
  1. 智慧的庄子和聪明的惠子在濠水的桥上游玩。

    The intelligent Zhang Zi and the clever Hui Zi were strolling on the bridge over the Haoshui River .

  2. 庄子说:“你说‘你怎么会知道鱼的快乐呢’的时候,表面你已经肯定了我知道鱼的快乐。所以我是知道鱼快乐的,我是在濠水之上知道鱼快乐的呀!”

    Zhuang Zi said , " When you said ' How could you know that the fish was joyous . ' So I know the fish is joyous , and I know this on the Haoshui River . "