
  • 网络tide
  1. 用牛顿力学基本原理分析海洋的潮汐现象

    Analyzing Ocean Tide phenomenon by Basic Principle of Newton 's Mechanics

  2. 潮汐现象与同步卫星的姿态稳定性

    Tide and attitude stabilization of synchronous satellite

  3. 3.gravityn.地心引力,重力潮汐现象常被看作是重力存在的证据,但这其实是不正确的。

    The existence of tides is often taken as a proof of gravity but this is actually inaccurate .

  4. 潮汐现象的成因

    Phase Analysis Tide of Ocean THE ORIGIN OF TIDE

  5. 潮汐现象的物理模型

    The Physical Model of Tide Phenomenon

  6. 讨论了引潮力的成因,太阳的引潮力与月亮的引潮力的相对大小,并对潮汐现象的一些规律和影响因素作了简要介绍。

    The origin of tide-generating force and the relative rate of the tide-generating forces from the sun and the moon are discussed .

  7. 模型的改进必将增进对潮汐现象的认识,促进学科间进行相互融合和相互渗透的研究(例如潮汐摩擦引起的月球自转的长期缓慢减速、地球内部结构的物理学研究等)。

    The improved knowledge of tides allows interdisciplinary studies including the lunar deceleration caused by tidal frictions as well as geophysical studies of Earth 's internal structure .

  8. 运用非调和法,直接从引起潮汐现象的天文因素入手,以2002年香港验潮站实测资料为例,用神经网络对潮汐知识进行了学习仿真,对未知结果进行了预报。

    Starting with the research on astronomic factor which arouses tide phenomenon , this paper introduces a method of nonharmonic analysis based on neural network to predict tide .

  9. 观测结果表明:巨盐核主要来自海上;巨盐核浓度与天气背景、风向风速和潮汐现象等有关。

    These observations indicate that the main giant salt nuclei originate from the sea surface , and their concentration are related to the wind , tide and weather situation .

  10. 在月亮和太阳等天体万有引力的作用下,地球上的岩体、海洋、湖泊及地下水都会产生潮汐现象,含油气的流体在含油气圈闭内由于天体的作用也会产生潮汐现象。

    By the action of the universal gravitations between the sun and the moon , the tide phenomenon occurs on the rocks , sea , lakes and groundwater on the earth , and also on the liquids comprising hydrocarbon-bearing traps .

  11. 虽然一颗卫星也会由于它的母行星而产生潮汐现象,但是它永远不会一颗恒星所影响,因此它总会有一些昼夜循环即使从地面的角度来看,它很奇特。

    Though a moon may become tidally locked to its parent planet , it can never be locked to a star , so it will always have some sort of day-night cycle-even if it is an odd one from a terrestrial point of view .

  12. 最突出的问题有二:1、设备资源利用率不均,用户数、话务量无法实现动态调整(潮汐现象);2、缺乏切实、高效的网络容灾方案。

    The most significant problems are : 1 . The resource utilization rate of the facilities is not even , the number of subscribers and the traffic could not be adjusted dynamically ( tidal phenomenon ) . 2 . The lack of a practical and efficient network disaster recovery plan .

  13. 他们的想法基于一种称为“潮汐加热”的现象。

    Their idea relies on a phenomenon called tidal heating .

  14. “异常潮位”是指潮位大大高于当时正常潮位,潮汐时间没有明显提前规律的一种突发性潮汐现象。

    Non-normal tide is a tidal phenomenon that occurs suddenly , lasts shortly , covers small area with much higher tidal level and gives little advanced warning .