
  • 网络SCEPTER;sceptre;caduceus
  1. 节杖是国王权力的象徵。

    The sceptre is an attribute of kingly power .

  2. 陈列在格兰纳达某家博物馆中的伊莎贝拉白一世的皇冠和节杖。

    The crown and sceptre of Queen Isabella I , on display at a museum in Granada .

  3. 被授予法定的权利或者正式的权威,特别是以拥有节杖作为标志。

    Invested with legal power or official authority especially as symbolized by having a scepter .

  4. 他常与节杖,丰饶之角,三个头的地狱看门狗。

    He is often associated with a sceptre , cornucopia , or Cerburus , the three-headed dog .

  5. 拉斐尔持有墨丘利的节杖,是医药的象徵、或是在星期三用来当作治疗工具的双手。

    Raphael has the Caduceus , the medical symbol , or healing hands as the tool to be used on Wednesday .

  6. 他话音刚落,全体会众都高举起朝拜的节杖,一窝蜂向我拥来了。

    With that concluding word , the whole assembly , exalting their pilgrim 's staves , rushed round me in a body .

  7. 当时机来临的时,你们要进入安其拉的时候,用这流沙节杖敲响神圣之锣。

    Should a time arise in which you must gain entry to this accursed fortress , use the Scepter of the Shifting Sands on the sacred gong .

  8. 尽管这段传说表明节杖是源泉自希腊人的护身符,但同样的象征也在印度发掘的石牌上出现过。

    Although the story suggests that the talisman is a gift from the Greeks , the same symbol has been found on stone tablets unearthed in India .

  9. 由于他是冥界的掌管者,哈迪斯通常被认为是一个严酷的神。他常与节杖,丰饶之角,三个头的地狱看门狗有关。

    Because of his association with the underworld , Hades is often thought of as a grim figure . He is often associated with a sceptre , cornucopia , or Cerburus , the three-headed dog .