
  • 网络Disaster Year;Rampjaar;annus horribilis
  1. 干旱促使今年成为索马里的灾难年。

    The drought has helped to make this a disastrous year for somalia .

  2. 历史上的今天-挑战者号航天飞机灾难1986年的今天,航天飞机计划:挑战者号航天飞机灾难-航天飞机升空后破裂,机上7名宇航员全部罹难。

    STS-51-L mission 1986-Space Shuttle program : STS-51-L mission - Space Shuttle Challenger breaks apart after liftoff killing all seven astronauts on board .

  3. 这场灾难比2005年“卡特里娜”飓风(Katrina)造成的1250亿美元的经济损失更为惨重,同时创造了历史新高。

    That is another record , beating out the $ 125 billion in losses caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 .

  4. 如今距离日本东部地区发生核灾难已有一年多时间了。

    More than a year has passed since tragedy struck the Tohoku region of Japan .

  5. 1815年4月,有史以来最强烈的火山爆发令这颗星球陷入巨大的灾难,200年后,研究者们仍在努力搞清它的后果。

    In April 1815 , the most powerful volcanic blast in recorded history shook the planet in a catastrophe so vast that 200 years later , investigators are still struggling to grasp its repercussions .

  6. 中国红十字会也难以处理另一场公关灾难:2008年四川发生大地震之后,据说有数十亿人民币的捐款不见了踪影。

    The Red Cross has also struggled to deal with another public relations disaster & that one following the massive 2008 earthquake in Sichuan where billions of yuan in donations were said to have gone missing .

  7. 自民党希望温和保守的福田康夫能够让自民党摆脱安倍领导下灾难的一年,并维护该党在选民中的可信度。

    The LDP is hoping that the moderate conservative , the first prime minister whose father was also premier , can distance the party from a disastrous year under Mr Abe and rescue its electoral credibility .

  8. 墨西哥湾漏油、或福岛(fukushima)灾难、或2008年信贷市场都是如此。

    As in the Gulf of Mexico spill , or at the Fukushima disaster , or in the credit market in 2008 .

  9. 整个说来,1963年对保守党政府是灾难性的一年。

    1963 was altogether a disastrous year for the Tory Government .

  10. 灾难在最近几年的频率增加了。

    Disasters have increased in frequency over recent years .

  11. 在影片中,摧毁一切的核灾难已经过去十几年了,一小群女人在山野漫游,寻找食物和刺激。

    In that film , decades after a devastating nuclear holocaust , a small band of women roams the landscape looking for food and kicks .

  12. 普京发表此次讲话前,本周莫斯科上演了一场大戏,卢布兑美元汇率在两天里暴跌16%,唤起了人们对灾难性的1998年金融危机的回忆,当时俄罗斯在国内债务上违约。

    Mr Putin was speaking after a week of high drama in Moscow , as the rouble slid 16 per cent against the dollar in the space of two days , evoking memories of the disastrous 1998 financial crisis when Russia defaulted on its domestic debt .