
The rocket soared into the air .
NASA 's goal in holding Tweetups is to provide an opportunity for individuals around the world to experience a rocket launch firsthand and share the event with their local communities .
Built by Scaled Composites , a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman , Stratolaunch was designed to carry as many as three rockets tethered to its belly into the skies ; the rockets would then drop , ignite and shoot off into space with their payloads .
Latest news : macau launched her fist rocket today .
He says he will be able to offer this price by bulk-buying launches on newly man-rated rockets .
The first stage was just seconds into a four-minute burn when the Antares rocket stalled , fell backward and exploded .
The vision being sold in the 1950s and 1960s , when the early space rockets were flying , was of adventure and exploration .
If we tape up places that could leak , it could improve our design by making sure all of the air is pushing the rocket up .
The odd-looking bird seen here is the Virgin Mothership Eve , the aircraft that will carry Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo rocket aloft for a midair launch of tourists into orbit .
The rise of a rocket and the fall of a rain drop are the problems of variable mass in classical mechanics . Usually , Mischelski equation is used to solve these problems .
Taking off from Cape Canaveral , which is located at a highly favorable degree of latitude , the mighty Saturn rocket blasted off , with Robin as one of a crew of five .
The rocket steepened its ascent .
Viewers who were able to watch the launch on television could see the lift-off from the perspective of Odyssey 's Delta II rocket , which had two video cameras attached to its2nd stage .
The spacecraft was successfully sent into the designated orbit after the blastoff at 5:58 am at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern desert area , carried by an upgraded Long March-2F rocket .
A year later , the rocket exploded just two minutes after liftoff .
A rocket was launched into space .
The Gaofen-3 satellite was launched off the back of a Long March 4C carrier rocket at 6:55 am .
A rocket goes off to alert the runners and spectators that the bulls have been released to the street .
North Korean streets currently sport propaganda posters depicting workers punching the air as a rocket rips into the sky behind them .
Curiosity is the center piece of a 2.5 billion dollar Mars science laboratory space craft launched in November aboard an Atlas V Rocket .
China 's first space router has been successfully launched atop the Long March-4B carrier rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern Shanxi Province .
Some measures are introduced which can raise liquid fueled rockets height up to the air , as well as improve its flying stability and demonstration effect .
The United States launched a similar satellite in 1998 , but the booster carrying it exploded 40 seconds after launch , and the satellite was destroyed as well .
JIUQUAN , June 11 ( Xinhua ) & China 's Shenzhou-10 spacecraft , on a Long March-2F carrier rocket , blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Tuesday afternoon .
The $ 250-million launch facility where the rocket was set to lift off is being set as the stage for an ambitious space program , including long-range plans to land South Korean probes on the moon .
But Seoul and Tokyo later said the missile appeared to break apart within minutes .
Also on board is China 's first public-welfare mini satellite ," Hope I ," which will be used for the country 's young people to experience aerospace science and technology .
SpaceX chief executive officer and Internet entrepreneur Elon Musk said watching the rocket rise from the launch pad was an extremely intense moment .
SpaceX chief executive officer and Internet entrepreneur Elon Musk said watching the rocket rise from the launch pad was an " extremely intense moment . "
The rocket blasted off at Cape Kennedy at8: 00a.m.this morning .