
  • 网络fisheries subsidies
  1. WTO框架下我国渔业补贴制度的选择

    The choice of Chinese fisheries subsidies disciplines within the WTO framework

  2. 渔业补贴、捕捞努力量与渔业总成本

    Fisheries Subsidies , Fishing Effort and the Total Cost of Fisheries

  3. WTO渔业补贴规则构建的新动向研究

    On the New Trend of the Establishment of WTO Fisheries Subsidy Rules

  4. WTO渔业补贴谈判:主要提案立场及评析

    WTO Negotiations on Fishery Subsidies : Proposals and Reviews

  5. 一些国家注意到了这一现象,在多哈回合中,提出在WTO中建立专门的渔业补贴的建议。

    Some countries took notice of this phenomenon and put forward the proposal of the establishment of specialized fishery subsidies in the Doha Round of WTO .

  6. 渔业补贴由于没有专门的纪律约束,因而仍然受SCM协议的规范。

    Since there are no specific regulations on fishery subsidies , fishery subsidies are still subject to the norms of the SCM Agreement .

  7. 研究的目的是系统考察全球渔业补贴理论与渔业补贴实践,提出应对WTO相关谈判的政策建议和完善我国渔业补贴政策的基本思路。

    The purpose of this study is to systematically study global fishery subsidy theory and its practice , propose policy in response to WTO negation and provide general ideas to improve our fishery subsidy policy .

  8. 而日本、韩国等国家也提出了在《补贴与反补贴措施协定》(SCMA)中适当增补关于渔业补贴规定的建议。

    Then Japan and Korea also suggested that specific rules of fishery subsidies should be added properly to Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures ( SCMA ) .

  9. 渔业补贴之争与我国渔业补贴调整方向

    Debates on Fisheries Subsidies and Suggestions for Improving China ′ s Fisheries Subsidies Policy

  10. 世贸组织框架下的渔业补贴问题研究

    Research on Fisheries Subsidies under the WTO System

  11. 一般而言,渔业补贴倾向于通过刺激投资而加剧过度捕捞。

    In general , the operational concern is the role of subsidies in stimulating overfishing .

  12. 渔业补贴评估方法探析

    On methods of assessing fisheries subsidies probe

  13. 近年来,渔业补贴问题一直是国际论坛争议的焦点之一。

    The issue of fisheries subsidies has recently been a much debated focus among international forum .

  14. 渔业补贴概念辨析

    A conceptual analysis on fisheries subsidies

  15. 其次,渔业补贴管理和法律监督管理不完善。

    Secondly , the management of fisheries subsidies and management of legal supervision are not perfect .

  16. 近年来,渔业补贴一直都是有关国际论坛中的一个热点议题。

    The issue of fisheries subsidies has recently been a much debated issue among international fora .

  17. 但现在各国纷纷意识到,渔业补贴的存在,不仅扭曲国际贸易,更催生了过度捕捞的现象。

    However , they have realized that fishery subsidies not only distort international trade , but also lead to overfishing .

  18. 渔业补贴是世界各主要渔业国促进本国渔业发展的一项重要措施。

    Fishery subsidies have long been an important measure for world fishery countries to promote the development of their domestic fisheries .

  19. 其次,需要明确渔业补贴的法律认定标准,建立科学的渔业补贴体系。

    Secondly , we need for a clear definition of fisheries subsidies standards , and establish a scientific system of fisheries subsidies .

  20. 当今世界越来越多国家关注渔业补贴对于渔业资源和环境的影响,对于渔业补贴的规范提上议事日程。

    Nowadays , more and more countries pay attention to the fishery subsidies and their effects on the fishery resources and the environment .

  21. 作者总结和评述了世界贸易组织渔业补贴谈判中形成的主要立场并提出了相应的政策建议。

    The author summarizes and reviews the main propositions in the WTO fishery subsidy negotiations and advances relevant policy suggestions for the Chinese government .

  22. 现在争论的焦点是如何对渔业补贴进行规范,以达到限制捕捞、养护资源的环境目的。

    The focus of their debate is how to regulate fishery subsidies , in order to achieve the purpose of limiting the catch and conserving resources .

  23. 但近年来,渔业补贴的过度投资却被认为是导致全球渔业资源衰退和渔业经济效益下降的重要原因。

    But in recent years , the excessive investment to fishery subsidy was considered asto cause the decline of global fishery resources and fishery economic benefits .

  24. 本文探讨了经济合作发展组织以及世界粮农组织提出的两种渔业补贴评估法,以便我国在定量分析考察渔业补贴效果时加以参考。

    This paper aims to analyze the two different methods of assessing fisheries subsidies that proposed by OECD and FAO , hoping for our country 's reference .

  25. 第一部分是概述,主要介绍了渔业补贴的定义、分类以及渔业补贴与农业补贴的关系。

    Chapter one is an overview , in which the definition , classification of fishery subsidies and the relationship between fishery subsidies and agricultural subsidies are introduced .

  26. 作为世贸易组织成员,我国从全球角度、从多边贸易体制角度系统考虑渔业补贴问题变得异常重要。

    It is most important for China , as a member of WTO , to consider the fishery subsidy from the view of global and multilateral trade system .

  27. 此外,我国的渔业补贴制度欠缺法律主体相关责任的追究机制。第二,我国渔业补贴制度绿色化具有必要性。

    In addition , our system of fisheries subsidies is not legally related to the responsibility of the main mechanisms of accountability . Second , fisheries subsidies need improve the system in our country .

  28. 本文考察了国际社会围绕渔业补贴定义、分类方法和渔业补贴效果所产生的争议,分析了我国渔业补贴现状,并提出了相应的政策建议。

    This paper examines the international debates on the definition , classification and effect related to fisheries subsidies , analyzes the status of fisheries resources and fisheries subsidies in China , and puts forward some suggestions to adjust China ′ s fisheries subsidies policy .

  29. 渔业反补贴法律预警机制的作用在于防患于未然。

    Fisheries countervailing role of early warning mechanism is nipped in the bud .

  30. 在对政府补贴的实证研究中,多是集中于政府补贴动机研究或是对农业、能源、渔业或研发补贴等产业的研究,很少有涉及钢铁领域关于补贴的实证研究。

    In empirical research on government subsidies , most of the research focuses on the motive of government subsidies , or on industries such as agriculture , energy , fisheries and so on , nearly no empirical study on steel subsidies .