
  • 网络Customer Loans;customer lending
  1. 换一种方式来看待这个问题:2001年,英国的客户贷款总额与客户存款总额大致相当。

    Another way to look at it is to consider that back in 2001 , customer lending in the UK was roughly comparable to customer deposits .

  2. 国有商业银行公司客户贷款定价体系研究

    The Study on Loan Pricing System for Institutional Clients of National Commercial Banks

  3. 银行风险、收益与客户贷款集中度&基于城市商业银行的实证分析

    Risks , Earnings and Loan Concentration of Customers : An Empirical Analysis from Urban Commercial Banks

  4. 但银行表示,修改后的监管蓝图将防止融资成本和客户贷款成本过度上升。

    But banks say the modified blueprint would prevent an excessive rise in funding costs and in borrowing charges for customers .

  5. 第四部分分析了四川省农业银行机构类客户贷款风险现状、机构类客户贷款风险成因,探讨了机构类贷款风险控制的有关方法。

    The fourth part analyzes the present loan risk condition as well as the causes . It also discusses the method for risk control .

  6. 银行愿意相互拆借,并愿向企业和客户贷款,这是显示紧缩的信贷市场开始松动的重要迹象。

    A key measure of banks'willingness to lend to each other , businesses , and consumers , showed the tight credit market is easing .

  7. 正如中国工商银行自己公布的会计报表所显示,企业客户贷款仍占其贷款总量的70%至80%。

    As the large banks ' own published financial statements show , corporate customers still account for between 70 and 80 per cent of their loans .

  8. 国际市场上的许多投行将并购顾问服务与客户贷款结合在一起,而大多数新兴市场竞争对手则缺乏这种做的资本基础。

    Many investment banks in international markets combine M & A advisory services with lending to clients something most emerging market rivals lack the capital base to do .

  9. 他说:在大型银行,信贷员的报酬是根据其客户贷款组合的规模确定的,因此他们对小额贷款的兴趣不大。

    Loan officers at the big banks are compensated according to the size of their portfolios so they are not as interested in chasing smaller loans , he says .

  10. 无论是在并购、资本市场交易还是简单的客户贷款中,银行家经常宣称自己的指导原则是“了解客户”,认为长期纽带创造了共生关系。

    Whether in takeovers , capital markets deals or simple consumer loans , bankers often claim their guiding principle is " know your customer " , arguing that long-standing ties create a symbiotic relationship .

  11. 随着利率市场化改革步伐的加快,特别是2004年初金融机构贷款利率浮动区间的扩大,加强公司客户贷款定价管理,提升贷款收益率成为国有商业银行面临的重要课题。

    In the fast paced evolution of the interest market , especially after the widening of the floating interest rate spread in 2004 , enhancing pricing ability for loans to institutional clients to increase profit has become an important issue to a national commercial bank .

  12. 购房互助协会为信誉良好的客户提供贷款。

    Building societies make loans to creditworthy customers .

  13. GE与金融机构、银行合作,由这些机构向资金不太充裕的客户提供贷款,购买GE的产品。

    Cooperating with GE , the finical institution and bank give credit to those customers who are short of fund to buy the product of GE .

  14. 在房市膨胀期,像Countrywide这样的放贷方在没有认证他们的收入或支付能力时例行公事班的向客户发放贷款。

    During the housing boom , lenders such as Countrywide routinely gave mortgages to people without documenting their income or ability to pay .

  15. 将集中经营本地及地区客户的贷款业务。

    Bnshk will focus its activities on lending to local and regional customers .

  16. 商业银行的管理人员在分析客户的贷款申请时必须考虑许多因素。

    Commercial bank management in analyzing a customer 's loan request considers many factors .

  17. 二是向那些想借款的客户发放贷款。

    The other is to make loans to the customers who wish to borrow .

  18. 银行被建在向私人客户决定贷款额时,要多注意个人境况。

    Banks have been advised to pay more attention to personal circumstances when evaluating loans to private customers .

  19. ZestFinance成立于2009年,从2010年开始自己为客户提供贷款,并审批合作伙伴的贷款。

    ZestFinance , founded in 2009 , began making loans itself and underwriting loans made by lending partners in 2010 .

  20. 银行类股因可能需要拨出更多的准备金,从而导致发放给客户的贷款量减少而下跌。

    Banks suffered on the prospect of being required to set aside more money in reserves and having less to lend to customers .

  21. 换句话说,经营一家银行,要远胜于为银行的客户提供贷款担保。

    In other words , it is much better to be a bank than to guarantee loans to the clients ' of a bank .

  22. 美联储通过法规T来限制经纪人对客户的贷款数额。

    The Federal reserve regulates the amount of money that a broker may lend to a customer through Regulation T ( Reg T ) .

  23. 银根紧缩政策使得我们必须拒绝许多客户的贷款要求,或者增加抵押货款和分期贷款的定金。

    Tight money policies make it necessary for us to turn down loan requests from many clients or to increase the downpayment requirements on mortgage and installment loans .

  24. 股票市值居全国第四的富国银行从中介手中购买了一些物业套现贷款,而没有坚持只接受自己客户的贷款。

    The bank , the nation 's fourth-largest by stock-market value , bought some home-equity loans from brokers instead of sticking only with loans to its own customers .

  25. 基于期权理论,本文研究了商业银行的客户企业贷款预期违约概率,并在此基础上分析了银行违约率最小的贷款额度。

    Based on option theory , we study the expected default probability of the customer corporation of commercial bank and obtain the optimal loan amount on the minimun default probability .

  26. 该行全球扩张战略的核心是通过其企业银行向客户提供贷款,作为其提供广泛投资银行业务的基础。

    Its global expansion will rely at heart on lending a client money through its corporate bank , as the basis for doing a wide range of investment banking business .

  27. 他说国家银行业监管机构总是特别着重于集中风险的预防并严格控制发放给特定客户的贷款额度。

    He said the country 's banking regulator had always attached great importance to the prevention of concentration risks and strictly control the size of loans given to a particular customer .

  28. 由于投资于与美国次级抵押贷款(发放给信用记录不佳的客户的贷款)相关的复杂金融工具,一些机构已蒙受损失。

    Some institutions have suffered losses as the result of investments they made in complex financial instruments linked to us subprime mortgages ( loans extended to people with sketchy credit histories ) .

  29. 在这种类型中,可以将服务作为重复使用的业务功能的单一访问点进行重用,如针对不同类型的客户的贷款服务或支付处理服务。

    Here , the service can be re-used as a single point of access for a recurrent business function , such as loan processing services for different customer types or a payment processing service .

  30. 同时,通过向客户发放贷款,银行可以加强与客户的联系,从而有助于银行其他业务的拓展,提高竞争力。

    At the same time , loans to customers , banks can enhance the relationship between customers and them , this situation conduct to the expansion of the banking business and enhance their competitiveness .