
  • 网络Rocket assisted torpedo;RAT;VLA-ER;subroc
  1. XX型火箭助飞鱼雷雷箭分离高速风洞试验测力天平研制

    Balance development of XX torpedo using the rocket-boosting in the separation test of the torpedo and the rocket in high speed wind tunnel

  2. 本文提出了一种新的设计思想,即火箭助飞鱼雷的一体化设计。

    A new design is introduced in the present article , i.

  3. 基于射击通道的火箭助飞鱼雷射击效率分析

    Simulation of rocket assisted torpedo 's firing efficiency based on firing channel

  4. 火箭助飞鱼雷纵向通道制导系统参数设计及仿真

    Controller Parameters Design and Simulation of Vertical Channel Guidance System for Rocket-Assisted Torpedo

  5. 分布式火箭助飞鱼雷战斗使用研究平台设计

    Design of Distributed Rocket-assisted Torpedo Combat Operation Research System

  6. 编队使用火箭助飞鱼雷齐射实施方法

    Salvo Implement Scheme of Surface Formation for Rocket-Assisted Torpedo

  7. 火箭助飞鱼雷对随机机动目标的射击效率仿真

    Study on Fire Efficiency for Attacking Random Maneuvering Target by the Rocket-assisted Torpedo

  8. 火箭助飞鱼雷最优落水区研究

    Optimum falling zone of rocket assisted torpedo

  9. 火箭助飞鱼雷的弹道分析

    Ballistic characteristics of rocket assisted torpedo

  10. 火箭助飞鱼雷系统建模与空中弹道仿真研究

    The Rocket-Assisted Torpedo System to Set Up the Mold and Air the Trajectory to Imitate the True Research

  11. 火箭助飞鱼雷是鱼雷技术和火箭技术的有机结合,传统的设计是将鱼雷作为助推火箭的弹头,火箭和鱼雷各自具有独立的动力、控制和测试记录系统。

    The design based on practice is to take the torpedo as the warhead with the rocket and torpedo having their propulsion , control and recording systems respectively .

  12. 本文首先深入研究了声自导鱼雷对目标的检测模型,进而建立了基于蒙特卡罗法的射击效率计算模型,通过仿真计算确定了火箭助飞鱼雷的最优落水区。

    The target-detection model of acoustic torpedo is analyzed , and the model of fire efficiency is given , while the optimum falling zone of rocket assisted torpedo is confirmed by calculating .