
  • 网络energy saving management;energy management
  1. 强化节能管理降低电铅能耗

    Strengthened energy saving management and lower energy consumption of electrolytic lead

  2. 论企业的节能管理

    Discuss Enterprise Energy Saving Management

  3. 最后,论文选取西安C大学3号楼作为案例,对该建筑全寿命周期各个阶段节能管理进行了实例分析。

    Finally , 3rd teaching building in C university in Xi ' an was selected as a case , and full life cycle management on energy-saving of this case building was analyzed .

  4. 嵌入式家庭网关内外网数据通信,利用Internet、GPRS、3G实现远程数据传输,实现智能化节能管理。

    Embedded data communication network within and outside the home gateway , using Internet , GPRS , 3G data transmission for remote intelligent energy management .

  5. 在加入WTO和全面建设小康社会的发展背景下,政府节能管理职能的转变需要加快。

    Under the background of entering into the WTO and building a well off society in an all round way , it is necessary to accelerate the transformation of the government energy conservation administrative functions .

  6. 结合X石化公司实际案例,从节能管理的角度对X石化公司的能耗物耗和管理现状进行调查,运用节能管理及相关管理理论进行系统分析,提出其在节能管理过程中存在的问题。

    This thesis to investigate the actual situation of management in X petrochemical company , by using the knowledge of energy management and other related management theory in systematic analysis , point out the issues in existing energy management .

  7. 管理服务业:政府职责及若干基本原则成本倒逼:政府机构节能管理新思路

    Managing Service Sector : The Governments Responsibility and Several Basic Principles

  8. 电厂节能管理评价系统的研究、开发和应用

    The Research and Application of Energy Saving Management and Evaluation System

  9. 中央空调冷冻站节能管理系统技术经济性比较

    Technical and Economic Analysis on Air-conditioning Frozen Station Energy Management System

  10. 建筑变配电监控系统的节能管理及应用

    Energy Saving and Application of Building Power Distribution and Monitoring System

  11. 山东省建筑节能管理研究

    Study on Management of Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Shandong

  12. 安徽邮电大厦中央空调系统节能管理

    Energy-saving Management of Air Conditioning System of Anhui Post and Telecom Building

  13. 组织开展节能管理师试点。

    Pilot programs will be carried out to train energy conservation managers .

  14. 层燃式工业锅炉节能管理工作综述

    Discussion about saving energy management of layer burning industrial boiler

  15. 绿色建筑评估体系对建筑节能管理的启示

    Inspiration to Building Energy Conservation Management from World-famous Green Building Assessment Systems

  16. 建筑节能管理条例(征求意见稿)

    Architectural Energy Saving Management Regulations ( SOLICIT OPINION DRAFT )

  17. 填挖平衡的土方工程开发应用高层次的节能管理方法,深挖节能潜力。

    Balanced earthworks adopting advanced energy-saving management method to dig up energy-saving potential .

  18. 同时,工业企业也无法开展科学的节能管理活动。

    Meanwhile , industrial enterprises can not carry out a scientific energy management activities .

  19. 节能管理是连锁百货商场提高核心竞争力,实现自身发展的内在需要。

    Energy-saving Management is the internal demand of improving core competitiveness to achieve self-development .

  20. 医院中央空调运行节能管理方法的分析与探讨

    Analysis and discussion of management ways of energy saving in running central air-conditioning in hospital

  21. 该研究方法对于各发电集团节煤降耗,加强对下属发电厂的节能管理具有重要的现实意义。

    The research method is significative for each power group corporation to administrate coal consumption .

  22. 大型公建能耗实时监测及节能管理系统研究

    Research on Energy Consumption Real Time Monitoring and Energy-saving Management System for Large Public Buildings

  23. 从企业整体优化角度强化节能管理中小热电厂生产中的节能管理

    Investigation of strengthening energy-saving management from the point of view of global optimization of enterprise

  24. 电力变压器的节能管理

    Energy-saving Management of Power Transformers

  25. 遮阳节能管理;

    Visor energy conservation management ;

  26. 政府节能管理职能转变是社会主义市场经济的客观要求。

    Transformation of the government energy conservation administrative functions is an objective requirement of the socialist market oriented economy .

  27. 政府节能管理职能转变的要点是:政府节能管理职能的转变是转化而非弱化;

    Key points of the transformation include : transforming the government energy conservation administrative functions , but not weakening them ;

  28. 理顺山西省墙材革新与建筑节能管理机构扭转墙材革新与建筑节能工作落后局面的建议

    Proposals on making the walling materials innovation and building energy saving management in order to change the lagging situations in Shanxi

  29. 除了删强运行节能管理外,大部门上能耗儿同建建必需入行节能改造。

    In addition to strengthening management of energy-saving operation , the most high-energy public buildings must carry out energy efficient retrofit .

  30. 该体制对于加强节能管理、促进合理使用能源等方面起到了一定的作用。

    The system has played an important role in strengthening energy saving management and promoting the rational use of energy resources .