
  • 网络fire fighting;fire attack
  1. 近年来,世界森林火灾频发,森林资源和人民群众生命财产损失触目惊心,森林火灾扑救过程中应急处置,特别是火场紧急避险问题引起了世界各国的普遍重视。

    In recent years , with the frequent forest fires across the world , forest resources and lives and property of people suffer from startling losses . Emergency disposal in forest fire attack , in particular emergency avoidance is brought to the forefront by each and every country .

  2. 城市火灾扑救调度指挥过程的Petri网模型研究

    Petri net based methodology for dispatching and commanding process of urban fire fighting

  3. 第二十八条下列单位应当建立专职消防队,承担本单位的火灾扑救工作:

    Article 28 The following units shall set up full time fire brigades to undertake fire fighting and rescue work .

  4. 公安消防队除保证完成本法规定的火灾扑救工作外,还应当参加其他灾害或者事故的抢险救援工作。

    Public security fire brigades , except guaranteeing to carry out fire fighting and rescue work as stipulated in this law , should also do rescue and relief work of other disasters or accidents .

  5. 第二十七条城市人民政府应当按照国家规定的消防站建设标准建立公安消防队、专职消防队、承担火灾扑救工作。

    Article 27 Urban people 's governments shall , in accordance with the standards on fire control station construction , set up public security fire brigade , full time fire brigade to undertake fire fighting and rescue work .

  6. 第三十一条公安消防机构应当对专职消防队、义务消防队进行业务指导,并有权指挥调动专职消防队参加火灾扑救工作。

    Article 31 Public security fire control institutions shall give business guidance to full time and obligatory fire brigades , and shall have the right to direct and muster full time fire brigade for fire fighting and rescue work .

  7. 第三十五条消防车、消防艇前往执行火灾扑救任务或者执行其他灾害、事故的抢险救援任务时,不受行驶速度、行驶路线、行驶方向和指挥信号的限制,其他车辆、船舶以及行人必须让行,不得穿插、超越。

    Article 35 Fire trucks and fire boats , when rushing for fire fighting and rescue work or relief and rescue task for other disaster and accidents , shall not be restricted by its driving speed , driving route , driving direction and traffic signals ; other vehicles , ships and pedestrians must make way and shall not conduct overtaking .

  8. 基于GIS的森林火灾扑救路径的构建

    Using GIS to Build the Most Suitable Forest Fires Fighting Path

  9. 一种基于GIS和Petri网的城市火灾扑救调度决策方法

    GIS and Petri Nets Based Decision-Making Methodology for the Dispatching Process of Urban Fire-Fighting

  10. 火灾扑救模拟演练DIS系统框架的研究

    Study on DIS System Framework of Fire Drill Simulation

  11. 该文对城市火灾扑救与调度指挥过程特点进行了系统分析,发展了一类非自主有色Petri网方法,并建立了相应的城市火灾扑救与调度指挥过程仿真模型与仿真策略。

    In this paper , the systematical analysis has been completed involving features on urban fire-fighting and dispatching process . Thereby , a kind of Non-autonomous Colored Petri Net method is developed to set up the corresponding simulation model . Meanwhile , the simulation strategy has also been given out .

  12. 这一模型的提出对CAFS系统产生泡沫应用于森林火灾扑救有重要指导意义,可用于预测外力作用下灭火泡沫的流动行为,充分发挥泡沫的阻火和灭火效能。

    The origination of the model will be of great importance to the application of foam generated by CAFS in forest fire suppression both in fire direct attack and acting as a firebreak .

  13. 石油化工火灾扑救指挥之对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures of Fire - extinguishing Direction in Petrochemical Trade

  14. 森林火灾扑救风险控制与处置的对策研究

    Study on Strategies of Controlling and Disposing Forest Fire Suppression Risk

  15. 对爆炸性燃烧石油储罐火灾扑救对策的探讨

    Discussion on the Countermeasures of the Suppression of Explosive Petroleum Tank Fire

  16. 高层建筑火灾扑救的潜在危险及预防措施

    The Potential Dangers and Preventive Measures During Fire Fighting in Tall Buildings

  17. 轻质油品外浮顶储罐火灾扑救力量部署

    Arrangement to Rescue Fire Disasters of Light Oil Outward Floating Roof Tank

  18. 燃油锅炉房的灭火系统石油炼制装置火灾扑救

    Fire Extinguishing System of Oil-burning Boiler Room Fire - extinguishing of Refining Plant

  19. 城市火灾扑救与调度指挥过程智能控制方法研究

    Study on intelligent control method for urban fire - fighting and dispatching process

  20. 火灾扑救中的后勤保障事故调查与分析


  21. 基于资源竞争决策的森林火灾扑救智能决策支持系统

    Forest fire suppression intelligent decision and support system based on resource competition decision

  22. 从杭州花都市场谈建材市场的火灾扑救

    Discussion on fire fighting with building materials market based on Hangzhou Huadu market

  23. 对森林火灾扑救中安全问题的研究和探讨

    Research on the safety problem of forest fire suppression

  24. 试论化工火灾扑救的组织指挥

    Discussion on the Command of Putting out Chemical Fire

  25. 塑料的燃烧性及火灾扑救对策

    The combustibility of plastics and strategies for fire extinguishment

  26. 森林火灾扑救属于高风险、高危险作业。

    Forest fire suppression is a task with high risk and high danger .

  27. 城市火灾扑救调度最佳路径分析

    Optimal Path of Dispatch in Urban Fire Fighting

  28. 直升飞机也参与到火灾扑救工作中。

    Helicopters are also involved in the operation .

  29. 石油储罐着火态势与火灾扑救

    Kindling Situation and Fire Control for Oil Tank

  30. 森林火灾扑救风险管理问题的探讨与研究

    Probe into Risk Management in Forest Fire Fighting