
wò tài huá
  • Ottawa
渥太华[wò tài huá]
  1. 1937年他被临时调往渥太华的加拿大皇家空军担任军备顾问。

    In 1937 he was seconded to the Royal Canadian Air Force in Ottawa as air armament adviser

  2. 加拿大首都渥太华的庆祝活动尤为隆重和激动人心。

    The celebrations in Ottawa , Canada 's capital city , are especially grand and exciting .

  3. Bruyere研究院和加拿大渥太华大学研究员艾米·许博士称:“‘生命计算器’可以让家人和他们的挚爱有所准备”。

    Dr Amy Hsu , an investigator7 at the Bruyere Research Institute and at the University of Ottawa in Canada , said : " The RESPECT calculator allows families and their loved ones to plan .

  4. 渥太华医院医生彼得·塔努塞普特罗说:“了解一个人还能活多长时间,对他们应该接受哪些治疗以及在哪里接受治疗等问题做出合理判断至关重要。

    Dr Peter Tanuseputro , at the Ottawa Hospital , said : " Knowing how long a person has to live is essential in making informed decisions about what treatments they should get and where they should get them .

  5. 不久,汤姆林森任命于渥太华的SpartanAirServices,是计算机制图的主要负责人。

    Tomlinson then was chief of the computer mapping division at Spartan Air Services , Ottawa .

  6. Walker博士是渥太华健康研究所的科学家。

    Mark Walker , a scientist with the Ottawa Health Research Institute .

  7. 1990年,我们进驻加拿大首都渥太华市,在那里我们度过了两年,做一些关于GIS的详细计划。

    Tomlinson : In1990 we got involved with the city of Ottawa , Canada 's capital , where we spent two years doing detailed GIS planning .

  8. 渥太华警方和皇家加拿大骑警在Twitter上发帖警告公众远离渥太华市中心。

    The Ottawa Police and Royal Canadian Mounted Police warned the public in a Twitter post to stay away from the downtown Ottawa area .

  9. 北美冰球联盟(NationalHockeyLeague)宣布,原定在这里举行的多伦多枫叶队(TorontoMapleLeafs)和渥太华参议员队(OttawaSenators)的一场冰球比赛也将推迟。

    A hockey game here between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Ottawa Senators was postponed , the National Hockey League announced .

  10. NPR新闻,杰基·诺萨姆渥太华报道。

    Jackie Northam , NPR News , Ottawa .

  11. 渥太华大学医学系副教授、渥太华医院康复中心心理学家Wilson说。

    Wilson , who is an associate professor of medicine at the University of Ottawa and a psychologist at the Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre .

  12. 约翰·麦金托什(JohnMclntosh)是个来自加拿大渥太华南部100公里左右的农民,也就是今天的南邓达斯(SouthDundas)

    John McIntosh was a farmer in what is now South Dundas , about 100 km ( 60 mi ) south of Ottawa , Canada .

  13. 据NPR新闻的杰基·诺萨姆从渥太华带来的报道,警方表示这名枪手是独自作案的。

    As NPR 's Jackie Northam reports from Ottawa , police said the gunman acted alone .

  14. MoniqueBégin是加拿大渥太华大学管理学院的教授,两次被任命为国家卫生和福利部长。

    Monique B é gin is Professor at the School of Management , University of Ottawa , Canada , and twice-appointed Minister of National Health and Welfare .

  15. 从周六开始,渥太华将开始受理前往加拿大的航空游客持电子签证(eTA)的申请。

    Starting Saturday , Ottawa will start accepting applications for electronic travel authorization ( eTA ) from people who wish to travel to Canada by air .

  16. 所罗门曾是渥太华电视政论节目权利与政治(PowerandPolitics)主持人,此外,他还主持CBC广播电台TheHouse节目。外界曾预期,在CBC主播曼斯布里奇(PeterMansbridge)退休时,现年47岁的所罗门将是接任CBC主播的不二人选。

    Solomon , 47 , was the Ottawa-based host of Power and Politics on television and The House on CBC radio , and had been one of the people touted to replace Peter Mansbridge on The National when the veteran newsman retires .

  17. 他们称它为“鼻涕机器人”。这架无人机是大疆Inspire1。2015年三月,两个男人在渥太华装备了一架有光泽的白色、带有罗马烛光烟花的无人机并在这架机器发射喷射火花的弹丸时裸奔。

    They called it " SnotBot . " It was a DJI Inspire 1 . In March 2015 two men in Ottawa equipped a sleek white drone with Roman candle fireworks and sprinted away shirtless as the machine fired spark-spewing projectiles .

  18. 加拿大渥太华大学二十多年双语教学的成功经验表明,操法语的学生通过他们的英语水平考试(EPT),可以从双语教学中受益,达到提高语言水平和掌握学科知识的双赢。

    Ottawa 's more than 20 years ' successful experience has shown that students who have passed their English Proficiency Test ( EPT ) can benefit from bilingual courses .

  19. 渥太华大学(UniversityofOttawa)的心脏病专家乔治·福多尔(GeorgeFodor)博士列举了这一研究中的诸多破绽,并断定因纽特人中的心脏病率被大大低估了。

    seal and whale blubber . Dr. George Fodor , a cardiologist at the University of Ottawa , outlined flaws in much of this early research , and he concluded that the rate of heart disease among the Inuit was vastly underestimated .

  20. 本文借鉴渥太华大学双语教学中需要考查学生英语水平的经验,通过对EPT和我国的CET进行同期效度研究,对我国高校进行双语教学的学生需具备的英语水平进行探讨。

    In light of this finding , the present study attempts to determine the English proficiency required of Chinese college students for bilingual education by carrying out a concurrent validity study of the EPT and the CET .

  21. SAF和一家从事会议筹备的专业机构有联系,这家机构与NAFSA合作来保证渥太华NAFSA年会期间住宿资源的充足。

    SAF has been working with a private meeting planning organization affiliated with NAFSA to secure a block of rooms at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Vancouver .

  22. 执行渥太华禁雷公约信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Implementation of the Ottawa Convention on Landmines

  23. 渥太华也必须看到城市,我目前居住的地方。

    Ottawa is also a must-see city where I currently live .

  24. 加拿大渥太华的国会大厦内紧张程度仍然很高。

    Tensions remain high around the Canadian Parliament Building in Ottawa .

  25. 英国在渥太华的高级专员公署

    British high commission in ottawa or the uk high commission in ottawa

  26. 加拿大的首都是渥太华,最大的城市是蒙特利尔。

    Ottawa is the capital and Montreal the largest city of Canada .

  27. 32岁的毕玻来渥太华的目的是申请护照。

    The 32-year-old has come to Ottawa to apply for a passport .

  28. 在加拿大,受到影响的城市主要是多伦多和渥太华。

    Toronto and Ottawa were the major Canadian cities affected .

  29. 她是渥太华,圣心校的学生。

    A final-year student from Sacred Hearts School of ottawa .

  30. 喂,我想电召的士到渥太华市中心。

    Hello , I 'm calling for a cab to downtown ottawa .