
diàn zǐ ɡān rǎo
  • Electronic interference;electric jamming
  1. GPS电子干扰范围及效果分析

    Analysis of the Jamming Range and Effect of Global Positioning System

  2. 对GPS系统实施电子干扰可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Electronic Interference on GPS

  3. 电子干扰下GPS接收机C/A码捕获性能的研究

    A Study on the C / A Code Acquisition Performance of GPS Receivers Under Electronic Jamming

  4. 基于PCI总线的电子干扰吊舱自动检测系统研究

    Research of the automatic test system for electronic jamming pods based on PCI bus

  5. INS具有抗电子干扰、大机动飞行、隐蔽性好的特点。

    INS has anti-jamming , high dynamic flight and concealment features .

  6. 在濒海水域对电子干扰措施和软杀伤装备的需求基于FDG和GA的故障诊断技术在电子对抗装备中的应用

    ECM and Soft-Kill Requirements in the Littorals Application of the Fault Diagnosis Technique Based on FDG and GA in Electronic Countermeasure Equipment

  7. 基于对ARM局限性的分析,从雷达新体制、新技术及战术运用等方面着手,重点研究了对抗ARM的电子干扰方法及技术措施,并简要介绍了以硬摧毁技术对抗ARM的方法。

    Based on the limitation of antiradiation missile ( ARM ), electronic countermeasure methods of antagonizing ARM are studied emphatically , and the technique of antagonizing ARM by hard kill is introduced briefly .

  8. 正交射频存储是电子干扰中的一个关键部件,在介绍工作原理的基础上,主要介绍了如何使用SIMULINK工具箱对系统进行建模。

    The models of I-Q DRFM base on the basic principle of I-Q DRFM and SIMULINK toolbox are given , and the spectrum of DRFM is also analysed .

  9. 通过使用高精度的光电传感器拍摄实时图像并进行特征识别并与SINS数据融合后,可提供一个具有较强抗电子干扰能力的自主式高精度组合导航系统。

    By employing high-precision electro-optical sensor , the features are extracted and identified from real-time images to integrate SINS to provide a high-precision navigation system with the advantage of anti-jamming and autonomous ability .

  10. 利用微型飞行器(microairvehicle:MAV)执行搜索、侦察、电子干扰等任务具有安全、高效、成本低廉等优点,在未来战争中MAV将发挥不可替代的作用。

    It is safe , efficient and low-cost to perform a military mission with MAV ( Micro Air Vehicle ), such as searching , reconnaissance , electronic jamming etc. They will have an important role to play in future wars and can not be substituted .

  11. 研究对采用C/A码的GPS接收机实施电子干扰方法及干扰效果问题.分别以连续波作为窄带干扰信号,以非相关Gold码调制的BPSK信号作为宽带干扰信号,利用数学建模和仿真的方法进行研究。

    The schemes and effects of electronically jamming GPS 's C / A code receivers are studied by using CW as the narrow band jamming signal and BPSK signal modulated by Gold code which is incoherent to that adopted by GPS as the wide band one .

  12. MAV具有GPS自主导航和超近距离侦察、目标定位、越障侦察、战场监控、近距离电子干扰,战场信息获取、有害物质提取等多种特殊功能。

    MAV has many kinds of special functions such as GSP autonomous navigation , super close distance reconnaissance , target location , reconnaissance over barrier , battlefield monitoring , close distance electronic interference , obtaining information of battlefield and abstracting deleterious matter .

  13. 宽带雷达的欺骗干扰是目前宽带雷达电子干扰(ECM)的重要研究内容之一,数字射频存储器(DRFM)以其相参存储和转发的特性被广泛应用于欺骗干扰系统中。

    Deceptive jamming to wideband radar is one of the important aspects in wideband radar Electronic Counter Measure ( ECM ) . Digital Radio Frequency Memory ( DRFM ) with the characteristic of coherent storing and coherent repeating is widely used in deceptive jamming systems .

  14. 现代作战环境的复杂性要求雷达能对付各种电子干扰,而采用自适应数字波束形成技术(ADBF)的相控阵雷达具备这种应变能力。

    In modern environment of campaign , radar is requested to deal with electron interference , and phased array radar adopting adaptive digital beam forming ( ADBF ) technology possess this ability .

  15. 分布式电子干扰系统干扰效能分析与仿真

    Analysis and simulation for efficiency of the distributing electronic jamming system

  16. 电子干扰对空空导弹的作战效能影响分析

    Influences of Electronic Interference on the Combat Effectiveness of Air-to-air Missile

  17. 无污染,无噪音,无电子干扰。

    No pollution , no noises , no electronic interference .

  18. 国外机载电子干扰吊舱的现状及发展

    Current situation and development about airborne electronic jamming pod abroad

  19. 在电子干扰环境中飞行器隐身性能计算

    Stealth Effect Calculation of Aircraft on Condition of Electrical Jamming

  20. 电子干扰对低可观测飞行器飞行路径规划的影响

    Electronic Jamming Exercises Influence on Flight Path Planning of Low Observation Aircraft

  21. 几种航空有源电子干扰装备的比较

    The comparison of a few active aviation electronic jamming equipments

  22. 电子干扰效果一般评估准则探讨

    Study on General Evaluation Rules of Electronic Jamming Effectiveness

  23. 特殊信道或频率的电子干扰。

    Electronic jamming of a specific channel or frequency .

  24. 现代战争中的电子干扰和反干扰技术

    Technique for Electronic Jamming and Anti-jamming in Modern Warfare

  25. 现代电子干扰理论与效能评估的研究

    Research on modern electronic jamming theory and efficiency evaluation

  26. 无人机电子干扰系统的单片机应用

    Use a Microcontroller for Unmanned Airborne Jamming Equipment

  27. 电子干扰设备可靠性鉴定试验的探讨

    Reliability Qualification Test for the Electronic Jamming Equipments

  28. 导弹的抗电子干扰性能。

    The missile 's resistance to electronic jamming .

  29. 双基地地雷达具有较强的抗电子干扰、抗打击、隐蔽性好等特点。

    Bistatic radar has strong advantages in anti-electronic jamming , anti-attack and well concealment .

  30. 舰载反导的电子干扰实现

    The Electronic Disturb Realization of Anti-missile in Vessel