
  1. 影响CFB锅炉脱硫系统稳定运行的主要因素及应对措施

    Main factors influencing stable operation of CFB boiler desulfurization system and Countermeasures

  2. 燃煤锅炉脱硫技术现状及应用SXC型除尘器的若干问题

    Present Technique of Desulfuration for Coal-burning Boilers and Some Problems in Application of SXC Dust Arrester

  3. 低温SCR催化剂已是化工及环保领域的研究热点之一,因为其置于燃煤锅炉脱硫除尘装置后,有效避免了高浓度烟尘等的危害。

    Low-temperature SCR catalysts have been one of hot researches in the chemical industry and environmental protection fields , because the catalysts are placed downstream coal burning boiler desulfuration and dust removal to effectively avoid the dangers of high concentrations of soot .

  4. 循环流化床锅炉脱硫的工业试验及模型预测

    Testing and modeling on sulfur retention of circulating fluidized bed boiler

  5. 循环流化床锅炉脱硫灰渣综合利用研究

    Comprehensive Utilization of Desulfurization Ash Derived from Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  6. 吉林省燃煤锅炉脱硫技术探讨

    Discussion on Desulfurizing Technology Applied to Coal-fired Boilers in Jilin Province

  7. 电厂硫化床锅炉脱硫系统的探讨

    Discussion on Boiler Desulfurization System of Sulfide Bed of Power Plant

  8. 循环流化床锅炉脱硫粉煤灰制砖技术

    Brick Manufacture with Fly Ash Discharged from Cyclic Fluid Bed Furnace

  9. 410t/h锅炉脱硫除尘系统改造

    The desulphurization and dedust system reformation of 410t / h boiler

  10. 燃煤锅炉脱硫技术分析及应用

    The Survey and Application of Desulfation Technology to Coal-fired Boiler

  11. 浅析循环流化床锅炉脱硫效率影响因素

    The research on influence factors of CFB boiler desulfurization efficiency

  12. 锅炉脱硫除尘废水水质影响因素研究

    An Analysis of Influencing Factors of Water Quality of Boiler Precipitator Fluctuation

  13. 烟气脱硫技术进展及动力锅炉脱硫方案讨论

    Development of flue-gas desulfurization technology and discussion of desulfurization schemes of power boiler

  14. 电站锅炉脱硫技术经济分析

    Economical Analysis of Desulphurisation Technology in Pulverized Fuel Boiler

  15. 燃煤锅炉脱硫工艺浅谈

    Brief Discussions on Desulphurization Process of Coal Burning Boiler

  16. 燃煤锅炉脱硫技术综述

    Summarization of Desulfurization Technique for Coal - fired Boilers

  17. 循环流化床锅炉脱硫机理和影响因素分析

    Mechanism and Effect Elements of Circulating Fluidized Bed Desulfurization

  18. 循环流化床锅炉脱硫分析

    Analysis of sulfur removal in circulating fluid bed boiler

  19. 锅炉脱硫系统尾部烟道中内撑杆的振动探讨

    Inquisition into Vibration of Internal Overarm Support in Tail Duck of Boiler FGD System

  20. 锅炉脱硫装置的现状与运行中投碱计量方法

    Actual State of Boiler Desulfurization Equipments and Calculating Method of Alkali Inputs with Operation

  21. 层燃锅炉脱硫掺烧的结渣研究

    Research on Slagging Characteristics of Sulfur Sorbent and Coal Mixing Firing in Stoker-firing Boiler

  22. 流化床锅炉脱硫系统改造设计探讨

    Discussion on Refurbishment of FBC Desulphurization System

  23. 循环流化床锅炉脱硫整体精细模型的研究

    Sulfur Retention Comprehensive Model of CFB Boiler

  24. 循环流化床锅炉脱硫效率分析及监测实例

    Analyze the Desulfurization Efficiency of Circulatory Fluidized bed ( CFB ) Boiler and Monitoring Cases

  25. 合山电厂循环流化床锅炉脱硫工程除灰渣系统设计

    Design of Slag Handling System In The Circulating Fluid Bed Boiler Desulphurization Project of Heshan Power Plant

  26. 提出了锅炉脱硫除尘器综合评价的模糊集对分析方法。

    In this paper , a new method to comprehensive assessment of sulfur removal-dust collector of boiler by fuzzy set pair analysis is proposed for the first time .

  27. 论述了流化床锅炉脱硫原理及影响脱硫效率的主要因素,给出流化床锅炉脱硫系统改造设计中应注意的一些主要问题。

    The main factors influencing sulphur removal efficiency of FBC is discussed , and some problems in the refurbishment and design of FBC desulphurization system are put forward .

  28. 基于PLC的循环流化床锅炉烟气脱硫控制系统

    Control system of flue gas circulating fluidized bed desulfurization based on PLC

  29. 热电锅炉烟气脱硫溶液中Na2S2O3含量的测定

    Na_2S_2O_3 Content Determination in Flue Gas Desulfurizing Solution for Thermo-electric Boiler

  30. 关于CFB锅炉燃烧脱硫试验若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on Some Problems Related to Combustion Desulfurization Test of CFB Boilers