
  • 网络potential product
  1. 另一种潜在产品是红糖―在发达国家是一种“健康”食品。

    Another potential product is brown sugar , which is popular in developed countries as a form of " health " food .

  2. 此外,由于出现了几起笔记本锂电池爆炸事件,无论是中国还是其它国家的汽车制造商,面临的电动汽车潜在产品责任风险都是巨大的。

    And , given cases of exploding lithium-ion batteries in laptops , the potential product liability risk of electric cars faced by carmakers Chinese or not is huge .

  3. 4对潜在产品做市场的可行性报告。

    Report the commercial feasibility of potential products .

  4. 你们是不是报一下这些产品的价格?4对潜在产品做市场的可行性报告。

    Can you tell me the prices of these goods ? Report the commercial feasibility of potential products .

  5. 制定营销策略,确定竞争优势需要考察医疗服务产品的五个层次,核心利益、基础产品、期望产品、附加产品、潜在产品。

    Five levels of the medical service products should be investigated for making marketing strategy and competitive advantages , including core interests , main products , expected products , additional products and potential products .

  6. 一个非常成功的用于对实际或潜在的产品,或一套产品的用户建模的方法是交互设计(InteractionDesign,IaD)&参见参考资料,[4]。

    A very successful methodology used to model the actual or potential users of a product , or suite of products , is Interaction Design ( IaD ) & see Resources , [ 4 ] .

  7. 浓缩橙汁是今后相当长时期内的主要产品,NFC(鲜冷汁)橙汁可能是10年后有发展潜力的产品,柑橘全果罐头将是罐头类的潜在新产品。

    FCOJ will be the main product in next few years , NFC orange juice is a potential product in 10 years , and the peeled citrus fruits will be a new potential product of canned citrus .

  8. 与客户交流沟通并熟悉了解他们,了解客户的核心问题,发现潜在的产品需求。

    Understand and communicate with customers , identify key issues of customers and perceive the prospect of products .

  9. 他在评估和开发潜在新产品的时候总是拒绝使用市场调研以及观察机构,而更乐意相信他自己的直觉。

    He eschewed market researchers and focus groups , preferring to trust his own instincts when evaluating potential new products .

  10. 从网络评论中挖掘评价意见,不仅可以为潜在的产品购买者提供参考意见,还可以方便商家跟踪产品使用者的反馈。

    Mining opinion from online review can not only provide advice for potential purchasers , but can also help businessmen track market feedback from product users .

  11. 此步骤创建角色,这是用户原型,封装了通过与许多具体的当前或潜在的产品用户进行面谈而收集的所有知识。

    This step creates the Personas , which are User archetypes that encapsulate all the knowledge gathered by interviewing numerous concrete current or potential Users of the product ( s ) .

  12. 农机企业通过与竞争对手的联盟来可以打破低水平竞争的僵局,使潜在的产品模仿者成了创新伙伴,提高竞争层次。

    Agricultural enterprises always through alliances with competitors to break the impasse of the low degree of competition , let the potential imitators has become an innovation partner , improve the competitive level .

  13. 比较优势是竞争力的前提和基础,竞争力的增强将会进一步促进比较优势的提高,提高产品竞争力必须把潜在的产品比较优势转化为现实的商品竞争优势。

    Comparative advantage is the base of the competitiveness and enhanced competitiveness will further promote the comparative advantage . The potential product advantage must be changed into actual commodity advantage in order to improve the competitiveness .

  14. 接着,用户可以登录到SCA查看重要提醒和通知,这样就可以在潜在问题变成产品问题之前主动地把它们处理掉。

    Users can then log onto SCA to view critical alerts and notifications , so that potential issues can be handled proactively , before they become a problem in production .

  15. 这意味着询问潜在消费者对产品的真实想法和感受。

    This means asking potential customers their honest thoughts and feelings about the product .

  16. 执行售前工作,为潜在客户提供产品介绍和解决方案。

    Act the pre-sales work , introduce the products and solutions to potential customers .

  17. 商业广告的主要目的是激发潜在顾客购买产品的欲望。

    The purpose of commercial advertising is to attract potential customers to purchase products .

  18. 三维集成的技术优势正在延伸到大量销售的诸如消费类电子设备潜在应用的产品领域。

    Technology advances such as3-D Integration are expanding the potential applications of products into mass markets such as consumer electronics .

  19. 符合性警戒调查的目的是及早发现潜在的失败产品和确定可能引起失败的原因。

    An investigation of a compliance alert aims for the early detection of potentially failing product and the identification of possible causes .

  20. 中国的银行在销售这种具有潜在利润的产品方面走得很慢,成功的关键在于给他们加一把劲。

    But , success depends on lighting a fire under Chinese banks , which have been slow to peddle this potentially lucrative product .

  21. 设计-就像架构和测试-只是构建一个潜在可交付产品增量必须要做的简单工作。

    Design – like architecture and testing – is simply work that needs to be done to construct a potentially shippable increment of product .

  22. 但该项业务拥有许多潜在增长性产品,相当多的出资方将乐于参与其中。

    But the unit has lots of potential growth products and quite a few financial sponsors will be keen to be part of this game .

  23. 科学家认为,这可能主要归结为压力,压力是影响身体健康的一个重要因素,也是不良人际关系的潜在“副产品”。

    What it likely boils down to is stress & a well-known contributor to health problems , as well as a potential byproduct of troubled relationships , the scientists said .

  24. 广告最重要的作用是宣传产品和服务,吸引潜在客户对产品和服务的兴趣,最终达到完成销售的目的。

    The important functions of advertisements are to advertise their products or services , to arouse the potential customers ' interests in their products or services and then to complete the sales .

  25. 当我们无法充分量化风险时,举证责任就落到了那些愿意介绍一种具有潜在风险的产品来展示其中的风险足够低,且并不会对公众健康或环境造成负面影响的一方头上他继续说道。

    When we can 't adequately quantify risk , the burden of proof is on the party that would introduce a potentially risky product to show that the risk is low enough to avoid harm public health and the environment , he continues .

  26. 他们中有潜在客户或者对产品感兴趣的人。

    They have to be prospective customers or people who are interested in the product .

  27. 食品和药物管理局协商议定“自愿”撤回有潜在危害的食品产品;

    The Food and Drug Administration negotiates " voluntary " recalls of potentially hazardous food products ;

  28. 案例研究证明了该模型可以得到客户的规范需求和潜在需求,对产品的创新概念设计起到指导作用。

    Case analysis indicated that the model is feasible and could capture the normative or potential demands .

  29. 促销目标创建并促进产品认知,促进潜在需求,鼓励产品试用。

    The promotion objectives are creating and enhancing product awareness , stimulating potential demand and encouraging product trial .

  30. 因为事实上,不可能确定某些我们所引入的“具有潜在毒性”种类产品的成分。

    As it is virtually impossible to be certain about the ingredients of some products we have introduced a'potentially toxic'category .