
  • 网络Energy saving service industry;ESCO
  1. 节能服务产业是通过节能服务公司推广合同能源管理(EPC)节能机制来提供节能服务的行业。

    In the energy-saving service industry , energy-saving service companies provide services through the energy performance contracting ( EPC ) energy management and saving mechanism .

  2. 在介绍吉林省节能服务产业现状的基础上,通过运用SWOT分析和多元统计分析相结合的方法,提出了吉林省节能服务产业发展的制约因素,并提出相应的对策建议。

    On the basis on the status quo of the energy-saving services industry in Province Jilin , through the SWOT analysis and multivariate statistical analysis method of combining the constraints of the energy-saving services industry in Province Jilin and proposed the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions .

  3. 推进我国节能服务产业发展对策研究

    Research on Measures to Promote Energy-saving Services Industry in China

  4. 促进节能服务产业发展的财税政策模式

    Fiscal and Taxation Policy Pattern for Promoting Energy Saving Service Industry Development

  5. 大力发展节能服务产业和环保产业。

    We will energetically develop the energy conservation service industry and the environmental protection industry .

  6. 对节能服务产业做了界定,并分析了节能服务产业的特征。

    Defined the energy-saving services industry and analyzed the characteristics of the energy-saving services industry .

  7. 同时,本文对吉林省当前的能耗状况进行了分析,阐述了吉林省发展节能服务产业的必要性。

    The current energy consumption of Jilin Province , expounded the necessity of the development of the energy-saving services industry in Province Jilin .

  8. 所以,要推动我国节能服务产业的健康、快速发展仍然任重道远,需要更多人的参与和努力。

    In short , the rapid and sound development of China energy-saving services industry need of the participation of more person and hard work .

  9. 虽然节能服务产业目前在我国迅速发展,但是在实际的推广过程中总是由于安装费用、更换费用巨大等问题而让具体客户无法接受。

    Although the energy-saving service industry is rapidly developing in China , these products can hardly be commercialized in reality due to the extremely high installation and replacement expenses .

  10. 在国家扩内需、促增长、调结构方针的指导下,我国节能服务产业终于克服困难,迎来了发展的春天。

    Under the National policy of " expanding domestic demand , stimulating economic growth , adjusting the structure ", China energy saving service industry has finally overcome the difficulties , greeted the spring of development .

  11. 本文介绍了中国节能协会节能服务产业委员会(简称EMCA)的筹备和成立的背景和基本情况,重点介绍了EMCA的宗旨和今后的主要工作设想。

    This article introduces the background and basic situations for preparing and establishing Energy Conservation Service Industry Committee of China Energy Conservation Association ( EMCA ), especially focusing on the tenet of EMCA and its future main works .