
wēn dù jué
  • temperature sensation;thermal sense
  1. 结果发现:砷中毒患者末稍感觉异常以痛觉、温度觉、压觉减退最为明显,与其对照对比有显著性差异(P<0.05%);

    The result showed that the arsenic poisoning patients had got abnormal distal sensation with obvious features of hypalgesia , abatement of temperature sensation with obvious of hypalgesia , abatement of temperature sensation and pressure abatement , which had great difference with the control ( P < 0.05 );

  2. 目的比较吻合器痔切除术和常规痔切除术后肛门温度觉的差异。

    Objective To compare the influence of PPH with that of conventional hemorrhoidectomy on the anal temperature sensation .

  3. 方法:使用TSAⅡ型温度觉分析仪,以极限法对90例正常人和50例周围神经疾病患者行QTT。

    Methods : TSA - ⅱ thermal sensory analyzer was used for thermal tests in 90 normal persons and 50 patients with varied peripheral neuropathies .

  4. 目的运用定量感觉检查技术对中风后肩手综合征(SHS)患者的温度觉及振动觉进行定量分析,以了解小纤维神经功能状态及其与肩手综合征的关系。

    Objective : By measuring the sensory threshold of patients by means of quantitative sensory testing ( QST ) technology to evaluate the small fiber function and the relationship between its function and shoulder-hand syndrome ( SHS ) .

  5. 目的:了解定量温度觉检测(QTT)在周围神经疾病中的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical application of quantitative temperature testing ( QTT ) on peripheral neuropathies .

  6. 目的探讨糖尿病患者的温度觉纤维病变特点以及定量温度觉阈值检查(QTT)在糖尿病周围神经病早期诊断中的应用价值。

    Objective To study the diabetic thermal sensory neuropathy and investigate the significance of quantitative thermal testing ( QTT ) in diagnosis of the early diabetic peripheral neuropathy .

  7. 60例正常人不同部位皮肤的温度觉差异

    Thermesthesia threshold difference of different skin sites in 60 normal subjects

  8. 温度觉纤维病变具有长度依赖性等特点。

    ( 3 ) The thermal sensory neuropathy is length dependent .

  9. 定量温度觉检测在周围神经疾病中的临床价值

    Clinical significance of quantitative temperature testing on peripheral neuropathies

  10. 温度觉、振动觉阈值的正常参考值

    The thermal and vibratory thresholds in normal subjects

  11. 温度觉、痛觉、压力觉在一年时到达手和手指。

    Temperature , pain , and pressure sensation had developed in the hand and fingers after one year .

  12. 温度觉、痛觉、痒觉由无髓鞘神经纤维传导,它们终止于真皮乳头层和毛囊周围。

    Temperature , pain , and itch sensation are transmitted by unmyelinated nerve fibers which terminate in the papillary dermis and around hair follicles .

  13. 比如说,枕叶负责处理视觉信息,而顶叶则负责处理机体感觉信号,例如皮肤痛觉或温度觉。

    For example , the occipital lobe processes visual information while the parietal lobe processes somatosensory information such as cutaneous pain or temperature ( Fig 3.1 ) .

  14. 方法随机抽取常人144人,精神疾病患者46人,测查他们的视觉表象、听觉表象、嗅觉表象、味觉表象、运动觉表象、触觉表象、温度觉表象、痛觉表象的能力。

    Methods 144 normal persons and 46 schizophrenics were randomly sampled to investigate their imaging abilities of vision , auditognosis , taste , kinesthesia , touch , thermesthesia and algaesthesis .

  15. 对所有患者进行初级感觉(痛觉、温度觉、触觉、振动觉)和高级感觉(辨质觉、实体觉、重量觉、书画觉及皮肤运动方向觉)的检查。

    Primary sensations ( pain sensation , thermal sensation , taction and vibration sensation ) and senior sensations ( substance sensation , stereognosis , weight sensation , painting and calligraphy , and skin moving direction sensation ) were examined in all patients .

  16. 参照《医学心理学》上的方法,设制了一套工具,对127名住院的精神分裂症病人和100名中学生的嗅、视、触、听、重量、温度及平衡觉的暗示性作了测量。

    With a self-designed measuring method . we compared the sensational susceptibility to smell , sight , touch , hearing , heat , weight and balance of 127 schizophrenic in-patients and of 100 normal subjects .

  17. 不同刺激温度变化率对温度觉阈值的影响

    Effect of Different Rates of Stimulus on Thermal Threshold

  18. 目的:在定量感觉检查中,探讨不同刺激温度变化率对温度觉阈值的影响。

    Objective : To understand the effect of different rates of stimulus on thermal threshold .

  19. 而味觉是作为源域投射到温度域,从某种程度上说明相对于温觉人们对味觉的感知更具体。3.冷觉温度词和热觉温度词在宋词中的使用存在较大差异。

    TASTE acts as the source to map onto the TEMPERATURE , which to some extent reflects that TASTE is a more concrete sense than TEMPERATURE for people . ( 3 ) The use of temperature words of cold sensation and heat sensation is rather distinct in Song Lyrics .