
  • 网络Garbage time;trash time;rubbish time
  1. 斯潘和卢卡斯痛恨活塞,他们毁掉了他们的垃圾时间。

    Span and Lucas hate Detroid , which ruined their garbage time .

  2. 对阵小牛进入垃圾时间后,阿帅把他从板凳上激活,随即他打出了下半场唯一的快攻。

    Brooks produced the Rockets'lone fast-break basket of the second half after being summoned from the bench during garbage time .

  3. 利用好课上的垃圾时间。

    Reclaim wasted time during your classes .

  4. 我们有几个机会能扩大优势,这本应让比赛提前进入垃圾时间。

    We had a number of chances to go further ahead and that would have put the game to bed .

  5. 火箭错失了之前的四记三分,在垃圾时间打破纪录之后成功收获了赛季最佳的五连胜。

    The Rockets had missed their previous four 3-point attempts as Houston hunted a record in garbage time of its season-best fifth consecutive win .

  6. 禅师说亚当莫里森三角进攻的学习上有很大长进,所以如果星期二晚上湖人对阵山猫的比赛中,莫里森能够在非垃圾时间出场大家不要觉得惊讶。

    Phil Jackson said Adam Morrison has made strides in learning the offense , so it wouldn 't be shocking to see Morrison get a non-garbage-time opportunity Tuesday night here against his old team .

  7. 具体措施包括:增加清洁工与卫生稽查员,延长收垃圾时间段,敦促餐馆和大楼在出入口提供更多烟灰缸。

    The measures include increasing the number of sanitation workers and health inspectors , expanding the hours for garbage pickup , and urging restaurants and buildings to provide more ashtrays at entrances and exit points .

  8. 社会保洁队伍与专业保洁队伍的衔接,避免出现保洁和垃圾收集时间的不同步;

    Community cleaning and professional cleaning service contingent of convergence to avoid cleaning and garbage collection timing of synchronization ;

  9. 如果内存使用减少,那么系统容量或性能就能够得到提升,从而允许增加会话或减少垃圾收集时间。

    If memory usage can be reduced , then the system 's capacity or performance can be improved , allowing more sessions or less time spent garbage collecting .

  10. 该地方议会表示,希望通过减少街道上收集垃圾的时间来改善街道卫生和整体的街道环境。

    The council says it hopes the move will improve the cleanliness and overall street environment by reducing the amount of time waste is left on the street for collection .

  11. 该团队还说,塑料垃圾存留时间长,数量也不断增多,逐渐形成了一种新的栖息地塑料礁,成为了许多海洋生物的安生之所。

    ' The persistence and increasing quantity of plastic debris has created new habitats essentially ' plastic reefs ' that sea creatures have made their homes ' , the team say .

  12. 该地方议会表示,希望通过减少街道上收集垃圾的时间来“改善街道卫生和整体的街道环境”。

    The council says it hopes the move will " improve the cleanliness and overall street environment " by reducing the amount of time waste is left on the street for collection .

  13. 优化性能的一个明显方法是选择能够最小化垃圾收集停顿时间带来的消极影响的GC策略。

    One obvious way to optimize application performance is to choose a GC policy that minimizes any negative impact of garbage collection pauses .

  14. 垃圾收集停顿时间是任何线程遇到的最显著的延迟。

    The garbage collection pause times are the most significant delays any threads encounter .

  15. 像玻璃、铁和塑料这样的垃圾要好长时间才会烂掉。

    Rubbish such as glass , iron and plastic rots away over a long period of time .

  16. 我们面对的问题是:基准测试中是否需要将内存维护或者垃圾回收的时间包括进来?

    The question is : should a benchmark measurements include the time needed for maintenance or garbage collection ?

  17. 有一些人会认为,翻查垃圾是浪费时间,但他不这么想。

    Some would argue that going through the trash was a waste of hours That wasn 't his view .

  18. 另外还需要考虑各收集任务的垃圾收集间隔时间和平均暂停时间。

    Two additional metrics to key in on are the garbage collection intervals and the average pause times for each collection .

  19. 在本例中,我只对获取锁的开销感兴趣,也就是说,我必须确保测试中不能包含垃圾回收的时间。

    In this instance I 'm only interested in lock acquisition costs which means I need to make sure that my measurements exclude garbage collection timings .

  20. 这在较长垃圾收集间隔时间与较短暂停时间之间达到了平衡,从而减少了垃圾收集所花费的时间。

    This provides a good balance of higher garbage collection intervals and lower pause times , which results in a small amount of time spent in garbage collection .

  21. 如果系统中存在正在排队等候的任务,那么系统的响应时间可能会受到排队时间的控制,而不是垃圾收集停顿时间。

    In any system where work is queuing up , the response time of the system is likely to be dominated by the queueing time , rather than any garbage collection pauses .

  22. WebSphereRealTime中具有确定性的垃圾收集器将暂停时间保持在一毫秒以下,使NHRT抢占更具有确定性。

    The deterministic garbage collector in WebSphere Real Time keeps pause times under one millisecond , making the NHRT preemption more deterministic .

  23. 更具体地说,如果Java堆过小,垃圾回收器运行时间不会太长,但其运行会比合理的情况下更为频繁。

    More specifically , if the Java heap is too small , the garbage collector will not take long to run , but will run more often than it should .

  24. 如果发现垃圾收集的运行时间太长,可以考虑让JVM使用另一种垃圾收集算法(具体细节取决于JVM的版本和厂商)。

    If you find the length of the garbage collection runs are too long , you can tune your JVM to use a different garbage collection algorithm ( the details depend on the version and vendor of your JVM ) .

  25. 收集一条城市主干道上的生活垃圾大概需要多长时间?

    How long will it take to collect domestic garbage along a main street ?

  26. 该知情人士称,每次收集垃圾后,没有时间和物力去清洗每辆车。

    The source said there was not the time or resources to wash every trailer after each collection of general waste .

  27. 最后,指出垃圾收集花费的时间,也即应用程序中止的时间量。

    Finally , it indicates how much time the garbage collection took & also the amount of time your application was halted .

  28. 四所联邦政府机构通过对支援项目指导方针的研究,提出限制垃圾食品广告播放时间的构想,但迫于国会压力,不得不半途而废。

    Four federal agencies studied voluntary guidelines to limit junk-food advertisements to children . Under pressure from Congress , the agencies dropped the effort .

  29. 大部分的内存分配在新生区中进行,相对于垃圾收集的间隔时间来说,它经过了优化并且生命周期很短。

    The majority of allocations will be done in the young generation , which is optimized to have a short lifetime relative to the interval between collections .

  30. 在较小的堆中,当必须频繁收集垃圾时,停顿时间对应用程序响应时间的影响比在较大堆中不频繁收集时的影响更大。

    In smaller heaps , when garbage must be collected very frequently , the pause times have more of an effect on application response times than they do in very large heaps , with infrequent collections .