
  • 网络hubei polytechnic institute
  1. 完善高职院校学生申诉制度之我见&以湖北职业技术学院为例高等学校大学生校内申诉制度研究(下)

    On Improving Students Appeal System in Higher Vocational Colleges & A Case Study of Hubei Polytechnic Institute ;

  2. 高职院校服务两型社会建设刍议&以湖北职业技术学院为例

    Higher Vocational Colleges for the Construction of Two-oriented Society & Taking Hubei Polytechnic Institute as an Example

  3. 湖北职业技术学院职工2005年体检结果分析

    Analysis of Physical Examination Results of Teaching and Administrative Staff in Hubei Vocational-Technical College in 2005

  4. 方法:对湖北职业技术学院职工611人健康体检结果进行分析。

    Methods : The physical examination results of 611 people in Hubei Vocational-Technical College are analyzed .

  5. 订单式、菜单式人才培养模式实践探索&以湖北职业技术学院为例

    Probe into Practice of Order-oriented and Menu-typed Cultivation of Talents & Taking Hubei Polytechnic Institute as an Example

  6. 高职学生性别角色调查及分析&以湖北职业技术学院为例

    Study on the Sex Role of Students in Higher Vocational Colleges & Taking Hubei Polytechnic Institute as an example

  7. 高职物流管理专业建设的探索与实践&以湖北职业技术学院为例

    Exploration and Practice of Logistics Management Major Construction in Higher Vocational Colleges & Taking Hubei Polytechnic Institute as an Example

  8. 文章对湖北职业技术学院护理专业集中见习存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了解决问题的对策。

    This article analyzes problems in field training together of nursing students in Hubei Vocational-Technical College , and brings forward corresponding countermeasures .

  9. 文章以湖北职业技术学院的网络安全为例,从操作系统定制、用户及密码设置、系统及服务配置、数据库安全等多方面讨论了数字化校园网软件平台系统集成过程中的安全管理。

    The article , as an example of network security of HVTC , as to operating system set , user and its code setup , system and service configuration and database security , discusses the security management about digital campus-wide software system integration .

  10. 湖北大学职业技术学院

    Hubei University Vocational College

  11. 本部分采用调查问卷和语音测试相结合的方法,对湖北交通职业技术学院大一非英语专业的学生进行语音学习策略问卷调查和语音测试。

    By questionnaire and phonetic tests , we selected a sample of non-English major freshmen from Hubei Communicative and Technical College .

  12. 湖北黄石机电职业技术学院

    Hubei Huangshi Vocational Institute of mechanics and electricity

  13. 对湖北省10所职业技术学院974名学生进行抽样调查,结果表明:职业院校学生对心理压力有所了解,大多数学生认为心理压力会对自己产生负面影响,而正面效应对学习生活的作用被忽视;

    Spot check to 974 students in ten vocational and technical schools in Hubei province shows that students knows mental pressure will bring harmful effects , but positive effects of mental pressure are unseen by them .