
  • 网络Energy saving diagnosis;diagnosis of energy saving
  1. 既有群体建筑围护结构节能诊断工程案例

    Energy-saving diagnosis case of building envelope of existing building groups

  2. 公共建筑空调系统节能诊断方法研究

    Study on Diagnosing Energy Use of Air Conditioning Systems in Public Buildings

  3. 谈公共建筑电气专业的节能诊断方法

    Talking About the Energy Saving Diagnosis Method of Public Buildings in Electric Profession

  4. 上海医院建筑用能状况分析与节能诊断

    Analysis on energy consumption status and diagnosis of energy efficiency of hospital buildings in Shanghai

  5. 供热空调系统节能诊断

    Diagnosis for Energy-saving of Heating Air-conditioning Systems

  6. 提出了波形特征值法、拟合参数法和效率指标法三种基本的节能诊断分析方法,并给出了具体的诊断案例。

    Basic diagnosis methods , including wave specification method , parameter fitting method and efficiency indicator method were defined and case studies were given .

  7. 为解决山西电网大型机组运行经济性差的技术问题,开发应用了大型汽轮机组节能诊断技术。

    In order to solve the technological problem with bad economy for the large-size turbine unit in Shanxi power grid , develop and apply diagnostic technology in energy-conservation of the large-size turbine .

  8. 最终实现了在基础模型对地下水源热泵系统运行时的节能诊断功能,为系统高效节能运行提供有效监控方法。

    Finally the basic model of the groundwater source heat pump system and energy-saving run-time diagnostic system was accomplished . The paper has provided an effective monitoring method for energy efficient operation .

  9. 通过实例计算,验证了这两种方法的计算精度远优于目前工程上常用的曲线法,为机组的终参数节能诊断提供了新途径。

    According to example , the new methods are found more accurate than the present look up curve method , so new methods are provided for the energy saving diagnostics of the end parameter .

  10. 摘要本文以北京市某单位电气节能诊断的实际工程为例,分析了普通政府机构办公建筑中较常见的电气节能方面的问题,并根据工程实测结果设计了具体可行的电气节能整改方案。

    Abstract Taking the project of a government apparatus building in Beijing as an example , the paper analyses some general problems about electric energy conservation in office buildings , and puts forward a feasible energy conservation plan according to the result of survey .

  11. 重点对南宁某校新校区进行了初步节能诊断,测试了空调系统水泵运行、路灯照明系统状况,分析了节能潜力,提出了节能改造实施步骤,分析了节能改造的经济及社会效益。

    Diagnosed for energy efficiency to one school campus , tested the HVAC and the status of street lamp system , analyzed the potential of energy saving , present the processes of energy saving alteration , expound the economic and social benefit of energy saving .

  12. 火电机组节能潜力诊断方法研究及应用

    A study on approach to energy conservation and application for a coal-fired unit

  13. 火电机组节能潜力诊断理论与应用

    Theory of Energy Conservation Potential Diagnosis for a Coal fired Unit and its Application

  14. 通过机组的节能降耗诊断方法,以机组设计参数或试验参数为基准值,深入分析机组实际运行的能耗水平。

    Based on the energy saving diagnostic method , using the unit design parameters or testing parameters as benchmark value , it conducted the in-depth analysis about the energy consumption level of unit actual operation .

  15. 本文作为基于人工智能理论的火力发电机组节能潜力诊断课题中的一部分,针对影响电站锅炉运行经济性损失的重要因素&锅炉漏风,进行了初步的研究。

    As a part of the project of energy-saving potential diagnosis based on artificial intelligence in thermal power station , this paper elementarily studied the important factor which affects boiler 's operation economy-loss-boiler 's air leak .

  16. 试论节能减排的节能诊断和耗能合理化管理

    Energy Economizing Diagnosis and Energy Consumption Rationalizing Management

  17. 应用计算机控制技术,设计、安装实施了中央空调节能运行与故障自诊断系统,经过近两年的实际运行,设备运行情况良好,完全达到预期的节能目的与自诊断效果。

    It introduces the designing , assembling and running of the computer-based energy-saving system and fault diagnosis system of central air-conditioning . After two years of operation , all the equipment is in good condition , and also reaches the expected goal of saving energy and self-diagnosing .