
  • 网络design standard for energy efficiency
  1. 《公共建筑节能设计标准》与商用多联机空调

    Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings and VRF air conditioning

  2. 地下商场人均占有的使用面积宜采用《公共建筑节能设计标准》的推荐值。

    The occupant density in an underground store should be determined based on the Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings .

  3. 在《民用建筑热工设计规范》(GB-50176-93)围护结构隔热设计中所提出的室内热环境控制条件,对制定围护结构节能设计标准具有重要的指导意义。

    The control conditions of indoor thermal environment given in " Thermal design code for civil building "( GB-50176-93 ) have great significance to determining the design standard for energy efficiency of enclosure for buildings .

  4. 综合分析了目前建筑围护结构节能设计标准的研究现状。

    Analyses the current energy efficiency design standards for building envelopes .

  5. 对《公共建筑节能设计标准》的一点建议

    Proposals to the Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Building

  6. 旅游旅馆建筑热工与空气调节节能设计标准

    Standard for design of air-conditioning and energy conservation in tourism hotel buildings

  7. 新建建筑施工图设计全部达到节能设计标准;

    New building construction design to achieve the full energy-saving design standards ;

  8. 我国建筑节能设计标准编制思路与进展

    Compiling thinking and progress of energy efficiency design standards in buildings in China

  9. 上海市《公共建筑节能设计标准》分析

    A brief analysis of The energy conservation design standard for public building for Shanghai

  10. 民用建筑节能设计标准(采暖居住部分)青海省实施细则

    Energy conservation design standard for new heating residential building-detailed rules for application in Qinghai province

  11. 《公共建筑节能设计标准》中空调风管最小热阻的探讨

    Discussion of Air Conditioning Duct Minimum Thermo-resistance for Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings

  12. 建筑节能设计标准中地面热工性能指标商榷

    Discussion on the Index for Thermal Performance of Ground in Design Standards for Energy Efficiency of Civil Buildings

  13. 夏热冬冷地区架空平板通风屋顶的节能设计标准研究

    Research of Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Aerial Slab Ventilation Roof in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone

  14. 要严格实施节能设计标准,加强经济建设、生态保护工作,建设生态口岸。

    It is necessary to strictly implement energy-saving design standards to enhance economic development , ecological protection , ecological construction of ports .

  15. 通过分析参考建筑节能设计标准规范及大量文献的基础上,建立了一个符合该地区能耗水平的典型办公建筑分析模型。

    Through the analysis of building energy efficient design code and references , a typical office building model for energy consumption analysis was established .

  16. 在编制《夏热冬冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》时,应用了动态模拟计算软件。

    In preparation of the Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings on hot summer and cold winter zone dynamic simulating sofware was used .

  17. 对居住建筑,我国已颁布了包括采暖地区、夏热冬冷地区、夏热冬暖地区三个节能设计标准,对北方寒冷地区,用建立在稳态传热基础上的有效传热系数法进行能耗计算;

    It has issued residential buildings energy design standard for Heating zone hot summer and cool winter zone and hot summer and warm winter zone .

  18. 建筑施工单位应当严格执行建筑节能设计标准,采用新型建筑材料和节能产品。

    The constructing units shall strictly attain the standard of the economic design of buildings and adopt the new building materials and energy efficient products .

  19. 为了达到现行住宅节能设计标准提出节能50%的要求,应在外墙使用高效保温材料的复合墙体。

    In order to meet the requirements of residential energy-saving standards , composite block with efficient insulation material should be used on the external wall .

  20. 国家标准《公共建筑节能设计标准》对空调冷(热)源的能效规定

    Prescription of national standard " energy saving standard for public buildings " on the energy efficiency of cooling / heating facilities in air - conditioning system

  21. 对北京市地方标准《公共建筑节能设计标准》的主要特点,包括甲乙两类建筑的划分、建筑设计与热工设计、暖通空调系统设计节能要求、节能设计的监督管理等要点作了解读。

    Interprets essentials of classification of the public building , architectural design and thermotechnical design , energy efficiency requirements for HVAC system design and supervision of the design .

  22. 以《公共建筑节能设计标准》为设计依据,根据西塔建筑特点对广州地区典型气象年数据中的室外气温和风速进行了修正。

    According to the Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings , revises the typical meteorological year data of Guangzhou based on the building characteristic of West Tower .

  23. 本论文正是基于这种需要,研究应用居住建筑节能设计标准的设计和审查方法,并以深圳市为例,开发适用于建筑师和节能建筑审查人员的居住建筑节能设计和审查软件。

    This paper is based on this need to find the method and taking Shenzhen as a example to develop a residential building 's energy efficiency design and examination software .

  24. 然而,目前全国通用的住宅节能设计标准和做法在重庆地区的施行却不尽如人意,实际推广效果并不理想。

    However , the current implementation in Chongqing region of the national common residential energy efficiency standards and practices is not satisfactory and the actual promotion of the results are unsatisfactory .

  25. 本文依据民用建筑节能设计标准,在实现总体节能50%,建筑物围护结构节能应达到30%的要求。

    This paper according to construction energy conservation criterion , if want to achieve energy conservation 50 % in total , then the envelop configuration of buildings whose energy conservation must to reach 30 % .

  26. 《居住建筑节能设计标准》征求意见稿中关于散热器热水供暖系统设计温度的设定,涉及到供暖系统设计的基本参数,也涉及到对塑料类管材耐热性的认识和理解。

    Determination of heat medium design temperature in the Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings refers to the basic parameters of the heating system , and the understanding about the thermal performance of plastic pipes .

  27. 完善的建筑节能设计标准体系是建筑节能工作的保证,标准的制定和节能措施的采用必须深刻认识影响建筑能耗的因素及其规律。

    Perfect energy efficiency for building designing system is the guarantee , but the factors and rules which influence the energy efficiency for buildings must be recognized to make the criterion and the choosing of energy efficiency methods .

  28. 然而,目前夏热冬暖地区建筑节能设计标准的施行,带来的实际推广效果并没有预想的好。

    And however , the implement of the design standard for energy efficiency of residential building in hot summer and warm winter region is not quite effectiveness , the popularization effect in practice is not as good as expectation .

  29. 2005年实施的新的《公共建筑节能设计标准》对空调节能设计提出了更高要求,本文对空调管网系统特性的研究将有利于降低空调系统的能耗。

    The Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings issued in 2005 sets higher standards for the energy-saving design of the air conditioning system . The investigation of the air conditioning network characteristics is helpful to reduce the energy consumption .

  30. 建设部制定的《夏热冬冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》,对长江流域及周围居住建筑从热工和暖通空调设计方面提出了节能措施和能耗控制指标,并制定了节能设计性能指标。

    The Construction Ministry of China has issued Energy saving design standard for dwellings in hot summer / cold winter area . It specifies energy saving measures and energy consumption standard of HVAC system design for dwellings in Yangzi River and nearby region .