
  1. 成都市生活垃圾资源化与减量化思考

    Thinking about Reclamation and Reduction of Domestic Waste in Chengdu City

  2. 建筑垃圾资源化产业的运作与发展研究

    Study on Operation and Development of Construction Waste Demolition Recycling Industry

  3. 废砖粉在建筑砂浆中的应用研究&建筑垃圾资源化技术研究之二

    Research on Application of Crushed Brick Powder in Cement Mortar

  4. 发展循环经济实现垃圾资源化

    Develop Circulation Economy , Realize the Reutilization of the Rubbish

  5. 垃圾资源化&世界垃圾资源开发利用现状及整治对策

    Present State of World 's Rubbish Resources and Its Solutions

  6. 城市生活垃圾资源化存在的问题与对策探讨

    Existence Question of City Life Trash Converting into Resources and Countermeasure Discussion

  7. 论城市化进程中的垃圾资源化问题

    Study on recycle of rubbish during the course of urbanization

  8. 农村生活垃圾资源化利用的分类收集设想

    Suggestions for resource utilization of rural living rubbish sorted collection

  9. 沈阳市生活垃圾资源化利用工艺方案研究

    Study on Process Scheme of Domestic Waste Resourceful Utilization in Shenyang City

  10. 电子垃圾资源化中管理对策研究

    Countermeasure of Management in Process of Disposal of Electronic Waste

  11. 基于逆向物流的建筑垃圾资源化循环利用研究

    Research on Recycling of Construction Waste Based on Reverse Logistics

  12. 上海生活垃圾资源化产业的发展探讨

    Approach on Development of Domestic Waste Resources Recovery Industry

  13. 我国城市生活垃圾资源化的有效途径

    An available way of making urban domestic garbages resources

  14. 桂林市城市生活垃圾资源化规划研究

    Programme of resources use for municipal rubbish of Guilin

  15. 城市垃圾资源化技术研究和亟待解决的问题

    Technical Research on Resource Utilization of Municipal Refuse and Problems to Be Settled

  16. 发展热回收工业是人类实现垃圾资源化的根本办法

    To Develop Heat Retrieving Industry Is the Key to the Solid Rubbish Treatment

  17. 武汉市城市生活垃圾资源化处理的经济对策分析

    Analysis on economic countermeasures of the urban household garbage recycling treatment of Wuhan city

  18. 城镇生活垃圾资源化处理方案的技术经济比选研究

    Research on technical & economical comparison and optimization of municipal solid waste reclamation scheme

  19. 城市垃圾资源化分选工艺

    The Sorting Technology of Urban Waste Resource Recovery

  20. 国内外建筑垃圾资源化现状及发展趋势

    Status and development of resource recovery of construction and demolition wastes domestic and abroad

  21. 一种新型的农村生活垃圾资源化工艺技术研究

    Novel Resources Utilization Technique for Rural Domestic Refuse

  22. 推进建筑垃圾资源化管理方法与相关法制保障研究

    Research on the Management Method and Related Legal Guarantee of Promoting Construction Waste Resource

  23. 生活垃圾资源化与减量化措施在中国城市居民中的认知度分析

    Cognition of resources recovery and quantitative reduction towards urban domestic garbage among residents in China

  24. 建筑垃圾资源化循环再生骨料混凝土研究

    Recycled Aggregate Concrete from Construction Debris

  25. 其次,介绍了国外发达国家城市生活垃圾资源化的立法情况以及对我国的启示意义。

    Secondly , introduction of foreign municipal solid refuse resource developed the legislation and the meaning of enlightenment .

  26. 内蒙古地区中小城镇城市垃圾资源化探讨

    Discussion on the utilization of garbage resources in medium and small size city or town of Inner Mongolia

  27. 塔里木盆地南缘农村有机垃圾资源化评价研究

    Study on Resources Evaluation of Organic Waste in Rural Areas of the Southern Margin of the Tarim Basin

  28. 生活垃圾资源化可以节约自然资源,是保护环境、减轻污染的根本手段,它能够实现经济效益、环境效益和社会效益的统一共赢。

    Reclamation of domestic refuse preserves natural resources , which is an ultimate approach for environment protection and pollution reduction .

  29. 推进矿产资源综合利用、工业废物回收利用、余热余压发电和生活垃圾资源化利用。

    Promote mineral resources comprehensive utilization , industrial waste recycling , waste more pressure power generation and living garbage resource-oriented utilization .

  30. 在此基础上提出一些相关的管理和政策建议以期对深圳市有机垃圾资源化项目市场化运作提供借鉴意义。

    Based on this , it has been advanced that some relative administrative and politic recommendations for marketing operation of treating Shenzhen organic refuse as resource .