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huī kēng
  • ashcan;pit
灰坑 [huī kēng]
  • [ashpit] 容纳灰的坑,尤指炉格下容炉灰的坑

灰坑[huī kēng]
  1. 遗迹有房址、灰坑、水井、墓葬等。

    M and bringing to light house foundation , ash pit , water well , tomb and so on .

  2. 本文详细探讨了地层堆积、灰坑和界面等遗迹现象的概念、形成过程、方式、年代,以及相应的考古发掘清理和记录方法。

    This paper discusses the concepts of layered deposit , ash pit and interface and the way to deal with those archaeological features in digging and recording .

  3. 灰坑了有一堆烤土豆。

    A heap of roast potatoes has been cheated to the ash .

  4. 高分辨率声成像实时监视系统在电厂灰坑中的应用

    The High Resolution Real-Time Acoustics Imaging System in the application of power house ash-delve

  5. 清理出房屋基址、灰坑、墓葬、祭祀坑等。

    Housing-out of the site , Huikeng , burials , pits , and other offerings .

  6. 灰坑了有一堆烤土豆。她顿时焚成一堆灰烬。

    A heap of roast potatoes has been cheated to the ash . She was consumed to ashes .

  7. 矿工们挖去表层土,然后把这些闪着点点金光的粘土铲进一个灰坑内,用酸来提取出稀土矿。

    Miners scrape off the topsoil and shovel golden-flecked clay into dirt pits , using acids to extract the rare earths .

  8. 本次发掘的二里头文化灰坑仅两座,出土遗物具有比较典型的二里头文化风格。

    Two ash pits of the Erlitou culture were excavated in 1997 . Containing artifacts present distinctive features of the Erlitou cultural style .

  9. 洛阳东周两汉时期的瓦当资料多来自于当时的建筑基址、烧窑、灰坑和墓葬中。

    Chinese eaves tile materials of the Eastern Zhou and the Han Dynasties in Luoyang came from the building base location , burning kilns , burning hole and grave at that time .

  10. 该系统能实时绘图显示炉底灰坑内灰渣分布情况,使运行人员充分掌握炉底出灰系统的运行情况,取得了很好的效果。

    Since the system can display with image the ash and slag distribution in the ash-pit under the boiler in a real-time manner , it helps people effectively control the operation of the ash system .