
  • 网络fire;Fire Escape
  1. 制定火灾逃生计划。

    Create a fire escape plan .

  2. 因此,需要一种安全、真实、有效的火灾逃生自救训练方法来解决这些问题。

    Therefore , the need for a safe , a real and effective fire escape self-help training methods to solve these problems .

  3. 是制定一个火灾逃生计划。

    It 's creating * a , a FIRE-ESCAPING plan .

  4. 火灾逃生自动诱导系统的研究

    The research on auto-directing system for occupant evacuation in fire-with infrared imaging detector

  5. 火灾逃生中的安全问题

    Security question in the fire evacuation

  6. 分析总结的火灾逃生经验,对于中小型宾馆类建筑逃生设计提供了可以借鉴的资料。

    The experience of evacuation analyzed in this paper has provided data for escape design of small and medium-sized guesthouse building .

  7. 应用元胞自动机的火灾逃生模型,以可视化方式模拟了人员逃离火灾过程,讨论了两种邻域视野情况下对火灾逃生的影响。

    This paper simulated process of escape from fire with cellular automaton model . This procession is influenced by the next field .

  8. “这些信息可与传统的家庭火灾逃生实践工作配套使用”,国家消防协会的勒博说道。

    " The messages are coupled with the traditional theme of creating and practicing home fire escape routes ," says NFPA 's Lebeau .

  9. Isabella's餐厅地处上西区一座七层高、带有金属火灾逃生口的红砖建筑底层,餐厅里满是享用着美式食品的父母和孩子。

    Isabella 's , at the base of a seven-storey , redbrick , upper-west-side building with metal fire escapes , is filled with parents and children enjoying its American cuisine .

  10. 针对这些原因,应采取的措施为:施工部门加大监管力度,采用新型耐火材料,强化市民火灾逃生知识。

    For these reasons , measures should be taken : the construction sector increased supervision , the use of new refractory materials , and strengthen public knowledge of the fire escape .

  11. 据新华社报道,有六名乘客和司机在河南省信阳市的这场火灾中逃生。

    The Xinhua news agency reported that six passengers and the driver had escaped the inferno in Xinyang City , in the province of Henan .

  12. 据上海警方的消息说,周五早晨,上海商学院的四名学生为了从火灾中逃生,从位于六楼的宿舍中跳下,以至身亡。

    Four college students died after jumping off their sixth-story dormitory at a Shanghai business school to escape fire early morning Friday , Shanghai police said .

  13. 如果能提高民众在火灾中逃生自救的能力,将为保证人民生命财产安全和开展消防工作带来积极作用。

    If we can improve the self-help people in the fire escape ability , will ensure the safety of life and property and to carry out a positive role in the fire service .

  14. 本文建立了大型公共建筑火灾中人员逃生行为模式图。

    A mode of human behaviors in large public building fires is built up in the paper .

  15. 应用此方法,增加了火灾时人员逃生概率,改变了现有消防指示系统现状。

    It will increase the escaping probability and change the present situation of the fire fighting system through this method .

  16. 城市高层建筑火灾消防及安全逃生策略研究

    Study on Fire Prevention and Escape Safety Countermeasures of Urban High-rise Buildings

  17. 地铁站台及区间火灾数值模拟及逃生研究

    Study on the Numerical Simulation and Safety Evacuation in Subway Station and Tunnel Fire

  18. 楼梯作为发生地震和火灾时重要紧急逃生竖向通道,对主体结构刚度的影响不容忽视。

    Staircase as earthquake and fire emergency escape key vertical channels , the impact on the overall structural stiffness can not be ignored .

  19. 文章建议根据火源释热率、火灾发生后的逃生时间、烟气层的控制高度合理确定大空间的机械排烟速率。

    Therefore the article recommends that according to fire heat release rate , escape time and control height of smoke layer , the rate of mechanical smoke extraction should be reasonably decided .

  20. 火场氧浓度降低、大量烟气遮档视线和吸入毒性气体是造成火灾中人员无法逃生而窒息死亡的三大主要因素。

    Reducing of oxygen concentration , smoke that obscured vision and toxic gas inhalation are three major factors that cause people in fire unable to escape and result in the suffocation deaths .

  21. 已有的隧道事故研究大都集中在火灾通风模式、逃生和救援模式等单项研究上,缺乏对隧道事故的成灾特征和事故应急救援的整合性研究。

    However , the most tunnel accident study were concentrated on Individual research , such as fire ventilation mode , escape and rescue mode of single highway tunnel , lacking all-around study of accident mechanism and emergency rescue in extra long highway tunnel .

  22. 地下商场建筑结构特殊、人员密集、火灾荷载大,火灾风险性大,发生火灾时逃生和扑救难度大,为确保人员和财产安全,需要定期对其进行现状评价。

    Underground emporiums construction structure special , the fire risk is big , the difficulty of scapes and saves goal to be big , so it needs regularly to carry on the present situation evaluation .

  23. 创建火灾模拟仿真系统的目的是希望通过此系统尽量真实的还原真正火灾现场的复杂情况,让使用者更多的通过亲身的体验了解在火灾现场逃生的知识和自救的方法。

    Create a fire simulation system aims through this system as close as possible to restore the real complexities of the fire scene , allowing users to more through personal experience to understand the knowledge in the scene of the fire escape and self-help approach .