
  • 网络heating number
  1. 研究了加热温度、初火次变形率、退火温度等工艺参数对大尺寸Mo-1板组织和性能的影响。

    The effects of heating temperature , reduction for the first time , and annealing temperature on the structure and properties of large size Mo-1 plate were investigated .

  2. 结果表明,轧制温度选在1250℃,初火次加工率选为37.5%,加工的Mo-1板综合性能比较好;

    The results show that the Mo-1 plate annealed at the temperature of 1 250 ℃ and worked in reduction of 37.5 % for the first time is possessed of the better comprehensive properties .

  3. 室温和高温拉伸强度随锻造火次的增加呈现先减少后增加的趋势,塑性则先增加后减小。

    At room temperature and high temperature the tensile strength of the forging decreases firstly and then increases while the ductility changes on the contrary .

  4. 径向锻造可获得全截面细晶材料,并实现高合金难变形材料由锭到材的一火次锻造。

    The gross section fine grain material can be obtained by radial forging . One heat forging from ingot to finished products of high alloy with hard deformation can be realized .

  5. 所以,两次镦拔以后,转子锻件锻造的着重点应放在锻件最终形状、尺寸的完成及后续火次锻造时塑性变形的均匀性上。

    So , after twice streching and upsetting , forging of the rotor should focus on forging the final shape , size , completion and follow-up fire sub-uniformity of the deformation .

  6. 电渣锭在锻锤上锻造开坯时,第一火次宜于钢锭出炉后待其稍稍变凉,采取多面受力的小变形方案。

    When electroslag ingot is forged and bloomed on the forging hammer , deformation plan that ingot is forged with small deformation and on several surfaces shall be used after ingot taken from heating furnace becomes cooling slightly at the first heating number .

  7. 必须采用现代研究手段,控制变形温度、变形量、变形火次,得到综合上述3种组织优点的某种过渡组织类型,保证Ti1023合金发挥高强、高韧的综合优势。

    While on basis of controlling the deforming temperature , deforming degree and deforming time , some type of transitional microstructure , with all virtue of the above microstructure types , may be obtained to ensure the Ti 1023 alloy be of high strength and high toughness .

  8. 结果表明,在930~1010℃范围内,单锤变形量δ0为2.0~4.0%时,两火次累积变形量大于60%的锤锻变形工艺,可获得ASTM9~10级的均匀细晶锻件组织。

    The results show that a forging process with accumlated deformation > 60 % during two heats in the range of 930 ~ 1010 ℃ by single drop 2.0 ~ 4.0 % can get homogeneous fine grain structure of forgings , which is conformable to ASTM 9 ~ 10 scale .

  9. 埠后古火山机构由早白垩世陆相火山岩和次火山岩组成,铅、锌、铜、硫矿与后者有关。

    The Buhou Palaeovolcano is made up of volcanics and subvolcanics of Early Cretaceous continental volcanic cycle , leadzine-copper and sulfur ores are related to the subvolcanics .

  10. 台湾版苏珊大妈&“小胖子”火了以后第一次接受采访。

    Taiwan 's Susan Boyle : 'Little Fatty'speaks for the first time since becoming YouTube hit .

  11. 但好消息是即将到来的蛇年是自2007年以来火元素的第一次回归。

    But the good news is that the coming Year of the Snake is the first time that fire has come back since 2007 .

  12. 火上最后一次喷发时在2006年,大量的糜烂性毒气和岩石碎片顺山而下,致2人死亡。

    The mountain last erupted in2006 , when it sent an avalanche of blistering gases and rock fragments racing down the mountain that killed two people .