- volcanics;volcanic rock;lava;extrusive rock

Sr-O Isotopic System of Taupo Acidic Volcanic Rock in New Zealand
The reversed polarity shown by the volcanic rock dated 0.58 ± 0.13 Ma has confirmed the occurrence of Emperor event .
Biotite as A Tracer of Cu and Au Mineralization in Hypergene-Subvolcanic Plutons
Research on evolutionary laws of sr , nd , Pb isotopes of uranium metallization and volcanic rocks in South China
Flat chondrite-normalized REE pattern and negative Eu anomaly of felsic volcanic rock may be used for choose prospecting target in the Kangding Group .
These volcanic rocks are characteristic of volcanic lithofacies and of chemical composition of higer MgO and lower SiO_2 in petrology .
40 ar / 39 ar ages and their geological significance of the volcanic rocks of Mount Bowles formation in Livingston island , South Shetland Islands
Agreed that the study area good exploration potential for looking for volcanic-related epithermal Pb and Zn deposits and Mo polymetallic mine closely related to porphyry deposits .
Preprocessing of Volcanic Rocks and Its Influence to Age of K-Ar Dating
Major element , REE and Sr , Nd , Pb isotope geochemistry is dealt with for the cenozoic volcanic rocks in Changbaishan area , Northeast China .
Subvolcanic rocks of the mantle type related to Cu , Pb and Zn multi-metal mineralization of the pyrite type belong to the series of ore-bearing volcanic rocks of the marine facies .
The three types of rocks in the orefield are relatively rich in Na and the main samples plot in the area of alkali basalt in the geochemical classification diagram .
The activity and distribution of deep big faults controlles the formation and distribution of carbon dioxide gas reservoirs , The reservoirs ' quality of volcanic rock controlles the formation of carbon dioxide gas reservoirs .
New Ar-Ar Geochronologic Data of Paleozoic Volcanic Rocks in the Western Segment of Chinese Southern Tianshan
The gigantic pillow lava , characterized by huge pillow bodies ( 5 to 8 m ) and diverse shapes , constitutes a distinctive landscape of volcanic rocks .
K Ar dilution and 40 Ar / 39 Ar step heating methods have been chosen in dating the isotopic ages of the volcanic and intrusive rocks of Byers Peninsula , Livingston Island .
Based on the Sr-Nd-Pb and U-Pb isotopes , the petrochemistry and the rare earth element geochemistry , this paper discussed the chronological characteristics , the genesis and the tectonic environment of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the Yanshan-Liaoning region , northeastern China .
Adopting upflow biological aerated filter ( BAF ) with porous medium-lava as carrier with the nitrification and denitrification characteristics of the reactor with no organic carbon source were studied under the oxygen-limited condition .
Combined with ECS ( Elemental Capture Spectroscopy ) logging and other logging technologies , it studies on the lithology identification of the igneous rock . A set of evaluating methods of igneous hydrocarbon reservoir are established .
U-Ra equilibrium coefficients of rocks indicate that there is obvious U-Ra disequilibrium phenomenon in volcanic rocks , and the time when granites provided uranium source occurred 16000 a ago .
It can be known by means of petrochemistry differentiation and ESCORT expert systematic analysis that the Dushan lithosome belongs to island are volcanic rock breeding on the oceanic lamella of Qinling Ocean , which gets the material conditions ready for the formation of Dushan jade .
High-Mg volcanic rocks approach the primitive mantle compositions , and their magmatic source is close to the composition of BSE , derives from the lower mantle and formed by this type - mantle rocks ' fractional melting highly ( > 25 % ) .
The volcanic rocks formed in early stage , from 175-120 ( 117 ) Ma , are high-K calc-alkali series , with a trend of transition to acid rock series .
Oil - and gas-bearing volcanic rocks in this area belong to the Bashan group ( C_2b ) . The rocks are mainly lava ( including andesites and basalts ) and pyroclastic ones .
In the late stage of the extension basin , the " Zhaokalong-type " VHMS deposits showing the association feature of elements ( Ag-Fe-Pb-Zn ) formed in the contract strip between the intermediate-acidic volcanic rocks and the overlying carbonate rocks and developed in the shallow-water facies .
The authors analyzed and interpreted again all the age data in the Group using some new dating methods . The integrated analysis indicates the ' following : ( 1 ) the lower limit of the ages of the meta-acid volcanic rocks should be older than 1900 Ma ;
Characteristics of altered pyroclastic rock and preparation of anti-sloughing drilling fluid
Clinoptilolite and mordenite in Cretaceous altered pyroclastic rock in eastern China
The abstraction of seismic attributes and its effectiveness in volcanic prediction
A study of self-potential method in hydrogeological exploration of volcanic area