
cháo xī biǎo
  • tide table
  1. 世界最早的潮汐表

    An earliest tide table in the world

  2. 基于ARM+μC/OS-Ⅱ的嵌入式系统设计及其在电子潮汐表中的应用

    Design of Embedded System Based on ARM + μ C / OS - ⅱ and Its Application in Electronic Tide Table

  3. 他们的免费应用SeaTow会提供当地潮汐表、详细的海洋天气预报、GPS坐标、航行方位和速度等船员定位所需的信息。

    The free Sea Tow app supports boaters ' navigation needs by offering information about local tide tables , detailed marine weather forecasts , GPS coordinates and bearing and speed .

  4. 哪儿能搞到一本潮汐表?

    Where can I get a book of Tide Tables ? '

  5. 备有最新的航标表(潮汐表,引航手册)。

    Up-to-date list of Lights ( Tide Tables , Pilot Manual ) is available .

  6. 潮汐表亦载有月亮盈亏的资料。

    Phases of the moon are also given .

  7. 我打开布拉盖特的潮汐表。

    I opened the Tide Tables at Bradgate .

  8. 中国古代潮汐表

    The tide tables of ancient China

  9. 找到一本潮汐表,我坐下来一页页地翻,而其他人则在旁边看着。

    We got a copy of the Tide Tables , and I sat down and looked through it while the others watched .

  10. 本文从电子潮汐表的定义着手介绍了电子潮汐表系统开发和应用,并提出了需要完善的内容。

    We introduced the exploitation and the application of the ETGS from the definition of which , we put forward the content needed to be perfected .

  11. 驱动大洋环流的能源和能汇包括潮汐,海表大气压力脉动,风应力,海表加热和冷却,海表淡水通量,以及海底地热。

    The energy sources and sinks for the oceanic general circulation include tidal forces , sea surface atmospheric pressure variations , wind stress , heating and cooling at the upper surface , freshwater flux , and geothermal heat flux .

  12. 结合本水域的天气预报和潮汐预报实况,探讨运用潮汐预报表预报赤潮,列举了赤潮出现时间及发生情况的预报实例。

    The use of tidal forecast table in predicting algal bloom has been exploited and is illustrated with an example of a prediction for 1992 .