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The depth of loess collapsibility the arid area is greater than that in moist area .
Preliminary Report of the Comprehensive Technical Research of High Density and Super High Yield of Maize in the Half Moist District of Heilongjiang
APRI also increased NP uptake , seed quality and invertase urease catalase activity of soil in wet area .
If climatic data are insufficient , both Hargreaves method for any region and Priestley-Taylor for humid may provide reliable ET_0 estimates .
In the wetting zones of these irrigation style , the amount of accumulated NO_3-N are controlled root divided alternate irrigation > controlled root divided fixed irrigation > normal irrigation .
Consumption rate of soil water was 6.03mm/d larger under wider-shallower soil wetting pattern , but 5.55mm/d under narrower-deeper soil wetting pattern .
Assessment Method of Sustainable Water Resources Development of Wet Lake Basin
Effects of the Drip Irrigation Wetting Pattern on the Cotton Growth and Yield
Comparative study on precipitation effect of the lakes in humid and Arid Areas
But the research is more in dry region , vacant in humid region .
Effects of long-term fertilization on fractal features for soil aggregates in semi-arid farmland ecological system
The mean flow brings about moisture convergence , and transient eddy brings about divergence .
Between 450-650 mm , semihumid zone ;
Influence of Meteorological Conditions on Potato Tuber Formation and Yield in Temperate and Cool Semi-humid Regions of Northwest China
So the designed soil wetting area for the MDI is just the soil surface area covered by the film .
The salinity distribution is mainly influenced by evaporation and wetness area . The increase of irrigation water is helpful to remove salt .
Cultivars , Nitrogen and Planting Modes ' Integrated Effect on Winter Wheat 's Canopy Characteristic and Yield in the Semi-humid South of Loess Plateau
It is difficult to breed and propagate plants in subhumid area . And the survival rate of forestation and stability of growth are low .
According to the temporal curve of the moisture budget , finding that the departures distributional of the precipitation with the high or low index is oppositely .
In higher value era , the southerly and westerly transient eddy of water vapour transport is stronger in the eastern China and the South China Sea .
On that basis , in order to present theoretical and practical reference for advanced desertification prevention and control , desertification sustainable management mode framework was structured .
The semi-arid region of the Loess Plateau with especial underlying surface is a transition area from arid to semi-wet region , and its climate is extremely vulnerable .
The cold-humid effect in the Aershan wetland located in the humid area was more obvious than that in of the Dalinor wetland located in the semi-arid area ;
The net increasing quantity of annual precipitation is probably 23.02-30.85 % in semi-dry region of temperate resulting from forest , 9.88-24.52 % in semi-moist region of temperate .
The planting area and yield of apple occupied the national first place on semi-humid areas of the Loess Plateau , which was the new apple production base .
However , after the traditional Bed-irrigating sowing irrigation , the horizontal direction size of the soil moist areas is the 1.5 to 2.5 times of the vertical size .
The wet / dry classification function shows the increasing trend in the arid region , and the de - creasing trend in the semi-arid and the humid region .
The focused area is of typical moist climatic region , with complex topography , such as : water land , drought land , woodland , lakes , grassland and towns .
In addition , the spatial distribution of Shicheng with change and climate change caused by sub-humid areas and semi-arid regions of the dividing line is closely related to the movement .
With the increase of water supplied pressure and permeability coefficient , the wetting range was enlarged , and the average water content within the range and accumulated amount of infiltration became higher .