
diǎn duì chèn
  • point symmetry
点对称[diǎn duì chèn]
  1. 针对EMD分解过程中的边界问题,本文提出了直接截取两端数据,镜像法和极值点对称延拓法。

    In the process of decomposition for EMD boundary problem , this paper puts forward the interception of data directly at both ends , mirror image method and extreme value point symmetry extension method .

  2. 点对称结构的概念及受力分析

    The Concept and Analysis of Point symmetry Structures

  3. 给出了这一类方程的Lie点对称,条件对称和精确解。

    Lie point symmetries , conditional symmetries and the exact solutions of this class of equations are given .

  4. 点对称强正则图

    Point Symmetric and Strongly Regular Graphs

  5. 采用脉冲控制方法的优点是控制代价小,工程上易于实现.最后指出,对于其他具有平衡点对称的混沌系统如蔡氏电路系统的混沌控制,此控制策略同样有效。

    The advantage of pulse control method is that control expense is low and It is easily to realize in project .

  6. 本文应用文提出的方法,研究受内点对称支承,在均布载荷作用下的弹性圆板的弯曲。

    Using the method proposed by this paper , deals with bending of the uniformly loaded elastic circular plates with internal symmetrical point supports .

  7. 分析了端点效应产生的原因,提出了用极值点对称延拓法和灰色误差分离方法联合抑制端点效应的方法。

    Analyzed the reason of endpoint effect and proposed the method of combining Extreme Point Symmetry Continuation method and Gray Error Separation method to suppress the endpoint effect .

  8. 将具有点对称性的纱线段组合用一个阵点表达,三维编织材料的几何结构就可以对应的不同空间点阵。

    Crystallography covers the enumeration of the symmetry patterns which can be formed by atoms in a crystal and for this reason has a relation to group theory and geometry .

  9. 由此构建的二十面体准点阵结构模型有六个5-次轴,十个3-次轴和十五个2次轴,具有同正二十面体一样的点对称群5-3-2/m。

    It is shown that the constructed model has six 5 - axes , ten 3 - axes and fifteen 2 axes . It has the same point group as an icosahedron , namely 5-3-2 / m.

  10. 论述了关于面、线、点对称的曲线上的广义奇、偶函数的第二类曲线积分及关于原点对称的曲线上的奇、偶复变函数积分的一个性质。

    A property of curvilinear integral about coordinate of generalized odd and even function in the symmetrical curve about plane , line and point is discussed , with the property of complex integration of odd and even function in the symmetrical curve about origin also studied .

  11. 通过研究分析,发现大部分奇数阶多重幻方中的数关于其中心点对称;如果利用这个特性来设计构造某些奇数阶的多重幻方的算法,可以在很短的时间内就找到一个多重幻方。

    Through study and analysis , found that most of the odd-order multi-magic squares have numbers which are on the center of symmetry ; if you use this feature to design some algorithm that construct odd-order multi-magic square , you can find a multi-magic square within a very short time .

  12. 这是个抛物线,因此关于P点轴对称。

    This is a parabola , so it 's completely symmetric about the vertical , about P.

  13. 目前流行的CAD系统具备一定的数据预处理功能,如:去除明显噪音点、对称基准重建、重定位整合等。

    The present popular CAD systems can deal with CMM data to some extent , such as : delete noisy points , rebuild symmetrical benchmark , data combination .

  14. ZnO是一种具有六方纤锌矿结构的Ⅱ-Ⅵ族自激活的宽禁带半导体材料,是P6mm点群对称的六角晶系纤锌矿晶体。

    ZnO is self activated wide band gap semiconductor material composed of ⅱ - ⅵ elements with P6 mm point group symmetry hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure .

  15. 在新参量S、H正方形核素图中,稳定区奇A核素的上界表现出优美的三点共线对称组。

    In the square chart of nucleus with new parameters S and H , upper limits of nucleus with odd A for stable region are shown graceful regularities of three points collinear symmetry .

  16. 讨论了在对称区域上,奇异扰动Neumann问题只有一个局部最大值点的对称解。

    In this paper , symmetric solution with exactly one local maximum point is constructed for a singularly perturbed Neumann problem .

  17. 本文探讨了添加极值点与对称延拓相结合的算法,并利用实验数据证明了这种方法的正确性,从而对EMD分析方法进行了改进。

    In the paper , it has brought combining ' symmetrical continuation ' with ' adding extremes ' , and has provided its correctness by making use of datum .

  18. 核物质饱和点的对称能与208Pb的中子皮厚度近似呈线性关系。

    For all effective interactions , a linear relation between the symmetry energy at saturation point and the neutron skin thickness for 208 Pb is observed .

  19. 大面积钢屋盖多吊点非对称整体提升技术

    Multi-suspension-centers Asymmetric Integral Lifting Technology for Large Area Steel Roof

  20. 具有点群对称度的各向异性磁作用及其对红宝石的应用

    Point group symmetry magnetic interactions and application to ruby

  21. 本文给出了某些常见点羣对称度的不可约张量的形式。

    Irreducible tensors in several point-group symmetries are presented for convenience of obtaining SG explicitly .

  22. 对称发展的在一个中心点周围对称发展的。

    Developing symmetrically about a central point .

  23. 并且体效应实际来源于普适的点缺陷对称性原理。

    Furthermore , the microscopic origin of volume effect is provided by defect symmetry principle .

  24. 户外实验说明天空偏振光分布局部模式具有一定的稳定性,围绕中性点呈对称分布。

    The outdoor experiment indicates that the partial skylight polarization distribution pattern is relatively stable , symmetrically distributed around the neutral point .

  25. 在此基础上,利用相似性理论和无量纲分析,获得了运动状态下液体轴对称抛撒首次破碎点与对称轴之间的距离与相关参数的无量纲关系式。

    With the similarity theory and dimensionless analysis method , the relation and corresponding dimensionless relation of the distance between the point of primary breakup and the axis are given .

  26. 同时,讨论了平面闭式运动链和平面开链中铰链点拓扑对称性的判断问题,给出了判断方法及其在型综合中的应用方法。

    After that , topological symmetry between joints in planar open and closed chain is discussed , and the method for identifying topological symmetry , and its application to type synthesis is studied .

  27. 结果表明,初始后屈曲过程中的桩身平衡分枝点具有对称性,但是否稳定则取决于桩土刚度比、桩顶自由长度等系统参数。

    The result shows that , the bifurcation points are symmetric and stable or unstable depending on the stiffness ratios of pile to soil , free length at the top and other pile-soil system parameters .

  28. 本文针对中学解析几何教学中经常遇到的点的对称点、点关于直线的对称、曲线关于点的对称曲线等问题展开讨论,并给出了相关的公式。

    Aiming at symmetry between points and Lines , between points and curves , and some other similar problems in teaching analytical geometry of middle school , the author makes a discussion and offers his own formulas concerned .

  29. 因此时效问题的研究对于铁电材料的理论研究和应用前景都有着重要的意义。最近,报道指出晶体中点缺陷具有短程有序对称性遵循的普适性原理(简称点缺陷对称性原理)。

    Thus the study of ferroelectric aging is an important issue both for applications and for a fundamental understanding . Recently , a general symmetry-conforming principle for point defects ( defect symmetry principle for short ) has been proposed in ferroelectrics .

  30. 应用多重散射的方法模拟计算这种器件的结果显示,当点缺陷对称的分布在中央波导的两侧时,波分解的效率非常高。

    The multiple scattering method is used to simulate the behavior of the demultiplexer . Result show that the demultiplexing efficiency is very high when the point defects are symmetrically arranged at both sides of the central line of the inlet waveguide .