
  • 网络Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College
  1. 教务管理是温州职业技术学院教学管理工作的核心。

    Educational Administration is the core of teaching management in Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College .

  2. 高职市场营销专业人才培养模式的改革与探索&温州职业技术学院市场营销专业教学实践与改革

    Reform and Exploration on the Cultivating Mode of Marketing Personnel in Higher Vocational Colleges & Teaching Practice and Reform of Marketing Major in Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College

  3. 示范院校创业教育的实践及启示&以温州职业技术学院为例

    Practice on Entrepreneurship Education in Model Colleges and its Inspiration A Case Study of Wenzhou Vocational Technical College

  4. 高职院校教师和学生认知一致性的调查与分析&以温州职业技术学院为例

    An Investigation and Analysis on Cognitive Unity of Teachers and Students in Vocational Colleges A Case Study of Wenzhou Vocational Technical College

  5. 3+2高职教育两段式衔接的调查与分析&以温州职业技术学院为例

    An Investigation and Analysis on the Link at Two Stages of " 3 + 2 " Type Vocational Education A Case Study of Wenzhou Vocational Technical College

  6. 依托行业产学结合&温州职业技术学院人才培养模式的创新与实践

    Rely on the Industry Combine the Industry with College & An Exploration of the Innovation and Practice of the Students ' Training Model of Wenzhou Vocational Technical College

  7. 本文介绍了温州职业技术学院机械工程系在推行“双证书”制度、促进高技能人才的培养方面进行的有益实践和探索。

    This paper discusses the efforts made by the Machinery Engineering Department of Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College in implementing double certificates scheme to promote the cultivation of skilled personnel .

  8. 主要研究工作包括如下:1.系统从根本上改变了温州职业技术学院以往以纯手工为主的排课局面。

    The major activities include the following : 1 . Using of the system fundamentally changes entire hand-based arranging curriculums situation in the past for Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College .

  9. 国家级高职示范性实训基地建设与实践探索&温州职业技术学院数控实训基地建设的创新与实践

    An Exploration on the Establishment and Practice of State Model Practising Base in Vocational Colleges & An Innovation and Practice of the Establishment of Digital Practising Base in Wenzhou Vocational Technical College

  10. 浙江省大学生足球联赛参赛球队训练方法的探索&温州职业技术学院男子足球队备战过程分析

    An Exploration on the Training Approach of the Teams Taking Part in the League Football Matches of College Students of Zhejiang Province An Analysis on the Training Process of Man 's Football Team of Wenzhou Vocational Technical College