是开发产品的必备要素啊!

    Industrial designers seem to understand what it is but not smart , however a broad knowledge of product development is essential elements !

  21. 负责新开发产品的生产线质量和工艺性跟踪,并协调解决过程中的技术问题;

    Follow up the quality issues of the newly developed products on production lines , coordinate and solve the technical problems in process ;

  22. 您可以利用角色来开发产品文档(例如,用户的指导、安装指导、课程和培训材料)。

    You can use the personas to develop product documentation ( e.g. , user 's guide , installation guide , course and training materials ) .

  23. 失败产品其实是一面镜子,经营者在研制开发产品时都不妨对着这面镜子照一照、瞧一瞧,以免重蹈覆辙。

    Actually , failed products can serve as a mirror for businessmen when they are developing new products in order not to make similar mistakes .

  24. 对于一个要开发产品和帮助客户达到他们理想结果所需技术知识的公司来说,这种合作是非常必要的。

    This collaboration is essential to our ability as an organization to develop both the products and expertise needed to help our customers achieve their results .

  25. 如有必要,我们的技术人员可以和您合作,共同设计开发产品,以便转换和应用测试设计理念。

    If necessary , our technicians can cooperate with you to design the product , in order to transfer and apply the concepts of the design for testability .

  26. 对于那些没有软件开发产品的组织,而开发支持组织自己的系统的组织来说,依赖于系统的复杂程度,这个级别可以存在也可以不存在。

    For organizations that do not develop software products , but rather develop systems to support the organization itself , this level may or may not exist depending on the complexity of the systems .

  27. 有限的资源正制约着我们开发新产品的能力。

    Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products .

  28. 很少有公司愿意冒险开发新产品。

    Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products

  29. 如今,新科技公司之间的竞争不得不比过去更加残酷,这是因为有太多的公司在开发同类产品,而且他们都想得到属于自己的市场份额。

    New technology firms have to be more cutthroat than in the past because there are so many companies making similar products , and they all want their share of the market .

  30. 一汽&大众X开发项目产品选型研究

    FAW-VW X Development Project Product Selection Study