
  1. 组织开展水资源循环经济规划研究;

    Developing management research of water right and circular economic planning ;

  2. 服务业循环经济规划的设计方法研究

    Research on Programming 's Method of Service Industry in Circular-economy

  3. 我国越来越多的城市进行循环经济规划,然而目前我国城市循环经济规划还非常缺乏有效的定量化分析工具。

    Nowadays more and more cities are making urban circular economy planning in China while the effective quantitative analytical tool is not available for their study .

  4. 本文试着构建一套基于生态效率的城市循环经济规划的分析工具,并以上海为例进行初步地应用验证。

    Therefore , this paper con - structs a quantitative analytical tool based on eco - efficiency for urban circular economy planning . Then it takes Shanghai as an example to demonstrate its validity .

  5. 白银地区以氯碱为基础发展循环经济的规划

    Planning on Baiyin region developing the circulatory economy based on chlor-alkali industry

  6. 中小城市发展循环经济的规划探索

    On Programming of Developing Cyclical Economy for Small-and Medium-sized Cities

  7. 苏州市循环经济发展规划的研究

    Study on Suzhou City Develop Planning of Circular Economy

  8. 荥阳市循环经济发展规划构想与对策

    Configuration and Countermeasure of Development of Circulatory Economy in Xingyang City of Henan Province

  9. 洱源县农村循环经济建设规划

    Rural Circulating Economy Construction Planning in Eryuan County

  10. 循环经济建设规划的首要任务是对系统进行物质流分析。

    Materials flow analysis ( MFA ) is the chief assignment in the course of the construction of circular economy .

  11. 在此基础上,明确了石油企业发展循环经济战略规划的指导思想和基本原则,制定了战略的总体目标和分阶段目标。

    On this basis , the guidelines and basic principles of strategic planning are cleared . And it formulates the overall and phase objectives of strategy .

  12. 从循环经济发展规划结构和指标体系入手,引入研究实例,对吉林省未来五年发展循环经济进行了全面规划。

    Furthermore , the plan for circular economic development and indicator system was presented . Then , through a case study , an overall planning for circular economic development was made in next five years in Jilin Province .

  13. 政府应制定农业循环经济发展规划,建立技术创新体系,建设示范工程,为发展农业循环经济创造良好的制度环境。

    The government should formulate plan for the development of agricultural recycling economy , carry forward the establishment of technological innovation system and construct demonstration project to create a sound institutional environment for the development of agricultural recycling economy .

  14. 南京市循环经济体系建设规划研究

    Construction on the program of circular economy system in Nanjing City

  15. 以发展循环经济为核心规划建设生态市

    Regarding circle economy as the core plan to develop eco - city

  16. 生态工业园区规划研究&以天津子牙循环经济产业区规划为例

    Eco-industrial park planning study : a case study of Tianjin Ziya recycling economic Park

  17. 在规划环评中将循环经济指标作为规划环境影响评价的评判标准,被认为是判别规划是否符合可持续发展的较为有效的方法。

    In the planning EIA , taking the theory of circular economy as a standard has considered to determine whether the planning consistent with sustainable development .

  18. 基于物流优化的循环经济工业园区路网规划研究

    Circular Economy Industrial Park Road Network Planning Based on Logistics Optimization

  19. 循环经济型生态城市规划框架研究&以贵阳市为例

    Planning of eco-city according to circular economy principle & a case study of Guiyang City

  20. 基于物质流分析的天津子牙循环经济产业区产业规划与设计

    Planning and Design of Industry for Tianjin Ziya Circular Eco-industry Park Based on Material Flow Analysis

  21. 目前全球有超过60个工业循环经济园区项目正在规划和建设之中,大多数项目在发达国家,尤其集中在美国、加拿大和日本。

    At present there are more than 60 global eco-industrial park project is in the planning and building , most of the projects in the developed countries , particularly concentrated in the United States , Canada and Japan .

  22. 建设海峡西岸经济区必须引入这一新的理念,按照循环经济理念设计、规划和实施,只有这样,才能实现经济的跨越式、可持续发展。

    To construct economic zone at western bank of Taiwan Straits have to induct this new idea ; according to the idea of cycle economy to design , project and execute could realize jumping and sustaining development of the economy .

  23. 《循环经济促进法》中应创设发展循环经济的规划制度、绿色GDP制度、循环经济的科技支撑和示范制度、抑制废物形成制度、产品回收利用制度等十大法律制度。

    The Act will be deemed as the basic law in the legal system of circular economy and ten rules concerning planning , green GDP , technological support and paradigm , etc. , should be laid down in the Act .

  24. 完善循环经济促进法相关配套法规。组织编制循环经济发展规划。

    Improvements will be made to regulations for implementing the Law on Promoting the Circular Economy , and a plan for developing the circular economy will be formulated .

  25. 以科学发展观为指导思想,遵循循环经济理念,提出了经济发达区域发展循环经济的规划框架和发展循环经济的支撑保障体系。

    Following the view of scientific development and following circular economy and eco-industry , the paper presents the circular economy plan and the support system for developing circular economy in developed eastern areas .

  26. 目前发展循环经济已经成为国际社会的趋势,在我国也得到的大力提倡,因此我国越来越多的地方进行循环经济规划。

    As developing circular economy has been a popular trend in international communities and it is advocated widely in our country , the number of the regions of making circular economy planning is growing rapidly in China .