
dī diǎn
  • dropping point
滴点 [dī diǎn]
  • [dropping point] 在标准条件下润滑脂从半固体变成液体状态的温度

滴点[dī diǎn]
  1. GB/T4929-1985润滑脂滴点测定法

    Lubricating grease & Determination of dropping point

  2. 分析目前国内外润滑脂品种和产品质量差距,提出发展高滴点多效能润滑脂的建议。

    The lag of domestic greases behind foreign products in variety and quality is analyzed , and a suggestion to develop multi - functional grease with higher dropping point is proposed .

  3. 在色拉上面滴点橄榄油。

    Dribble a little olive oil over the salad .

  4. TCP对润滑脂的滴点和分油率的影响较小。

    TCP has a little effort on dropping and rate of oil separation .

  5. 采用新型的一步法制备工艺,加上多种添加剂,制备出一种高滴点、具有良好稳定性和优秀极压性的WS2高温锂基润滑脂。

    We adopt a new one step method producing technology , add many kinds of addictive and produce a kind of WS2 high temperature lubricating grease with high dripping dot , good stability and excellent extreme pressure . There is no decreasing temperature process .

  6. 这一温度也称为润滑油脂滴点温度,是表征润滑油脂质量的重要指标。

    This temperature gives an index to the lubricating grease quality .

  7. 分子模拟技术对润滑脂滴点的初步预测

    Forecasting the dripping point of lubricating grease by molecular simulation

  8. 一种高滴点钢绳表面脂的研制

    Development of a Lubricating Grease for Wire Rope Surface with High Drip temperature

  9. 高滴点润滑脂是润滑脂的一个发展方向。

    High-drop-point lubricating grease is one of the ways of developing new lubricating greases .

  10. 提高高温复合锂基脂滴点的机理研究

    A mechanism study of enhancing the drop point of high temperature lithium complex grease

  11. GB/T2560-1981褐煤蜡滴点测定方法

    Lignite wax & Determination of drop point

  12. GB/T5413.28-1997乳粉滴定酸度的测定直形管尖附乳胶头滴点管

    Milk powder & Determination of titratable acidity dropping pipette straight tip with latex rubber nipple

  13. 简要介绍了高滴点钢丝绳麻芯脂的研制过程及其性能。

    The research process and performance of high drop point fiber core grease were introduced .

  14. 利用废油脂制备高滴点锂基润滑脂的研究

    The study on the preparation of high dropping point lithium grease from waste fat and oil

  15. 采用适当工艺,用己二酸二元金属皂可制得高滴点润滑脂。

    With proper process binary metal adipates can be used to formulate lubricating greases with high drop points .

  16. 的黏附剂,滴点、滑落和低温性能测试表明,钢丝绳防护脂的性能达到最佳。

    Requiriments of anti-corrosion property , dropping point , adhesive and environment protection of wire rope grease were put forth .

  17. 润滑油脂滴点是指在规定的试验条件下,润滑油脂达到一定流动性时温度。

    The drop point of the lubrication grease is the temperature when it is reached the certain fluidity in stated test condition .

  18. 经测试,这种润滑脂具有高滴点、高油膜强度、低摩擦系数等良好的摩擦磨损特性。

    This grease has fine fiction and wear characteristics such as high drop point , high oil film strength , and low friction factor .

  19. 具有中空棒状结构纤维的润滑脂滴点比具有带状纤维结构的润滑脂滴点高。

    It was in addition found that the grease containing hollow rod-like fiber had a drop point higher than that of the grease containing bundle-shaped fiber .

  20. 12-羟基硬脂酸-癸二酸-硼酸复合后润滑脂滴点有较大提高。

    Meanwhile , the drop point was further raised when the grease was made up by compounding together 12-oxhydryl octadecanoic acid , sebacylic acid and boric acid .

  21. 制备的复合锂-钙基脂具有高滴点和良好的胶体安定性、剪切安定性,良好的抗水性、防腐性和润滑性。

    The said grease possesses high dropping point and good colloidal and shear stability as well as good anti corrosion , water resistance and anti wear properties .

  22. 利用离心分油试验机、油浴滴点测定仪和酸碱滴定仪分别考察了静态热老化对锂-钙基润滑脂胶体性能的影响。

    The influence of static thermal degradation on colloidal performance of Lithium-Calcium base grease was studied by the centrifugal oil separation test , dropping point test and acid number test .

  23. 采用机器视觉检测的方法对润滑油脂滴点进行动态检测具有如下优点:实现了润滑油脂滴点动态自动检测;检测精度高;

    The method based on machine vision to detect the drop point of the lubrication grease has the following merits : automatization , high detection precision , the fine repeatability and reappearance .

  24. 采用分子模拟技术对润滑脂滴点进行了初步预测,并计算了润滑脂中各种金属皂分子间氢键键长和分子体积模量。

    The dripping points of lubricating greases were forecasted by molecule simulation . The hydrogen bond length between the soap molecules and molecular bulk modulus of the soap in lubricating greases were also calculated .

  25. 本文介绍了以机器视觉检测技术为基础的全自动润滑油脂滴点测定仪器,包括两个主要部分:温度检测系统和图像检测系统。

    The text introduces the automatic equipment for detecting the drop point of the lubrication grease based on machine vision technology , including two main parts : Temperature detection system and image detection system .

  26. 用它制备的润滑脂滴点>633.15K,远高于膨润土润滑脂的指标要求。

    The temperature of the first drop of oil of the lubricating grease which used organic rectorite as the thickening agent is > 633.15 K , which is higher than the index of the bentonite grease .

  27. 这种复合钙皂-MB体系有较高的滴点、良好的胶体安定性、好的润滑性和在较广的温度范围内塑性改变不大。

    It is found that the complex calcium soap gives strong thickening ability , and the greases thus made possess high drop points , good colloidal stabilities , small viscosity changes with temperature and fine lubricity .

  28. 以新疆原油与青海原油混炼生产基础油,适量加入烃基稠化剂、金属皂,以提高基础脂的滴点和粘附性。

    The mixed crude oil from Xinjiang and Qinghai is refined to produce base oil . The dropping point and the adherent property of the base grease are improved by adding thickener of hydrocarbons and metal soap moderately .

  29. 经测试,该润滑脂具有高滴点、高油膜强度、低摩擦因数等良好性能,为充分利用我国丰富的钨资源提供一条新的出路。

    This grease has fine fiction and wear characteristics such as high drop point , high oil film strength , low friction factor . It provided a new method for taking full advantage of rich tungsten resource in China .

  30. 麻芯浸清试验及现场使用试验表明:高滴点钢丝绳麻芯脂具有与普通麻芯脂相当的浸渍性能,良好的高、低温性能和防护性能。

    The soak test and site - application results showed that high drop point fiber core grease had the same soak performance comparing with the ordinary fiber core grease , and had good high & low temperature performance as well as protection performance .