
  • 网络mars rover;Mars probe;rover;Spirit rover
  1. 美国国家航空航天局(简称NASA)“毅力”号火星探测器搭载“阿特拉斯5号”火箭,从佛罗里达州升空,开始寻找地球邻居行星存在生命的任务。

    NASA 's Mars rover Perseverance has been launched atop an Atlas 5 rocket from Florida on a mission to traces of potential past life on Earth 's planetary neighbor .

  2. .我把火星探测器卡在一条裂沟里了。

    Howard : I got the Mars Rover stuck in a ditch

  3. 2021年的其他任务还包括:今年,火星探测器天问一号计划实施中国首次火星“绕、落、巡”探测。

    China 's Mars probe Tianwen-1 is designed to complete orbiting , landing and roving this year .

  4. 萤火一号火星探测器的轨道设计和STK仿真

    Orbit Design and STK-Based Simulation for YH-1 Spacecraft to Mars

  5. 以太空名词为名的宝宝姓名使用率也在上升,这也许是受到NASA火星探测器好奇号的影响。

    Space-themed baby names - perhaps inspired by the publicity around NASA 's Mars Curiosity Rover - also rose in popularity .

  6. 我要你和Raj帮我把火星探测器从沟里拖出来,

    Howard : I need you and Raj to help me get the Rover out of the ditch

  7. Q.如果你像上一期里所说的那样把海水都抽走,浇到“好奇号”火星探测器上,那么随着浇的水越来越多,火星会发生什么变化?

    Q. Supposing you did drain the oceans , and dumped the water on top of the Curiosity rover , how would Mars change as the water accumulated ?

  8. 介绍了中国首颗YH-1火星探测器的任务功能、组成和主要技术指标。

    The task and function , composition and major features of China the first YH-1 mars probe were introduced in this paper .

  9. 勇气号机遇号好奇号火星探测器。

    the Spirit , Opportunity and Curiosity rovers which are on Mars

  10. 火星探测器全模式飞行的姿态控制技术研究

    Attitude Control of Mars Probe during the Whole Mode Flight

  11. 火星探测器轨道运动建模的时空基准转换研究

    Study of the Time-Space Bench Transformation of Mars Probe Orbital Motion Modeling

  12. 几个世纪后,火星探测器就将被火星尘土所掩埋。

    Within centuries , our Mars rovers will be buried by dust .

  13. “天问一号”火星探测器完成第二次轨道中途修正。

    Mars probe Tianwen-1 has completed its second orbital correction .

  14. 我还怕你会抓着火星探测器那件事不放呢!

    I was afraid you were going to on that Mars Rover incident .

  15. 谢尔顿:我有说火星探测器吗?

    Sheldon : Did I say Mars Rover ? Page : You did .

  16. 你还把姑娘带进了火星探测器控制室?

    Sheldon : You brought a girl to the Mars Rover control room ?

  17. 她是火星探测器命名赛的冠军。

    who was the winner of a national naming contest for the rover .

  18. 我有说火星探测器吗?

    Sheldon : Did I say Mars Rover ?

  19. 美国航空航天局的科学家们星期二说,火星探测器“好奇号”在火星岩石中发现了硝酸盐。

    NASA scientists said Tuesday the Curiosity Mars rover found nitrates in Martian rocks .

  20. 政府计划向月球发送智能火星探测器。

    Smart'Mars probe will boldly go on trek .

  21. 美国计划于下周发射其“毅力号”火星探测器。

    And the United States is aiming to launch its Mars rover Perseverance next week .

  22. 在火星探测器控制系统中,姿态控制子系统具有重要作用。

    In the Mars probe control system , the attitude control subsystem plays a significant role .

  23. 阿联酋的火星探测器发回了第一张火星图像。

    The UAE 's Mars probe has sent back its first image of the red planet .

  24. 自从1960年苏联发射第一批火星探测器后,有一半的任务都以失败告终。

    Around half the missions sent there since the first Soviet attempts in1960 have failed to arrive .

  25. 某火星探测器星外材料液氦温区贮存试验系统的研制与试验验证浅谈低温液态罐体在抽空氦检漏中的注意事项

    Development of an experiment system using for a Mars detector 's materials testing at liquid helium temperature

  26. 这个火星探测器成功地引起了公众和科学界的兴趣。

    The Mars rover has been a huge hit in terms of both public and scientific interest .

  27. 早在1971年,苏联的火星探测器“火星3号”首次实现在这颗红色行星上软着陆。

    Back in 1971 the Soviet lander Mars 3 scored the first soft landing on the Red Planet .

  28. 这次尝试又失败了,找回完整的火星探测器的希望似乎越来越渺茫了。

    That bid also failed and the chances of finding the probe in one piece appear to be fading .

  29. “好奇心”火星探测器将调查过去的行星状况是否有利于微生物的生活。

    the Mars rover Curiosity will investigate whether past conditions on the planet have been favourable for microbial life .

  30. 自今年7月发射以来,中国“天问一号”火星探测器已飞行了3亿多公里。

    China 's Tianwen-1 mars probe has traveled more than 300 million kilometers since it was launched in July .