
  • 网络flue gas waste heat recovery;smoke waste heat recovery
  1. 测试了一台带有烟气余热回收装置的斯特林热电联产装置的热力性能。

    Tests the thermodynamic performance of a Stirling cogeneration device with smoke waste heat recovery device .

  2. 研究表明:高效烟气余热回收、低空气系数、良好的火焰特性使高风温无焰燃烧锅炉的燃料节约率达55%,同时CO2排放可减少55%;

    Analysis shows that high efficient heat-recirculation and low air excess ratio and good flame behavior lay out a high heat transfer performance with more than 55 % reduction of fuel savings and CO 2 to the environment .

  3. 详细讨论了高效烟气余热回收、超低NOX排放等关键技术和蓄热式燃烧器、四通换向阀等关键部件;

    Both key technologies such as recovery of exhaust heat of flue gas and low emission of NOX and key parts such as burner equipped with honeycomb regenerative chamber and 4-way switching valve are discussed in detail .

  4. 熔铝炉烟气余热回收新途径

    A new approach to recover off-gas heat from aluminium melting furnace

  5. 注汽锅炉烟气余热回收技术研究

    The Technique of Flue Gas Heat Recovery of Injection Steam Boiler

  6. 烧结环冷机上烟气余热回收技术应用

    Waste Gas Heat Recovery System Practice in Sintering Circular Cooler

  7. 我公司玻璃窑炉烟气余热回收利用及探讨

    Discussion on Recovery of Waste Heat From Flue Gas of Glass Furnace

  8. 电炉烟气余热回收中热管元件工作温度的研究

    Research on Heat Pipe Working Temperature in Electric Furnace Gas Heat Recovery

  9. 高温烟气余热回收的高效喷射器的研究

    Discussion on the efficient ejectors for recovering residual heat in the exhausted gas

  10. 电炉烟气余热回收装置的研发与工程实践

    Research and engineering practice of EAF heat recovery unit

  11. 热管余热锅炉在低温烟气余热回收中的应用

    An Application of Heat-pipe Waste Heat Boiler in Low-temperature Gas Waste Heat Recovery

  12. 工业炉烟气余热回收节能率的计算方法讨论

    Calculated method discussion of industrial furnace gas waste heat recovery rate of energy saving

  13. 加热炉烟气余热回收技术及其应用

    The Technique of Waste Heat Recovery in Heating Furnace Flue Gas and Its Application

  14. 加热炉热管烟气余热回收系统的长周期运行

    The long period operation recovery system of waste heat in atmospheric still 's heat pipe

  15. 热管技术在有机热载体锅炉烟气余热回收上的应用

    Application of Heat Pipe Technology for Waste Heat Recovery in Organic Heat Transfer Material Boiler

  16. 燃气锅炉烟气余热回收实验分析

    Experiment and Analysis of Reclaiming the Residual Heat of the Flue Gas of Gas-fired Boiler

  17. 直燃机烟气余热回收经济与节能性分析

    Analysis on Economy and Energy-saving of Residual Heat Recovery from Flue Gas of Direct-fired Machine

  18. 水热媒技术在连续重整装置加热炉烟气余热回收系统中的应用

    Applications of Water Heat Medium Technology in Flue Gas Residual Heat Recovery System of Continuous Reformers

  19. 烟气余热回收的热量用来生产蒸汽和热水。

    Moreover , steam and hot water are produced by heat recovery from the flue gases .

  20. 热媒式换热器在热风炉烟气余热回收技术中的应用

    Application of heat exchanger of hot-medium type in waste heat recovery for smoke in hot blast stove

  21. 稠油热采注汽锅炉烟气余热回收利用

    Energy-conservation of the Residual Heat of the Flue Gas in a heavy-oil heating recovery steam injection boiler

  22. 冷凝式燃气锅炉烟气余热回收可行性经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Feasibility of Reclaiming Residual Heat of Flue Gas of a Condensation Boiler Burning Gas

  23. 高炉热风炉烟气余热回收技术的应用

    The application of the heat recovery technique of flue gas from the blast furnace stove of the blast furnace

  24. 高温热风管道内衬,加热炉内衬等部位,可制成预制构件。电炉烟气余热回收中热管元件工作温度的研究

    The prefabricated parts can also be made . Research on Heat Pipe Working Temperature in Electric Furnace Gas Heat Recovery

  25. 根据注汽锅炉特点提出了提高运行热效率的技术措施,即空气系数调节技术、化学清烟垢技术和烟气余热回收技术。

    The air random adjusting , chemical removing fouling and recovery of surplus heat is technical measures of improve the operational heat efficiency .

  26. 一种铁合金电炉烟气余热回收用热管降温器,由内筒体、外筒体和热管组成;

    A ferroalloy electric furnace smoke remaining heat recycling hot tube cooler , is comprised of inner cylinder , outer cylinder and hot tube .

  27. 介绍了工业窑炉烟气余热回收工程中所广泛应用的热管技术;

    Heat pipe technology , which is extensively used to recover the waste heat from flue gas of industrial kilns and furnaces , is introduced .

  28. 为了进一步提高烟气余热回收率,进行了将排烟温度降低到60℃的实验。

    The temperature of waste fume are reduced from 200 ℃ to 60 ℃ in order to increasing recovery rate of waste heat further In HTAC .

  29. 工业炉窑烟气余热回收利用,是提高炉子热效率、节约炉用燃料的极为有效的途径。

    Recycle and utilization of waste heat in exhaust fume of industrial furnaces is the efficient way enhancing furnace heat efficiency and saving fuel used by furnace .

  30. 通过改进燃烧装置,采用全纤维炉衬、烟气余热回收、炉温自动控制,节能效果显著。

    The effect of saving energy is obviously by improving the combustion device , using fiber lining , using the waste heat and auto controlling the furnace temperature .