
  • 网络pyrometallurgy
  1. 对铋碲精矿的处理,传统的方法是火法冶炼。

    The processing method for bismuth - tellurium concentrate was pyrometallurgy traditionally .

  2. 火法冶炼由高速钢磨屑再生含W-Mo-Cr-V合金

    W-Mo-Cr-V Contained Alloy Recycling from High Speed Steel Swarfs by Pyrometallurgical Process

  3. 从废旧蓄电池中无污染火法冶炼再生铅及合金

    Pollution Free Pyrometallurgical Regeneration of Lead and Its Alloys from Used and Scrapped Batteries

  4. 粗炼的和精炼的未锻铜生产工艺:湿法、火法冶炼回收、机械处理回收。

    Blister and refined unwrought copper Technologies : Zinc process , electrolysis process , mechanical process and metallurgy process .

  5. 冶金法制备太阳能级多晶硅工艺研究生产工艺:湿法、火法冶炼回收、机械处理回收。

    Physical Metallurgical Method to Produce Solar-grade Silicon ; Technologies : Zinc process , electrolysis process , mechanical process and metallurgy process .

  6. 使用火法冶炼的金属锰与铜组成锰基减振合金系,并为改善性能而填加了其他元素。

    Damping alloy was composed of smelting manganese and pure copper , some elements were added into the alloy in order to improve its property .

  7. 对影响电解银的工艺因素进行了分析,并对高杂质铅阳级泥采用火法冶炼和电解精炼相结合的方法进行处理。

    The factors of effect on the techniques of the electrolytic silver were analyzed . The lead ' anode mud were treated with the fire metallurgy and electrolytic refining . grade .

  8. 作为两种主要冶炼镍金属或镍合金的方法之一,用红土镍矿通过火法冶炼镍合金在国内逐渐得到重视。

    As one of the two processes of smelting nickle metal or nickle alloy , the pyrometallurgical process to smelt nickle alloy from laterite ore was paid more and more attention .

  9. 介绍了铟在锌的火法冶炼过程中的走向及其生产工艺,然后结合生产实践,提出了提高铟产量的办法。

    The paper introduced the trend and recovery method of indium in its vertical retort process , togethered with the production practice , put forward method to improve the output of indium .

  10. 本文对国内外铜业造锍熔炼主要工艺方法及特点进行全面分析和论述,旨在为铜业火法冶炼扩产改造提供参考。

    This article describes main techniques and characteristics of copper matte smelting in domestic and foreign copper industry in an aim to provide reference for expansion and modification of copper pyrometallurgical projects .

  11. 通过运用分步浸出技术可在常温、常压条件下用硫酸浸出废镁砖中对火法冶炼影响很大的高熔点氧化镁等成分,使金、银、铜等有价金属得到富集;

    Abstract : Fractional sulfuric acid leaching of magnesium oxide that influence pyrometallurgical technology from waste magnesia brick at ambient temperature and pressure was conducted to comprehensively recover gold and silver , copper etc .

  12. 采用富氧空气的现代硫化矿火法冶炼工艺操作,导致冶炼烟气中的SO2浓度很高,这是冶炼烟气处理中显著节约的一个前提条件。

    The operation of modern pyrometallurgical smelter processes for sulphide ores using oxygen-enriched air , leads to high SO_2 concentrations in the smelter off gas . This is a prerequisite for substantial savings in smelter offgas treatment .

  13. 根据稀有金属火法冶炼企业生产设备的布局特点及其对水压平衡的特殊要求,从确保用水设备安全、减少水资源浪费这一基本点出发,提出了有关循环给水系统的设计措施和处理办法。

    Based on layout and special requirements for balanced water pressure of the rare metal pyro-metallurgical plants , the design measures and treatment method of recycled water supply system are given so as to ensure safe handling of the water equipment and save water resource .

  14. 中国火法铜冶炼污染物排放情景分析

    Pollutants Emission Scenario Analysis of China 's Copper Smelter Industry

  15. 以废铅蓄电池为原料,采用湿法、火法联合冶炼技术制备黄丹和红丹。

    A wet-firing combined process has been developed for preparing yellow lead and red lead from scrap lead batteries .