
yán zhèng
  • inflammation
炎症 [yán zhèng]
  • [inflammation] 对细胞损伤(如因感染或创伤)的局部反应,特点为毛细血管扩张、白细胞浸润、温度升高,且常有疼痛,是一种旨在控制有害因子、清除受损害的组织的保护机制

炎症[yán zhèng]
  1. 该药会引起肝脏炎症。

    The drug can cause inflammation of the liver .

  2. 类固醇用于消除可能导致气道肌肉收缩的炎症。

    Steroids are used to reduce the inflammation , which makes the muscles of the airways liable to constriction .

  3. 芦荟可能对发炎以及轻微的皮肤炎症具有镇痛作用。

    Aloe may have an analgesic effect on inflammation and minor skin irritations .

  4. 一般说来,许多生活方式医学专业的医生建议以植物为基础的饮食—特别是糖尿病或其他炎症性疾病患者。

    In general , many lifestyle medicine physicians recommend a plant-based diet — particularly for people with diabetes or other inflammatory conditions .

  5. 例如,已有研究挖掘了证据,证明饮食变化会减缓炎症或使身体不适合癌细胞。

    Studies have explored evidence that dietary changes can slow inflammation , for example , or make the body inhospitable to cancer cells .

  6. 细微大气颗粒物PM2.5)能增加饮食引起的胰岛素抵抗、脂肪炎症反应、内脏肥胖

    PM2.5 exaggerates diet-induced insulin resistance , adipose inflammation , and visceral adiposity .

  7. 这会让身体处于压力之下,并最终导致炎症或其他损伤。

    That puts the body under stress and can ultimately cause inflammation or other damage .

  8. 给患者提供对抗炎症的营养补充剂是否有助于缓解他们的症状。

    if giving a patient nutrient supplements that fight inflammation could help ease their symptoms .

  9. 有很多证据表明某些精神健康症状和炎症之间有联系。

    Well , there 's a lot of evidence for a link between certain mental health symptoms and inflammation .

  10. 这项研究正在进行中,但总体观点似乎是炎症分子可能影响化学物质在大脑中的释放。

    The research is ongoing9 , but the general idea seems to be that inflammatory molecules may affect how chemicals are released in the brain .

  11. 感染后8周,肉芽肿炎症反应达高峰,SEA诱导的IL-4mRNA转录水平同时增高。

    At 8 wk liver granuloma peaked and IL-4 mRNA transcription was appreciable enhanced .

  12. 结果:所有恶性肿瘤和炎症结节显著增强,结核瘤无显著增强(P<0.001)。

    Results : All malignant nodules and all inflammatory nodules showed significantly greater enhancement ( P < 0.001 ) .

  13. 幽门螺杆菌阳性消化性溃疡患者胃黏膜核因子κB、β-防御素-2表达及其与胃窦炎症的关系

    Expression of nuclear factor-kappa B and β - defensin-2 in patients with Helicobacter pylori-positive peptic ulcer and their relations with antral gastritis

  14. HBV的活跃复制与肝脏的炎症及进展有关。

    The active duplication of HBV was associated with hepatic inflammation and hepatic function aggravation .

  15. 低能量CO。激光吻合的小血管,术后血管壁的损伤小,炎症反应轻,恢复快。

    The injure and inflammation of vascular wall in laser anastomosis are slight , and which can recover quickly .

  16. 这种作用可能与其拮抗MC分泌IL-8等其它炎症介质有关。

    This effect might be attributed to the inflammatory medium secreted by MC .

  17. IgM乙肝核心抗体:反映对病毒复制的肝内炎症应答的标志

    IgM anti - HBc reflects the inflammatory response to viral replication in liver

  18. 目标是清除或持续抑制HBV,从而阻止或减轻肝脏的炎症、坏死。

    The goal is to clear or sustained suppression of HBV to prevent or reduce liver inflammation , necrosis .

  19. 随炎症活动度增加,ALT值升高愈明显。结论提示临床慢性中重度患者应行病理检查。

    The patients with clinical medium severe lesion have to do pathological examination .

  20. Hp~+十二指肠溃疡患者外周血T淋巴细胞亚群与组织学炎症及Gas,SS含量的相关性

    Relationship of T lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood with gastric mucosal active inflammation , Gas and SS contents in patients with duodenal ulcer

  21. TIMP-1通过炎症途径促进衰老相关肾脏纤维化的机制研究

    Mechanisms of Age-related Renal Fibrosis Promoted by TIMP-1 Through Inflammatory Pathway

  22. IL-1β和IL-6在脑缺血再灌注微血管内皮细胞炎症反应中的作用

    The role of IL-1 β and IL-6 in inflammation of endothelial cell after global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion

  23. 前列腺素E1对炎症效应细胞的抑制作用和对肺细胞的保护作用有显著的剂量-效应关系。

    There are significant dose-response relationships for the inhibitory effect of PGE_1on inflammatory effector cells and the cytoprotective effect of PGE_1 on lung cells .

  24. 非感染性疾病致全身炎症反应综合征患儿血C反应蛋白、VW因子的变化

    Changes of C-Reactive Protein and Von Willebrand Factor in Children with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Caused by Non-Infective Diseases

  25. 结果CT在泌尿生殖道炎症时的阳性率显著高于无炎症表现者(P0.05);

    Results Positive rate of CT in patients with inflamation of urogenital tract was significantly higher than those with no inflamation ( P0.05 ) .

  26. MHD患者动脉粥样硬化与慢性炎症及营养不良的关系

    The relationship of AS with chronic inflammation and malnutrition in MHD patients

  27. 目的研究沙眼衣原体(Ct)和生殖道支原体(Mg)感染与盆腔炎症性疾病(PID)的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between Chlamydia trachomatis ( Ct ) and Mycoplasma genitalium ( Mg ) infection and pelvic inflammatory disease ( PID ) .

  28. 探讨两种维持治疗方式与病程、症状积分、食管动力功能、24h食管pH监测结果及内镜下炎症程度之间的关系。

    The relationship between treatment and course , symptoms , esophageal motility , 24-h pH monitoring and endoscopic findings were analysed .

  29. 银屑病(Psoriasis)是一种以表皮过度增生和真皮慢性炎症反应为特征的常见皮肤病。

    Psoriasis is a common skin disease characterized by over hyperplasia of epidermis and chronic inflammatory reaction of corium .

  30. 目的研究NdYAG激光乳化白内障手术后前房的炎症反应、角膜内皮细胞密度的变化及影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the postoperative inflammatory reaction and the changes of corneal endothelium cell density induced by Nd : YAG laser photolysis .