
  • 网络Lancang Lahu;lancang lahu autonomous county
  1. 拉祜族是云南省思茅地区澜沧拉祜族自治县的主体民族。

    The Lahu nationality is the major of Lancang Lahu nationality autonomous county in Simao region of Yunnan Province .

  2. 少数民族地区地方课程资源开发的现状与实施策略&以云南省澜沧拉祜族自治县为研究个案

    The Status Quo and Statics of the Local Curriculum Resource Developing in Minority Region & The case study of Lancang Lahu nationality autonomous county in Simao region of Yunnan Province

  3. 澜沧老厂铅矿位于云南省西南部的澜沧拉祜族自治县境内,开采历史久远。

    Lancang Lead Mine Old Works is located in Lancang Lahu nationality Autonomous County , in the southwest of Yunnan Province , which has a long mining history .