
  • 网络water-saving potential;water saving potential
  1. 基于RS数据和GIS方法估算区域作物节水潜力

    Application of RS and GIS technique for water-saving potential estimation of regional crops

  2. 选用DEA方法的分向量模型分别度量了陕西大型灌区和各市的灌溉水规模效率和总技术效率,估算了各灌区和各市的农业节水潜力。

    Sub-vector model of DEA method was adopted to measure the technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the irrigation districts and regions before the utmost water-saving potential was estimated .

  3. RS和GIS支持下的龙口市农业灌溉节水潜力研究

    A Study On The Water Saving Potential of Agricultural Irrigation of Longkou City

  4. 深施肥20cm处灌水处理,在开花后小麦叶片光合作用最强,气孔导度小,细胞间隙CO2浓度高,具有更好的节水潜力。

    Under the treatment of deep fertilization and irrigation at 20 cm , the photosynthetic rate of wheat after blooming was the highest , the stomatal conductance was low , and the intercellular CO_2 concentration was high , showing a considerable water-saving potential .

  5. 新疆灌溉农业发展与节水潜力研究

    Study on the Irrigated Agriculture Development and Water-Saving Potential in Xinjiang

  6. 城市节水潜力估算与用水管理水平评定

    Urban water saving potential and comprehensive evaluation of water resources management

  7. 引黄灌区农业水资源利用效率低,种植业节水潜力大。

    The water using efficiency of the irrigation area was low .

  8. 论新疆农业节水潜力与措施

    The potential and measures of economizing on water in Xinjiang agriculture

  9. 南京城市给水厂排泥水节水潜力分析

    Analysis of sludge disposal wastewater saving potential in Nanjing water plant

  10. 节水潜力随累积频率的增大而减小。

    With the accumulated frequency increasing , the water-saving potential is reduced .

  11. 山西省工业用水水平与节水潜力分析

    Analysis of industrial water consumption level and water-saving potentialities in Shanxi Province

  12. 新疆农业灌溉用水节水潜力分析

    Analysis for the Agriculture Irrigation Water Saving Potential in Xinjiang

  13. 石家庄市主要农作物灌溉节水潜力研究

    Study on Irrigation Water-saving Potentiality of the Three Main Crops in Shijiazhuang

  14. 天津市工业用水预测与节水潜力分析

    Forecasting and Conservation Potential Analysis of Industrial Water in Tianjin

  15. 灌区水资源优化配置方法及应用灌区节水潜力估算的方法及应用

    Method of disposition on water resources of irrigation district and its applications

  16. 区域用水效率与节水潜力的能值分析

    Emergy Analysis for Water Use Efficiency and Water Saving Potential

  17. 农业灌溉节水潜力及回归水利用研究进展

    Advance in Agriculture Irrigation Water-saving Potential and Reuse of Return Flow Research

  18. 山西省城镇生活节水潜力分析

    Potential analysis of urban domestic water-saving in Shanxi Province

  19. 华北地区农业节水潜力综合研究

    A Comprehensive Study on the Potentiality of Water-Saving in Agriculture for North China

  20. 高校用水现状与节水潜力分析

    The Analysis of the Water Use Status and Water Saving Potential in University

  21. 宁蒙灌区灌溉定额偏高成因及节水潜力分析

    Reasons of high irrigation quota and potential of water-saving in Ning-Meng irrigation area

  22. 北京农业用水及节水潜力探讨

    Discussion on water demand and water saving potential in agriculture over Beijing areas

  23. 说明该区现状灌溉效率不高,用水浪费较多,同时也表明了该区尤其是无棣节水潜力很大。

    So the potential water-savings is very large , especially in Wudi County .

  24. 农业是用水大户,也是节水潜力最大的行业。

    Agriculture is the major water and water-saving potential of the largest industries .

  25. 中国水资源危机与节水潜力分析

    An analysis on water crisis and potentiality of saving on water in China

  26. 塔里木河流域农业节水潜力综合评价体系研究

    Research on comprehensive evaluation system of agricultural water-saving potential in Tarim River Basin

  27. 玛纳斯河流域农业节水潜力分析

    Agricultural Water-Saving Potential Analysis in Manas River Valley

  28. 珠江三角洲工业用水节水潜力分析

    An analysis of the potential of economization on industrial water in the Zhujiang Delta

  29. 长春市城市工业污水回用与节水潜力研究

    Study on Reusing Waste Water and Potential of Saving Water in Changchun City Industry

  30. 成都火车站用水现状及节水潜力分析

    Analysis on water-saving potentiality of railway station together with water consumption situation in Chengdu