
  • 网络strategic mergers and acquisitions
  1. 重新构造了关于战略并购后财务整合的新框架。

    There are the following contributions . 1 . Reconstruction of new frame of financial integration after strategic mergers and acquisitions . 2 .

  2. 分析、总结并购整合的理论和实践,探索促进成功战略并购的途径。

    Analyzing 、 summarizing theories and practice of Mergers and Acquisitions and Integration , exploring and promoting way of successful Strategic Mergers and Acquisitions . 2 .

  3. 本文定义了协同效应源于企业核心能力与并购之间的互动关系,构建了P公司基于核心能力的获取和拓展的战略并购模型,强调并购整合即协同效应的实现,是一个价值创造的过程。

    This paper defines synergy effects as the source of interactions between strategic M A and the core capabilities of Enterprises . Establishes the strategic M A model for P company based on core capabilities acquiring , enhance and re-engineering .

  4. 战略并购模式选择的三维原理及应用研究

    Research in Three-dimensional Principle of Strategic Merger Pattern Choice and Application

  5. 战略并购中公司价值的分析与评估方法研究

    Firm Value Analysis and Evaluation Method Research in Strategic M & A

  6. 浅析国内战略并购的整合过程

    Discussion on Integration Process of National Strategic Merger Acquisition

  7. 竹胶板企业战略并购及其整合研究

    Research on the Strategic M & A and Integration of Bamboo Plywood Enterprise

  8. 笔者提出的战略并购决策框架分为上下两层。

    The decision-making structure composed by the under layer and the above layer .

  9. 基于风险的战略并购模式研究

    Research on Strategic Merger Pattern Based on Risk

  10. 战略并购绩效评价模型的理论与应用研究

    The Demonstrative Study on the Performance Evaluations Model of the Strategic M & A

  11. 我国出版业的横向战略并购研究

    Research on the Application of Merger & Acquisition of Horizon in Publishing Industry of China

  12. IT行业战略并购动因分析

    Strategic enterprise - merger of IT trade

  13. 竞争情形下基于期权博弈的战略并购决策分析

    Decision-Making of Corporate Strategic M & A Under the Condition of Competition Based on Option Games

  14. 跨国企业战略并购初探&经典案例的启示

    A tentative Probe into the Strategic MA of Transnational Enterprises & An Inspiration from Classical Cases

  15. 战略并购的时机选择研究

    Timing of Strategic MA Study

  16. 第四部分是基于品牌战略并购的整合、税收及相关法律问题研究。

    The fourth part , Introduce brand strategy of integrating acquisitions , tax and legal issues are related to research .

  17. 战略并购就是通过强化企业核心业务和构建核心能力来提高企业核心竞争力的。

    Strategic MA is one way to strengthen the core competence of an enterprise by establishing and highlighting the major business .

  18. 今年,在金融工作组内建立了一个私募股权与战略并购子工作组。

    This year , a Private Equity and Strategic Mergers & Acquisitions Sub Working Group was established within the Banking Working Group .

  19. 因此,基于核心竞争力的角度对企业战略并购进行研究具有重要的理论意义与实践意义。

    In a word , the research on the strategic M & A from the core competence view is necessary and practical .

  20. 通过对国内外并购实例看,战略并购能够迅速培育或提升企业的核心竞争力。

    According to the examples at home and abroad , strategic A & M can quickly cultivate or improve enterprise core competence .

  21. 战略并购在我国的兴起必将成为一种趋势,因此对战略并购的研究就显得尤为重要。

    Researching on strategic Merger and Acquisition is more and more important , because it has become an unstoppable trend in-our country .

  22. 该部分首先分析了战略并购财务整合的模式问题,主要是选择移植模式和融合模式进行财务整合。

    This part analyses the mode problem of mergers and acquisitions and financial integration and mainly chooses transplanting and fusion mode to financial integration .

  23. 本文通过对战略并购中隐性知议整合问题的研究,旨在探索并购企业进行隐性知识整合的一般路径。

    The paper will probe general way of M A tacit knowledge integration through the study of the problem in M A tacit knowledge integration .

  24. 通过计算战略并购的协同效应以及与其相关的因素来评估战略并购的绩效是本文的主要目的。

    The aim of this paper is to evaluate performance of M & A through calculation of the synergy and other factors resulted from it .

  25. 然而,这种带有中国国情的战略并购与我国普遍存在的财务并购相比效益有何不同?

    However , what is the difference in merging benefits between the strategy merging with China 's actual conditions and the ubiquitous financial affairs merging ?

  26. 在这样的思路指导下,通过对战略并购流程的分析,确定了以协同效应作为切入点的技术方向。

    In this line of thought , through analyzing the process of strategic acquisitions , the paper identified synergies as an entry point to expanse study .

  27. 战略并购是企业获取核心竞争优势,在日趋激烈市场中生存和发展的重要途径。

    Strategic MA ( merger acquisition ) is an important way in which enterprises get their core competitive advantages , surviving and developing in intense competitive markets .

  28. 本文以竹胶板企业为研究对象,就其战略并购动因、并购整合及其未来发展趋势进行了全面探讨。

    This paper , based on Bamboo Plywood Enterprise , makes a comprehensive study of the reasons , integration , and future trend of the strategic MA .

  29. 并购活动需要大量资金支持,融资难已成为制约大规模战略并购的瓶颈之一。

    Merging activities need a large amount of capital as the strong back financial support , So financial difficulty is one of the bottlenecks for restraining extensive strategic merging .

  30. 在此基础上,把从协同效应角度研究战略并购分为两个层次:战略并购中协同效应的价值研究和其评估研究。

    From the perspective of synergies the research on strategic M & S divided into two parts : the value of the synergies in Strategic Merger , and its assessment .